Friday, November 11, 2011

m&m's: missing in action

many of you have left comments regarding m&m's and their status in my life.

m&m's given to me the week of my bday (september)

(for those of you who don't know, and i'm not sure how you could have missed the boat, i have had? a slight addiction to m&m's. they even have their own category here on the blog.)

so where has all the m&m talk gone?

back in sept, i started seeing a nutritional response doctor for the various skin/health issues going on, and she didn't waste anytime cleaning up my diet. for two weeks, i did not eat wheat/gluten, corn, eggs, sugar, or american cheese. after two weeks, i was allowed to slowly start working things back in my diet except for eggs and sugar (i can have agave and honey though).

yes, you read that correctly. i haven't had sugar since 9/14/11 (58 days!)

so no, i did not hoard the halloween candy. it's worked out though, keeping me from blimping up while i'm not running, and i haven't had bad cravings (surprisingly). at my initial visit, doc said typically people go 3 months without sugar to let their body cleanse itself (or something like that). i immediately calculated this out to just before christmas, and she laughed when i said it was manageable because i would still get to have christmas cookies. now i am actually thinking/hoping to stay sugar-free. unsweetened applesauce is now delicious and i have to water down juice because it tastes so sweet!

josh found this gluten-free, sugar-free, egg-free cookie recipe and he's made them for me a few times. they're good, obviously not as satisfying as a real chocolate chip cookie, but i still have no problem plowing down the whole batch in a couple days. by myself.

3 medium ripe bananas, mashed
1/3 cup butter, melted
2 cup uncooked quick-cooking gluten-free oats (not quaker)
1/4 cup skim milk
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup walnuts
1/2 cup carob chips
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

note: carob chips look just as delicious as chocolate chips, but have no flavor.


  1. wow! impressive, don't know that I could do a ban on sugar. Although, I suppose it would really be good to know if I felt better after getting away from my addiction to it!

  2. 58 days with no sugar - HOLY WOW. That's discipline for you!

    How are you feeling without the gluten, sugar, etc? I'm a total wimp when it comes to the prep work required to do all that.

  3. you are a machine just kicking those M&Ms to the curb and thank you for the recipe. I am forwarding to Karen as she wanted to bake this weekend, and now she can.

  4. WOW, that is impressive! I was allergic to chocolate as a kid. My mom tried to help me out by giving me carob. Yes, not the same AT ALL.

  5. Do you bake that stuff then? Or do you just mash it all together and eat like cookie dough? Obviously, I don't cook/bake!!

    I hope you're feeling better ... thanks for the email the other day with all the diet details. You will persevere this, you will!

  6. I'm so proud of you girl and I hope all of this has been worthwhile and that your skin is done freaking out on you!!! We actually need to have a huge catch up chat because I am now in the can't have chocolate camp due to some weird thing my doctor recently found wrong with me. (Will it ever end?)

  7. 58 days with out sugar. wow. I know I could not do that. Sugar is a major important factor in my life. lol. Best wishes with the Christmas cookies.

  8. WOW...congrats. I have cleaned up my diet a lot and luckily never had too much of a sweet tooth so that hasn't been an issue.
    How have you felt overall with the major diet changes?

  9. Great job Lindsay, I can imagine how hard that was for you during the first few weeks. Hello withdrawal! Being someone with a bit of a chocolate and peanut butter addiction, I understand. I hope you are feeling better and the diet change will help. And I completely agree about how your taste changes as you eliminate sugar.

  10. that is super amazing restraint on your part lady. i'm impressed! and once you cut out sugar you don't crave it as much. true story.

    my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like....

  11. That is very impressive... 58 days no sugar!!! You go girl!

  12. So what did you do to get thrown in jail???????? Even Lindsay Lohen can have sugar!

  13. No flavor to carob chips. Boo! You are an inspiration to have no sweets for so long!

  14. 58 days!!!! WOW! I've kicked sugar a few times and YES, everything does seem OVERLY sweet.

    Hope you get a positive response from this and some answers.... No reason to give up M and M's if you don't have to....

  15. We tend to do what makes us feel better, if removing sugar and other things does that for you...then it's all good!
    Congratulation and keep up the work!

  16. Wow. I would love to give up sugar but without a good (medical) reason too I doubt I could. Carob is the fake chocolate in dog treats. Lol

  17. Wow--that's really impressive. But I get how you don't crave it anymore. And has it helped the initial problems you went in for?

  18. I've been everything but sugar free. I would die.
    Awesome determination and strength.

  19. so impressive! I gave up sweet tea years ago, and can no longer drink it. If I try, it takes like drinking syrup. Can't say the same for my Dove Dark Chocolate Promise addiction.... (I try steps)

    Salt is the same way. I try to rarely pick up the shaker, and many things taste too salty now.

    Please keep us posted on the results of your experiments.

  20. Hi friend, thanks for the congrats!

    I will get my revenge on this marathon thing one day, you just wait :)

  21. Well Lindsay, I like your way... no sugar, NO M&M's, take a time free. You can win them, sure!

    You are a example for me girl!

    Greetings from Spain again!

  22. I always wondered if carob chips were for decorative purposes only!

    I don't know if we can be friends anymore....

  23. KIDDING of course. Good for you - this is some serious discipline. I never believe people when they say 'no cravings' and that they are truly learning to live without sugar. Maybe MAYBE I believe it coming from you. Sort of.

  24. My great-grandfather was diabetic, and my mom always tells a story about asking him, as a child, how he could live without cake and cookies and other sugar-filled goodies. He responded totally matter-of-factly that they're not safe for him, so he simply doesn't eat them. Boom. Done. Good for you for being just as committed to managing your own medical conditions!

  25. I followed the link - the cookies look good. Yay for you for sticking to what the doctor ordered!

  26. I have never heard of those chips before! I want to try them!

    Everytime I even try to "cut down" on sugar...I make an EPIC fail. I cant imagine sugar free! WOW.


  27. Wow. Wow. Wow. Your sugar ban is awesome. I'm beyond impressed.

  28. If you've made it 58 days, then you're pretty safe from relapsing. Congrats on having the mental fortitude to stick to the plan!

  29. Impressive work on cutting out sugar! Honestly I think I could do a decent job of that, but I don't think I could cut it out completely.

    I appreciate the comment about Stanford, it was painful to watch them get trounced. I used your line about Return of the Quack as my post title, haha I hope that was okay =) I'm still hoping Stanford can go to a BCS bowl, looking like maybe Fiesta or Sugar might be a possibility. Hopefully Stanford and Clemson can square off, that would be fun! Clemson can still go to a BCS bowl too I think.

  30. I would straight up die without chocolate. I'm glad you are getting better :)

  31. I've always been tempted by the Carob chips. I'm now glad I've never purchased them!

  32. You are my hero. Holy cow. I really need to jump on that bandwagon...I am totally going to try that cookie recipe. Thanks!

  33. (I'm a million years behind on reading blogs so forgive my lateness)

    WOW on the sugar, I would so love to do this, but can't seem to find the oomph to do it. Kudos to you!
