Friday, May 2, 2014

The Kitchen Sink

Wow. I think I'm in the lead for the 2014 Worst Blogger award. Three months with no update? Solid. It's been a busy few months of working out (not as many running miles as I would have liked though) and we also bought new house (come visit k?).

Here are the highlights of Q1:

  • Total miles - 5.70 ...yep (it was cold/I'm a wimpy runner now)
  • Overhead Squat 3 rep max - 85#
It was a lazy month in general. Not much achieving going on.

  • Total miles - 10.0 ...yep (still cold/"cold")
  • Did a "Jus by Julie" 3-day cleanse and survived
  • CrossFit Open (it's what leads to the "Games" that you might have heard about/seen on TV; this is the first round of qualifying) - I finished in 1,912th place out of 11,261 (in the SouthEast region). Woo! Top 60 (I think) move on to Regionals, in case you want some perspective as to how "good" I am, haha.
  • Deadlift PR - 185# (15# gain)

  • Total miles - 52.4 (10% rule?)
  • 2 - 10k's (Cooper River Bridge Run 48:31, Charlotte RaceFest 46:23). Not PR's but happy with them considering the lack of running thus far (see above).
  • Attended local running club track workout for the first time - PR'd 400m at 1:21
  • Snatch PR - 95# (10# gain)
  • Back Squat PR - 145# (10# gain)
  • Push Press PR - 125# (5# gain)
  • "Grace" PR - 3:28 (30 clean & jerk for time, 95#)
  • "Fight Gone Bad" PR - 296
  • "Annie" PR - 7:44 (50-40-30-20-10 reps of double unders and situps)

Sister's first half-marathon. Ran about 8 miles with her.


  1. It's about time lady! Glad all is good. That door is really pretty! I'd like to come visit.

  2. You are super speedy! I run so much and your 400 is amazing and your 10K time is too- they beat my PRs... maybe I need to take up CrossFit and run less or something!

    Congrats on buying a home, and I love your door :). Don't worry about being a bad blogger, it happens sometimes and you had other exciting things going on anyway!

  3. Welcome back! Now let's see if we can get you posting with frequency!

    Also, you are still freaking fast, girlie! You blow my 10k times out of the water. Good for you :)

    Oh, and is that a picture of your actual door? Because I LOVE it!

  4. Is the woman in the blue shirt carrying a child during a race? What?!?!?!

    Well, speedy, and muscle woman - you're off to a great start for the year, even if your mileage sucks, you still have that sick speed (not that I'm jealous or anything!!!).

    Come visit Colorado, k?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have two posts up for 2014. Maybe I'll post something soon so you won't always beat me at everything! :)

  5. Wow, your races times are amazing, especially with the low mileage!

    Congratulations on the new house!

  6. I think we were competing for fewest posts ;-) Congratulations on the house. If that's the real thing (I wouldn't blame you for posting a fake!) nice door. I have a soft spot for red doors!

  7. Hello -
    I'm impressed !
    I'm always amazed a people who can run very little, and maybe not run a PR, but and still run well.

    My Q1 fitness is similar, minus the CrossFit - lol

  8. Congrats on the new digs! Low mileage aside (over-rated anyway), it all looks quite badass to me.

  9. Now that Jameson does Crossfit I am interested in it when you mention it. Although I still don't understand it very well.

  10. Yay for a post...! :) I also love that door! Well done in those races, you clearly don't need mega miles.

  11. welcome back! And congratulations on the new house. Post some photos soon!

  12. Pie- I think I have you beat in that category. But I am working on it :)
