Sunday, September 26, 2010

let's run

josh saw me creating my giveaway winner video the other day and had to one-up me. it's pretty good if i do say so myself.

after mulling over a sunny, warm friday afternoon run - he got up and logged his miles. i think it was the first belly-search that convinced him.

a call for help:
fellow runner keith has been having some hamstring troubles which recently seems to have crept up into his back as well. he's looking for some insight on what he should do - feel free to share your $0.02 with him - whether a medical professional, formerly injured soul, or simply a wise runner.


  1. hahahah awesome video :)

  2. I had this problem, although it didn't go into my back. No hard running (easy, light runs - Stop if it hurts), stretch after running (but don't stretch to the point it hurts), and lots of ice. It took a few weeks to work it out, and then I hit the weights to strengthen the area. Muscle imbalance can cause this, or running too hard when the conditioning (training) not done. My 2 cents!

  3. cute video. but you get credit for doing it first for the giveaway. josh is a copycat. :p

  4. I have a feeling these videos will be popping up everywhere soon! No matter what though- I saw it here first :)

  5. I first saw that type of video here, too! I was all impressed with your recording/video skillz... until I saw the little youtube search video thing at the end. Pshhhaaaa! Hahaha, these are a lot of fun. When I start seeing 1000's of then popping up on facebook in the coming months, I will still think that you started the trend.

  6. ok, the belly one almost made me get up and go run, even though I have completed my mileage for the week. Funny!

  7. There's a good chance it's going into his back because he has changed his form to compensate and that's irritating the back...

    I don't want to make compression in to a post modern snake oil, but my hamstring, quads, and calf muscles thank me for wearing it a lot.

    Plus stretch, ice, and reasonable use.

  8. Funny video! I went back to check out your video too. Pretty clever! I would love to run NYC some day. This year, thought, it's Richmond for me in November. Have a great week!

  9. that's awesome. I love it! Hope you've had a great weekend!

  10. You and your hubby are so darn clever! I love these! Did you run too?

  11. This made me laugh! It is everything you think of while deciding to run or not to run. :)

  12. Yikes, the belly part was SCARY!! The rest was super cute. Just visited Keith's blog, I hope he gets better quickly!

  13. Great video! Thanks for making me smile:)

  14. Those bellies were gross man. I was eating some left over funnel cake from Hershey Park too. lol. Oh yeah. Getting ready for my long run tomorrow getting in nutritional foods. Very nice video Lindsay! I tell ya! see you have a sugio link on your site?

  15. Those videos (and the soundtrack) are so fun.
    We could probably do without the belly images though. Gross

  16. That video was GREAT! Have enjoyed reading your blog!

  17. he's a copycat, but that was pretty good..thanks for sharing..
