Sunday, August 31, 2008

two recovery runs

ran twice today, but nothing hardcore. did 4.25mi around 9am at the track, mostly to loosen up the legs from yesterday's 12 and to calibrate my nike+ because it's been telling me my runs are longer than they are. it was a slow, recovery 4+ at about a 9:00pace, but that was good for my lower calves that have been hurting lately for the first couple miles of my runs.

then went up to milliken to meet with the dorman xc team again. i knew they were doing shorter than we have been, which is why i got in a little extra in the morning. we ran the upcoming "eye opener" race course and some extra for about 5.8mi. again, more slow miles but legs were still a little heavy. calves didn't hurt though so i dig it.

overall i was pretty content with the weekend mileage, though slower than i would've preferred, but solid 12 / 10 mi days.

total mileage for august: 145.77
not too bad for my first 4 weeks back in action (/training)


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