Thursday, October 9, 2008

stress relief

long, busy day at work today so tonight's easy-paced 7(+) felt good and helped work out some stress. i had to cancel on my regularly scheduled 800s to get a little rest in for saturday's 5k.

my foot did pretty good, it flared up with a little pain around 6.5 miles but went away shortly after. i'm still taking precautions and babying it after runs - sure don't need any serious injuries (or injuries period).

[mile - split, avg pace]

mile 1 - 8:13, 137
mile 2 - 8:19, 153
mile 3 - 8:31, 156
mile 4 - 8:26, 155
mile 5 - 9:02, 158
mile 6 - 8:28, 159
mile 7 - 8:45, 159

not sure what happened in mile 5. oh well.

i feel like i'm doing a much better job of keeping my hr more consistent, mostly targeting for anywhere in the 150s on these easy days. i'm happy to see my splits come down already. i know when i first started hr training my splits were around 9:20 in the 150-160 hr zone, and i'd read that after awhile you'd become faster while still maintaining the same hr. looks like progress to me and i'm happy with it.

pm run: 7.3 miles, 1:02:33 (avg pace 8:34), avg/max hr (155/174)


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