Monday, October 1, 2012

september 2012

miles run: 69.45. because 4.5 miles in august + 10% rule = 69 miles, right?

my back is better but i'm still having that glute pain. i roll it/sit on a lacrosse ball occasionally. it only hurts when i lift my leg certain ways (like to get into the car, or during hanging leg raises) and has more of a sharp, nerve type pain (i think?). so basically i don't know what to do.

other workouts: bootcamp/crossfit (18x); yoga (once)

days off: 2 (holy crap! did i really do this?)

netflix obsession(s): gossip girl (new episodes). why yes i have the tv taste of a 14 year old.

artistic/creative outlet/new thing i tried: 'competiting' in crossfit. not sure if you can call my remedial level competing though.

new food i tried: organic m&m's? (does that count?)

book(s) read: uh, more training for work as we prepare for an audit? hooray.

number of blog visitors: 1,164 (international m&m day must have driven up traffic)

number of doctor visits: just chiro visits :)

number of postcards received: sadly 0, but i've gotten a lot this year so far and am grateful for each one!

favorite wod (workout of the day): 20 wallball, 400m run - 6 rounds for time

though many of my runs are short (3-ish miles) or part of crossfit wod's, i got in a few great runs this month. on my birthday / international m&m day i squeezed a 4.4 mile run in between eating m&m's and bootcamp. that was the closest i've come to puking in awhile. i've also been getting in a "long" run of 5-8 miles on the weekend.


  1. That new math is confusing to me, the 10% rule and all.

  2. Wow, I'm impressed! My September sucked.........

  3. Sounds like your math is much like mine...
    I have it in my mind that Crossfit will alleviate my chronic PIA. I am sad to hear yours still lingers on.

  4. WOAH GIRL that just made me all excited that you've been doing all this running. To hell with the 10% rule haha.

  5. Way to go that you were able to do all that running, I knew you'd be able to come back. Sure it's not a marathon or a half but you will get back soon. Also glad you only had chiro appointments and no doctor visits :).

  6. You are doing great. Only 2 days off for the months? Super! Sorry about the back, these things take time, unfortunately. Organic M&Ms? Wow! I am watching a ton of "revenge", so yes, we share the 14 y old taste, lol. So, you did not get that postcard I sent? Hmmm, must be lost in the mail:)

  7. That sounds like math that must be taught in the American school systems... from all the terror reports I hear on the news about education!

    Did you like the "organic m&m's"?

  8. Look at that run total!!! You are back girl!!!! Woo hoo!!!!

  9. The 10% rule is just a recommendation. Awesome job!

  10. Gossip Girl didn't do it for me but I was obsessed for awhile with OC which is definitely not geared toward my demographic.

  11. Nice math skills! Great to see you back and moving, though. I hope your glute heals quickly. You could actually have some nerve damage, it's possible. It might just need to calm down a little and heal up.

  12. Your favoUrite absentee blog commenter is back again!

    Serious workouts last month. Nice work! Totally earned all m&m related indulgence!

  13. Gossip Girl indeed! I'm a huge fan of that show, and yes I too have the TV tastes of a 14 year old female (Gossip Girl, Jersey Shore, Glee, American Idol lol)

  14. Sounds like a great month. I like the sound of that mileage (10% be damned)

  15. Ha I still watch GG. It is not the greatest anymore but I have a hard time letting go. XOXO

  16. Yeah, I didn't follow the 10% rule last month either! :) Glad to see you're running again!

  17. I'm using your math for my next pay increase. Nice to see you at it again!

  18. # of postcards is zero? I can help remedy that. Does only a postcard count or does a card count too? Send me your address...cheinle at cox dot net. I'll create something and send it to you.
