Wednesday, November 21, 2018

St. Augustine Half Marathon

(Insert standard disclaimer about how long it's been since my last post. Didn't want to go all of 2018 without one). I was looking at my running log that dates back to 2005 (!) and came to the ol' blog to see why there were serious dips in my mileage at certain times over the years. The reminiscing...

Monday, November 20, 2017

Mattoni Olomouc Half Marathon

I last posted in January, solid. A few things have happened since... Ran the Green Valley 10-miler in February and only a minute slower than my PR, which is a miracle considering the weight I've put on in 7 years. Didn't run Tobacco Road Marathon in March - had another case of vertigo. Ah memories...

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Tobacco Road Prep - Month 1

With fresh memories of the Route 66 Marathon and all it's pit-stops still in my head, I took the plunge and registered for the Tobacco Road Marathon (Raleigh, NC) on March 19th. I'll be running with my friend who ran Ann Arbor with me, and now wants to try for a BQ. I figure, why not. I've been wanting...