Wednesday, September 28, 2011

neon cats

you may have noticed the lack of running talk around here (again). after taking august off, i had two good weeks of cardio rebuilding (it's rough!) and then had a little relapse. i've taken another week and a half off but i'm thinking i'll be able to get back out for a few miles this week.

surprisingly, i'm ok with this huge cutback in running. i'm dedicated to getting better and figuring out my health issues, and hopefully working my way back into my old running-self in 2012. i'm seeing a new doctor (thanks to some motivation from cclark) and she said "it'll take me a minute but we're going to get to the bottom of this!" the new doc put me on a limited diet, and it's been 12 days since i've had an m&m, or any form of sugar for that matter. i figure it won't hurt to give my body extra rest as we (hopefully) straighten everything out, but still hope i can do something in the interim. perhaps something other than pinterest all day long?

in other breaking news, jenn posted first-day-of-school pics the other day, which made me think of one of my finest fashion moments - 5th grade:

first day 5th grade
just look at those socks!

i distinctly remember this outfit with it's splatter paint effect because i froze all day in school.

perhaps i should start a fashion blog...

what first-day outfit do you remember?

there's still time to enter the uprint giveaway until 11:59pm tonight!


  1. That is too cute - love the green socks / sandal combo.

  2. Hilarious! My cousin recently sent me some shots from when we were kids and lord almighty what were we wearing?!?!

    I'm so glad you found a doctor you vibe with and I hope and pray things start looking up (and less itchy) over there!!!!

  3. aw you is adorable! i had a splatter outfit too. and red converse. high top natch.

  4. yeah, those socks are wild.. and i laughed, until i saw the date on that picture.. August 1994.. oh, you make me feel sooo old.

  5. I totally had a splatter outfit. I have 5. And I had a cool hat.

  6. OMG! Too funny! I had a dress that looked just like the red one from the movie "Annie". Mix that with sleeping in and not brushing my hair...and on a picture day, we have proof good enough to blackmail me with!

  7. I love that pic! And I am so happy you've got a doctor with a plan....though I feel sorry for no M&Ms

  8. 2 hours commenting after your post went up - woohoooooooo!!! Do I win a prize for that???

    You are definitely the fashion diva, stating a blog on fashion tips would be awesome, I could really use some speckled painted socks in my routine!

    But that picture is really, really cute! :) I remember this blue pants outfit my mom made me in 2nd grade. If I can find a scanner, maybe I'll post it. My hair looks as stringy now as it did then!!

  9. You look so darn cute! I remember my first day of kindergarten outfit (is it b/c I've seen the pic a million times or b/c I actually remember it?) Anyhow, plaid jumper, long kneesocks, nervous look!

  10. Hope the new doc works out and you do get to the bottom of your problems.
    Love the first day photo. When I was really young (K-2nd grade ish) I always wore a dress my grandmother made for me on my first day of school. She was a pretty good seamstress so they weren't horrible for then but they probably look a little ridiculous now.

  11. Its not the socks, its the socks + sandals that wins you the award! haha!

  12. Now I really feel old. In 1994 I had already finished grad school....

  13. Haha that is so cute. 1994, I was still in diapers.

  14. No wonder you ran in your youth, it was so you wouldn't get beat up! Too cute....

  15. Since when is this not a fashion blog?

  16. I seem to recall a white shirt that had the front of a purple vest attached to it... so a shirt & vest combo in one piece of clothing! But if I'm looking at August 1994, to compare with you... I'm pretty sure I had on a pair of off-white Girbaud jeans, a sleeveless mock-turtleneck and Doc Marten sandals. :-)

  17. Earliest form of compression socks from Zensah is all.....

  18. Great picture. I have no memory of first day outfits. Plus I am still wearing them but I am jaded they are no longer new outfits!

  19. Too cool that your mom or whomever did this, saved this picture! I have journals for my kids where I do that. So fun. Tell me about this pininterest...I keep hearing about it but not really getting it. Sounds addicting?? like blogging? Do you feel different without sugar in your body?

  20. oh, and i need your address again if you already sent it. :)

  21. OH LORDDDDD. I really did just laugh out loud. But no offense. It was in a good, full-hearted way.

    Love the cat stencils and neon green socks (obvi).

  22. I dont remember any first day outfit.

    Hope the health issues are easy to sort!

  23. Beautiful picture and cool Lindsay. I'd like to have a picture too like you but... I don't have :( You look so pretty and happy!

    About daily running days, I hope soon your day training.

    By the way, you can speak about all things but I like too. Great blog!

    Take your heart care!

    See you!

  24. I'm not sure, but I think your be-dazzled sweater from the marathon was way cuter!
    I only remember missing my first few days of kindergarten because I had scarlet fever-sucked big time. And now since having the "fever", my heart valve sucks-so it's plagued me all these years after!
    Glad to hear you got a new/better doc. Be pro-active in your care-always question everything-trust me, they don't know it all and aren't always right!

  25. Okay, do you remember when everyone used to get all dressed up in "nice" clothes for the first day of school in 1st, 2nd, maybe 3rd grade? Well apparently I was the only one who got the memo that it was no longer "cool" in 4th grade. I showed up in some puffy dress with flowers and ribbons while everyone else was wearing light wash jeans and NKOTB t shirts.

  26. Love the very cute first day picture! And bravo for you for taking care of your health first. So, so important. (I ran most of 2010 injured and will never, ever do that again!)

  27. Sounds like a good call, sometimes you need to take one step back to take two forward!

  28. You should def start a fashion blog. Absolutely!

  29. Oh.. this inspires me to do more exercises. Getting lazier and lazier as the days goes by. Thanks anyway.
