Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Vegas & Turkey

October 2013
A very belated (and abbreviated) month recap.

Run Stats:
- 19 days
- 57.80 miles
- 9:09 average pace
- 0 races
- Longest run: 7.5 miles
- Cut 44 seconds off my two-mile time from September (now 13:52)

CrossFit Notables:
- CF Total: 400 lbs (sum of back squat, strict press, deadlift - 3 attempts per lift)
- Clean & Jerk 1RM: 120#
- Grace: 5:49 (30 clean & jerks for time, 95#)

Can't say I remember any other worthy details from October, but I have been doing some fun running things so far in November!

Earlier in the month I flew out to Vegas to run my second Ragnar. This time with a new group of strangers including Chris, Jill and Lisa. I had a blast with my teammates ("My Little Ponies") and many other teams seemed to want our van tags (magnets) with our sweet logo - a fierce pony with a Ragnar tramp stamp (designed by Alissa). In true form I did not exactly train as well as I should have, my longest training run was 7.5 miles knowing that I was going to have 17+ miles total. Overall I ran well, averaging an 8:17 pace and passing a bunch of people along the way (chicked lots of dudes in my final 7+ mile leg). It was a great weekend and the views were gorgeous all weekend long!

Handoff before my 3rd leg (the first two were in the dark).

My view of Lake Mead for 7+ miles

The Ponies

I ran another 5k (turkey trot) this past weekend. I last ran this race in 2006 and this year it was at a new location although I'd run the course before. I was the first female finisher (11th overall), cut another 1:34 off my 5k time from September, and brought home a turkey.

Floating in to the finish.

My 10 pound prize!

After much hemming and hawing (and FB messaging Jason & MaUrlene), I put on my big girl pants and signed up for a half marathon. Who'd have thought I'd be so nervous! I survived 17 Ragnar miles, hopefully my fitness will only continue to improve between now and the race (in January). Ginny is coming up for it and I think Katie is thinking about coming down the mountain for it. Should be fun times!

Sidenote: Follow me on Instagram (@chasingkenyans) for mini-updates and to see more pics from Vegas and such!


  1. great jog speedy! good luck at your half!

  2. uh, that should say "job" not "jog" lol

  3. YAY! Does this mean more blogging from you? I loved your Pony outfits on IG. That floating photo is sweet! Happy US TG

  4. Great running, well done! That is an awesome pic with feet off the ground!

  5. Look at you, speedy! Well done!

    I've always wanted to do a Ragnar, but have never had the chance. I'm jealous!

  6. Great job on winning the 5K and winning the turkey, what a cool prize... especially with Thanksgiving, that's one less thing to buy. I'm not sure what ours gives out as prizes (the Charleston one... probably money), but a turkey is a great thing for a smaller Turkey Trot to give. I love the pic of you running it too.

    Your 2 mile is super speedy... congrats on it and on all your CrossFit accomplishments. Which half are you running?

  7. Nice job all around! Good solid strength stuff!
    I'm totally getting the "itch" for another 1/2 mary.....just can't get myself to tell the hubs yet! I sure would love to see Lambeau Field again!

  8. Well done! And look at you....you're airborne!

  9. Nice job on the 5K and the turkey! And what a great pic! I don't think I've ever had a race pic where my feet were off the ground, or where I didn't look like I was basically walking...maybe some day! Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Speedy! And a turkey - that's the best prize ever! Congratulations!

  11. Wow... I've always dreamed of winning a turkey! ;-)

    Ragnar was so much fun. I'm so glad I got to meet you in person for that!

  12. I've won a turkey but randomly and not this year. Way to go on the speed and winning the race!

  13. Sounds like your relay and running is/was going well! Congrats on the 1st place in the 5K! And sounds like your half marathon will go well!

  14. Geez! What amazing accomplishments! It's great to see you bounce back so well from injury. 120lb clean and jerk?! Maybe in my wildest dreams... Keep it up!

  15. Congrats on winning your race and bringing home the Turkey!! Nice :)
