Monday, October 8, 2012

sucking wind

i ran a 5k on saturday night. my sister ran/walked the race too (6 months prego!) and won the 0-under age division. it was a "benchmark" race for me, since i've taken so much time off and only been running easy (10 min miles) these past few months. i was also curious to see what influence...

Monday, October 1, 2012

september 2012

miles run: 69.45. because 4.5 miles in august + 10% rule = 69 miles, right? my back is better but i'm still having that glute pain. i roll it/sit on a lacrosse ball occasionally. it only hurts when i lift my leg certain ways (like to get into the car, or during hanging leg raises) and has more of a sharp, nerve type pain (i think?). so basically i don't know what to do. other workouts: bootcamp/crossfit...