Monday, December 19, 2011

cost of running 2011

money is usually a taboo subject, but i've seen others tally up their cost of running for the year and thought it was interesting.

i've never considered the lump sum of race entries and travel expenses, but at least this will be a "light" year since i haven't even been running for the last 5 months. [wow, 5 months? geeeeze lindsay. didn't realize i'd been out of commission that long. time flies.]

ragnar florida keys (race entry): $90
ragnar florida keys (travel/food/lodging): $500 (estimated $200 plane ticket, $30/day for meals)
donut run: free
green valley 8k (dnf): $25
come see me 5k: $20
swamp rabbit 5k: $6
green bay marathon (race entry): $75
green bay marathon (travel/food/lodging): $500 ($250 plane ticket, estimated $30/day for meals)
sunrise 8k: $27.50

total cost of running: $1,243.50

i suppose that's probably a lot for the few number of races i did, but it sure doesn't seem like an expensive habit as you're signing up from race to race. i'd much rather spend money on an experience like these than have more clutter in my house that i have to tidy up and dust, and if finances were tight i'd certainly think twice before traveling to races further away.

edited to add: i am purposely not including the cost of running shoes because i didn't buy any this year. i did buy some new running attire but not much - a few pairs of shorts and 2 shirts (that i recall). that might be another $100 or so. i'm low-maintenance, i still run in cotton sometimes.

how did your running habit affect your wallet in 2011?


  1. I didn't do any flying/traveling for races, so my costs are way cheaper. I did do a number of races in different places, but they were all races that I signed up for because I knew I was going to be in different places (and Rehoboth was different b/c we have a house there and I went with my parents, so no travel expenses with that):

    $25 shamrock 4k
    $35 monument ave 10k
    $30 8k in florida
    $30 5k in Santa Fe
    $140 Richmond marathon and training team
    $30 CCV 5k
    $120 Rehoboth Marathon

    So, nothing terrible, but where it really does get me is all the shoes, clothes, accessories that add up VERY quickly. Not going to even try to keep track of that.

  2. So sorry it has been that long for you. I know how it feels.

    Yeah, it's expensive for a sport that essentially shouldn't cost much more than a pair of shoes! For me it wasn't too bad in 2011 due to injury, but look out 2012!

  3. I think you're being very conservative.. I have a "running" category on where I track my finances and it's plenty higher than that! Don't forget things like shoes, apparel, nutrition...

  4. That's really interesting, but I am honestly too scared to tally my sports related expenses up.

    BTW: I love those arm warmers!!

  5. I've really paid attention to the cost of running races this year, mostly because we've got two kids now and a limited budget for most things, both in terms of time and money. I spent less on entry fees this year, than in any other year since I've kept track. I'm about 20% of my usual for the year at $210. Two of those were $65 local races. I didn't stay in any hotels and my farthest drive was less than two hours. Contrast that to last year when I spent $830 on entry fees but that included a long trip to Leadville for the 100 mile and another 100 miler in Ohio. Both of those had significant associated costs. 2012 looks to be even leaner than 2011. I want to put a dent in my mortgage in 2012...

  6. Let's see...
    Couples 5k - $30
    10k in MD - $25
    5 miler trail race - $20 + $50 copay for sprained finger (after falling)
    Half Marathon in MD - $45
    15k in MD - $18 but my mom paid for it...
    MCM - $90
    Hot Chocolate 15k - $69
    Total = $329 plus cost of shoes and nutrition

  7. I do not want to tally up the money I've spent in races this year because I didn't get to run any of them. :(

  8. don't even want to know! with the cost of tri's AND running events i bet i could have adopted a small African village.

  9. It is pretty amazing once you sit down and tally it all up. It really doesn't seem all that expensive until you see it in black & white. I'm with you though... better that than a bunch of trinkets to dust :)

  10. Interesting post!
    Well, in the middle of the year i get injury but I have to pay for a physiotherapist to get my injury out, expensive!
    How I was unable to run I buy a road bike and the list continue with triathlon, races, bike gear...amaizing :-S
    I enjoy a lot doing sports, so I think is better to dont take numbers (for my mental health) :-)

  11. Sheesh, I hear ya! Can't put a number on something that makes you so happy though AND something that keeps us so healthy!!! those two together...happiness and health are a good combo worth spending money on right? If you have it and within reason. But once my hubby got into it this summer (before his injuries from jumping in headfirst) we dropped so much freaking money. Especially on Brooks shoes so this Brooks ID thing is going to really help!!

  12. And you'll be back at it...running and dropping cash on it like its hot! :) xo

  13. Yes, running is expensive, but try training for a triathlon. And yes, the Brooks ID program is going to help a lot this year.

    Hope you'll be having a better 2012...more money toward running which will mean more running:)

  14. $85 for family of four at our local race. All my shoes and apparel were media samples. I actually signed up for a race in 2012 - $44, but I get a viking helmet so totally worth it.

  15. I was actually thinking about this the other day. I justified it with... staying fit is going to keep me healthier = less doctor bills. :)

  16. Most all my races are local, or either less than an hour away, so travel expenses were minimal (even tho a few gallons of gas is sometimes more than a race entry fee). I did like 10 or so races this year, though my company paid for one and one was a free race. I also purchased one pair of shoes but they were an older model so on sale, and my other shoes were a gift (yeah, I ask for running shoes as a gift each year).

