Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Chasing the Geriatrics

Probably the only time my rib cage will be so prominent.
If I remember correctly that's the L5 vertebrae. Fan-freaking-tastic. Time for some complete rest; no more upper body either. Good bye man-shoulders and the ability to do pullups! I will have to start all over on those. But, if it means being able to run in the future (near-future preferred) it's a sacrifice I am willing to make. I'm told this is capable of healing itself (with rest) and that all the upper body work probably kept it from getting better sooner. In addition to resting, I'm spending a few minutes a day on an inversion table - talk about nauseating.

The 'funny' thing is the medical doctor who took this x-ray said it looked fine and diagnosed me with piriformis.... and you wonder why I was reluctant to go do a doctor 4+ months ago!


  1. It's been a looooong time coming. I hope this is it, then you can heal and get back to doing what you love! I can't even imagine how frustrating all this must have been on you. When I try to imagine, I start having anxiety attacks, because I could see it happening to me. Rest up buttercup!

  2. Well, at least it is an answer for pain that was really stumping you. I hope some good old fashioned rest and inversion will do the trick. Sorry!

  3. That is funny...not. Enjoy the rest, maybe you can take up aqua jogging.

  4. Oh man! That looks painful. Hope the rest helps and you can get back to your old self.

  5. Wow. I hope this is finally the answer.

  6. It's that damn frownny face on the x-rays. Rest is good......

  7. I'm bummed for you but at least you have an answer after a long time!! Take this rest time and you'll be back before you know it!

  8. So sorry about this :(. I'm glad you know what it is now, at least, so hopefully you can get it taken care of. Did you go to a chiro?

  9. I truly, truly hope this is the answer!!! Fingers, toes, eyes crossed!!!

  10. If it helps, I have been having a very similar problem. My doctors and the MRI people made it sound like i'd never run again, but my Chiropractor seemed much more optimistic. With his help I'm running and Crossfitting like a champ! I still have to be careful (e.g., deadlifts and road running), but I am pretty much pain free. You'll get there! Good luck!

  11. Well, ouch. No wonder you have pain!

    Can a chiropractor help?

  12. Enjoy your rest time Lindsay! and sorry about this problem, but I know that you will run soon!!

  13. Wow... That looks painful! Hopefully it will heal quickly since you're resting now... even though that sucks! Hang in there!! It's better to let it heal completely!! Hugs!

  14. Hope this is it and you are back at it sooner than later.

  15. Oh my lovely Lindsay... At last a pic naked ;-) Well, I hope you're Ok.

    Beautiful bones friend!

  16. Ughhhh :o(
    Feel better soon and remember resting will lead to running!!!

  17. oh geez! and wowza. i hope it heals up soon!!

  18. Sorry to hear, but glad you found this before it became worse. Rest my friend, and you will be back doing what you love soon.

  19. Boo, but glad you have an answer. Hope you are resting! Get better soon and get back to chasing those Kenyans!

  20. Oh Jeez, can't you just get healthy for crying out loud?? Ugh. So sorry. Truly, you know I was there for so long. Suckville. Hope you heal quickly....and um, I lost your phone number, for the umpteenth time. :(
