Thursday, July 8, 2010

rings and 'roids

don't listen to what "they" say. a wedding can totally be thrown together in 2-3 months. a master procrastinator myself, i put it off the entire time i was in kentucky. it was easy to say "oh i'll do that when i'm home, it will be easier". it's not any easier being in town, but everything came together just fine. although, i suppose this wouldn't work if you actually cared about most of the typical wedding details.... snooze.

this week's procrastination proof: i just ordered josh's wedding ring. apparently he thought i was kidding two weeks ago when he asked had i bought it yet and i said no. so hopefully it'll get here on time/in one piece and he won't just be sporting a piece of tinfoil.

running:  i've been having a slack week, but i'm trying to turn it around here in the second half. slack as in... i've taken three days off already, and it's thursday. it's not total laziness (some health junk), but i could/should suck it up better. i went to the doc again tuesday, and got (another) 'script for prednisone. it's been recommended to me before a few times, but i've always opted out. it won't fix anything, it can screw up your adrenal glands, your appetite is increased (yay weight gain) and it only *might* help for the short duration you are taking it. the other recommendation was a shot of (i forget what) that is sometimes used for rheumatoid arthritis to try and suppress the immune system. you know, 'cause shutting the immune system down is definitely good for you, right?

anyway, i'm still trying to decide if i'll give the 'roid pills a try this time or not.

thursday (7/8) am run: 5.75 miles, 54:25 (avg pace 9:27), 73* (81% humidity)
pathetically, my first run of the week. i'm guessing my time/pace, because garmin was acting up as usual.

eta: no, i don't have rheumatoid arthritis.


  1. how far is the ring travelling? I know someone who ordered theirs from australia, about 2-3 weeks before their wedding, and they did make it in time. So I'm crossing my fingers for ya. When did Josh orders yours?

  2. I'm thinking positive thoughts that the ring will arrive in time AND that your health issues will be resolved.

  3. I love reading your wedding plans. Keep us posted. And I am very happy because it is cool cool here in Colorado!

  4. A tin foil ring sounds so practical...which I definitely am! You could save so many $$$ too and use them on the M & M cake! Those can get pricey, especially if you have any of those special-colored ones or your initials inscribed on them. Don't laugh, I've seen those as favors.
    Don't let them fool you, prednisone will make you feel like Superwoman Runner(but only for a week or so), so make sure you plan to take it around race time!'s not worth it in the long run :) !

  5. A tinfoil ring! Funny because my husband wears the $7 ring we bought at a summer festival instead of his wedding ring, which needs to be resized.

  6. My hubby's ring arrived the day we left for Tahoe. Made for a tense time, but it arrived and we are married. I am pretty sure, however, that it would have still been legal with or without the ring. :)

    I sooooooo can't wait for the pictures and wedding report!

    About the prednisone, I hate the shit, but it is a necessary evil sometimes. I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and I hope you are feeling 100% soon no matter what you decide about the 'roids. *smooches*

  7. I ordered both of our wedding rings about a week and a half before our wedding. To the point where I had to make a special note saying I needed to make sure they were delivered by a certain date and also had to call. Obviously, they were very plain white gold rings, but I understand!! Hope your health issues get sorted out soon!

  8. Lindsey, I sure hope you get to feeling better.

  9. My hubby lost his I got him another...then he found the first I think foil would be good!
    Sorry about the whole RA/pred thing.

  10. I actually think you are doing the wedding the way it should be done. Most of the details really don't matter and you won't remember them later on anyway. It's the marriage that matters. :-)

  11. Not sure the details of your health predicament but if a doc tells you that the prescription MIGHT help, you may enjoy getting a second opinion and possibly a more concrete answer.

    Careful with those wedding rings upon arrival. I've found they have a tendency to hide.

  12. A friend of mine recently put her whole wedding together in 2 months. IT was great!

  13. Yikes! About the health issues thatis. Hope things get squared away soon. About the ring - don;t sweat it. He loves you. As a guy I can tell you that once you have us wrapped around your finger, you can get away with murder.
