Tuesday, March 1, 2011

national m&m day

it's the most wonderful time of the year. that's right, it's national m&m day again!

thanks to marlene, i'm hereby declaring it world m&m day, taking it beyond the us border and welcoming all m&m lovers to join the celebration.

i think he's gonna eat gary

ps: another successful early am run today. it was short because i hit snooze a few too many times, but i'm perfectly content with just getting out for a few sleep-running miles at this point.


  1. This next Sunday, the 6th of March in Barcelona we celebrate the marathon... I would like you knew this and in a next year you could run.. We will be 15000 runners.. The first marathon in Spain..!!
    See you...!!

  2. Wow, next Friday is National Give Ken a BEvERage Day!

  3. oh my, i need a national sour skittles day. i deem it so. please hand draw yourself celebrating m&m day...

  4. May just have to get in on this celebration!

  5. Hmmmmm, I looked high and low at the card shop to get you a "National M&M Day card, but was unsuccessful! Are you SURE this is a real day! LOL...

    Enjoy! I'm eating the M&M almond ones today because with that almond being inside it's definitely healthier!! LOL....

  6. I shall eat M&ms in plenty in honor of today!

  7. I think thats a holiday I could really go all-out in celebrating. Fun!

  8. The. Best. Holiday. EVER! I love m&ms. I will join in your celebration for sure.

  9. Hope you enjoy your Canadian m&m's!

  10. national m&m day?! i can support that.

    i can also support hitting snooze a couple of times. because i did that too. oops. i'm glad to know that i now have a partner in crime with that :)

  11. M&M day snuck up on me - I'm hitting the store on the way home.

  12. Hmmmmm.... I thought today was national pancake day... Oh well.. Whatever floats your boat.

  13. Everyday is M&M day! I'm not a morning runner, but I always feel better after getting those first few miles behind me.

  14. Hurray!!! Now I have reason to eat a big ole bag of M&M's!!!!

  15. I would not be surprised if it were National M&M day as everyday seems to be another national day for something.

    How about National Cupcake Marathon day? Stop hitting snooze, register and get you some cupcakes.

  16. I need to go to Target to buy dishwasher soap... maybe I need M&M's too...

  17. Haha love it! I am SO having some M&M's later today now!

  18. It's also national pancake day so make sure you add M&Ms to your pancakes!!

    YAY for good running days.

  19. Best national holiday ever. Or it it an international holiday?

  20. HAHAHAHA - That was an awesome commercial.

    I'm going to go have a handful of M&Ms to celebrate.

    Early run again tomorrow?

  21. Really-National M&M day. Dang-I'm in my gopher pants at the computer and nothing is open but the gas station. I just feel like this is worthy of a celebration! Scrap the peanut and bring on the peanut butter though!

  22. Off to celebrate!!

  23. Perfect for you!!! We use M&Ms when Em uses the potty! We have a big jar on the back of the potty....its hard not to steal a snack!

  24. I still dislike M&M's.

    I still like you.

    I still promise that before the next Grammy's, you will have your gift!

  25. aww man I missed it. Can we make it national mms week?

  26. Lol m&m day- if you DID make it up, its genius!

  27. Um, wow March really RULES YUM! :)

  28. It is almost a shame your birthday isn't on this date. Although this way it is an extra holiday to look forward to :)

  29. I bought a bag of the speckled Easter M&M's. Can you say amazing! Oh my goodness and Ken is right, I would be huge if I did not run!

  30. Thankfully, I read this before the end of the day and we were able to celebrate international M&M day here in China.