    Oh and one race I won $25 so that basically canceled out the entry fee, haha. But, it's not a cheap sport, you are right about that. I still love it and wouldn't trade my running experiences and the friends I made for anything though. I'd rather spend money on that than stuff that will clutter my house too!

    Amy Lauren

  17. I think my biggest shock is how much the total comes to as well. Here and there, didn't seem like much, add it all up and wow! And, like you I think I'm on the conservative side. I dropped money on shoes this year but not other kinds of clothing/gear.

  18. So far this is working out for me, but I haven't traveled far to race or anything yet. I have a "running" acct set up so what ever miles I run, I put like .50 per mile into that acct every week. In other words, If I don't run, I don't get to buy shoes or attire, or race, etc.. No running equals no money, and no money equals no more running stuff, including gels, etc. Usually I end up with more money in the "running" acct. terms of what I have spent for the year, I think of it differently. Not by what I have lost but gained in savings and stuff by running. Cheers.

  19. I stay local for the most part so I don't have the travel costs but I'm a little nervous to add up all my race fees....then my hubby may see what it all adds up to! However, the price of sanity is priceless! You'll be back soon...hang in there!

  20. I love this idea and I'm planning to do it on my blog this week or next week!

  21. I'm afraid to calculate!!! 20 races and most over $50. Yikes! Not to mention all the other costs...

  22. i haven't added mine up, but yeah i saw 'higher miles' post this. pretty interesting. i definitely cut back this year thanks to dave ramsey, and i honestly found i didn't miss running all the extra races. however next year there are already two out of town races, and yeah it adds up, fast.

  23. I'm almost certain my Boston 2010 costs were double what your costs were this entire year. :/

    I would be so afraid to tally up my expenses. At least this year was mild compared to others - like yourself - but that $110 price tag entry fee to run the Denver RnR half almost sent me over the edge, I really had a hard time biting the cost of that!

    Hoping 2012 will get better use out of your credit card! :)

  24. For training/racing I don't pinch pennies and will cut elsewhere. This is our lifestyle and I can't put a price tag on the feeling I get from training and racing or seeing Karen train and race.

    BTW - you said you didn't race for 5 months and my first thought was:

    I'm so happy that she continues to blog. A lot of people would have tossed that out the window when they weren't running. Thank you for staying on the interwebs.

  25. I'm sticking to small local races since they're usually cheaper & I don't get as stressed about logistics.

    Given that, I know I've spent more & more each year as I do more triathlons. This Crossfit crap is expensive too.

  26. Hey, Merry Christmas! I'm very negligent on blog comments since I use google reader most of the time. I would fear to tally the cost of my running this year considering that I did three destination marathons (Boston, Portland, Tucson), another trip to Portland for the Shamrock Run, and a handful of other races where I spent the night in a hotel at least one night. (Although I will confess, when I travel with my parents they pick up some of the tab. Win. :) I probably spent $1000 in clothes (mostly unnecessary) and I think I bought a new pair of shoes every time Asics introduced a new color or update to the Kayano. And the race fees--$30-$150 x about 30. BUT I don't have any other expensive hobbies right now, and I don't smoke or drink (expensive habits), so it's all good, right?

  27. Hey, Merry Christmas! I'm very negligent on blog comments since I use google reader most of the time. I would fear to tally the cost of my running this year considering that I did three destination marathons (Boston, Portland, Tucson), another trip to Portland for the Shamrock Run, and a handful of other races where I spent the night in a hotel at least one night. (Although I will confess, when I travel with my parents they pick up some of the tab. Win. :) I probably spent $1000 in clothes (mostly unnecessary) and I think I bought a new pair of shoes every time Asics introduced a new color or update to the Kayano. And the race fees--$30-$150 x about 30. BUT I don't have any other expensive hobbies right now, and I don't smoke or drink (expensive habits), so it's all good, right?

  28. I dont know the total
    running is the only thing I do for myself..I dont spend money on anything else that would be considered "luxury"
    I dont travel for races. The only one that costed a bit more was Disney Half...the registrations was $125 I think. It is a local race for me but the registration was high!

  29. There is no way in hell I am adding up the numbers this year. New tri bike... IMWI.... Yeah it would not be good at all. I suppose it could be worse and it could go to drugs or gambling.

  30. Doesn't sound like that much to me... Of course just my runcation to China was more than that... I keep meaning to add mine up, but... well, maybe I'll just start keeping track on January 1 :D

  31. I never really thought about it.. But Im a pretty "new" runner so Ive had to buy a lot of the basics BUT Id say I got off pretty cheap.. Running shoes being my biggest expense. My Garmin was gifted to me.

  32. I think for this year, I'd have to add up all the medical bills due to the "feet" that's a scary total....:)

  33. You know, I totally don't add this stuff up because I don't want to know. I spend a lot, I know that. NYC was CRAZY expensive. After a while, you just sort of let it all go.

  34. I like the cost/benefit of the donut run....
