Monday, September 23, 2013

Summer Rewind

Man, time flies. Two+ months since my last post? Slack!

Thankfully, I've been busy - both at work and at sweating. Hooray for being able to workout! Things have gone well since testing the waters in July and though I'm still not 100% (you should see my down dog), I'm glad to be moving again.

I've run a few races this summer and it's about time I posted the race recaps. No stellar performances but considering I had to take of 6 months this year and I'm having to start back at square one, they haven't been too shabby either. I haven't been good at sticking to my schedule and am only running 3-miles or less at a 10:00-ish/mile pace  not quite putting forth an effort to increase my mileage). I'm also only logging 9-miles a week ...or less. My motivation has returned and I'm ready to get back in the training groove and (hopefully) get better at running again.

Prediction 5k (trail) - No watches allowed. Ran with my sister; she predicted a 33:37 for us and we finished in 34:xx (got held up trying to cross slippery planks of wood over pluffy mud). I believe the winner was within seconds of their predicted time.

Entrance to the trails

Michelin 5k (for the work team/Corporate Shield series) - A couple years ago this was a "return to running" 5k for me when I had to take some time off for health reasons (non-injury). Being a mere one-month into attempting (slackingly) to get back in shape I didn't know what to expect. I chased down a co-worker and finished in 25:25 (8:09/mile).

Post-race sunset at BMW performance track

BMW 2-miler (again for the work team) - I last ran this race in 2008 (!!) and I was in much better shape back then. Two minutes slower this year at 14:36 BUT all my training runs have been at ~10:00/mile pace so I'll take it. I should also note that I dropped a 45# weight on my big toe in the morning and it took all day to quit throbbing. I was nervous about running on it or it being broken but it seems to be ok. I may lose the nail, but I am a runner, it wouldn't be the first.

My first stopping-the-watch finish photo

Troad 5k (trail) - This race was the morning after the BMW run. I had a free entry because work sponsored the race and offered the complimentary entries to the running team. I almost missed this race by sleeping through two alarms and shot up at 8:08am (the race was at 8:30). I threw on my clothes, ran my toothbrush over my teeth, and put my contacts in during the drive. The trail was very runnable (save for a few long climbs for these tired, unconditioned legs) and I finished in 28:48 (9:27/mile), good enough for 6th place female and 1st in my age group! Took home a beautiful toad trophy.

Start of the Troad (uphill) before heading into the woods

Troad finish. Note backwards banner?

CrossFit is still going too (don't worry my true love is still running). Over the summer I set some PRs on the power clean (125#), push press (120#), snatch (85#), and benchmark workout "Fran"* (8:22).

Back in February I sat for my Level 1 CrossFit certification and recently started teaching Kids class on Saturdays - so adorable! These kids get to do fun things like burpees, pushups, play dodgeball, and of course, run. They love to run! Also, they climb the 15' ropes faster than I can.

September also brought around my birthday and friends from the gym got me a big bag of M&M's, lottery ticket, and some gift cards. Unfortunately I was not the lucky lotto winner from SC you may have heard about (boo) and believe it or not it took me 5 days to eat the bag of M&M's! Must be this old age...

*For those who are curious, Fran is 21-15-9 reps of thrusters (front squat to overhead press) and pullups.


  1. You are fast no matter what my friend! My son is big into Cross Fit these days. Loves it.

  2. Congratulations on all the race reports-feels "right" to be able to read them on your blog again! put the words "fun" and "burpees" in the same sentence....I have to disagree! Burpees are NOT fun-maybe it's just this foot thing I have!!
    Congratulations on getting certified! And now teaching our next generation to stay fit, priceless!!!
    I'm not a big fan of Crossfit, but doing 21-15-9 of anything is great fun!!!

    Welcome back runner! Stay steady, consistent, and persevere!

    1. The kids haven't yet caught on to the fact that burpees aren't that fun... Shh! They did a 10# KB farmer carry a couple weeks ago. May throw in some TGUs for you soon. :)

  3. Yay for running!!!! I'll not comment on crossfit... ;)

    Congrats on that sweet toad. I want one.

    1. It's a hearty toad. The base is bigger than my hand!

  4. Hooray on running and also working with the kiddos on CrossFit. I am not a huge CrossFit fan but I think it depends on the box itself and how things are run there. Some are better than others. Glad you got certified though and also did a few races, you are still pretty fast but I knew you would be if you're doing CrossFit since you're working out and some of those include running anyway.

  5. Whoa. I was just randomly reading some blogs on my phone at lunch and typed in yours for the first time in... I won't tell you how long. Well lookie here, there is a new post from TODAY. We are sole sisters, I tell you!

    So I logged in on my work computer even though I might get fired for it (OK not really - I hope) since my phone won't let me comment (l-a-m-e).

    Anyhoo ... so so awesome to see you getting back at it and OFF the bench (hopefully for good). And those are seriously respectable race times, especially considering you started from nothing and haven't been running faster that 10 minute miles. See, your speed is still in there! You and I will be chasing down times from our past in no time and maybe one day we'll even follow through on that 5K/10K challenge.

    You rock!!

  6. Congrats on the cross-fit stuff too even if I don't know what you're talking about. Strong like bull!

  7. Isn't working with the kids the best? I love seeing their faces when they finish.

    You have been busy as all heck girly! So happy to seeing you logging miles yet still playing it safe. I haven't attempted a race yet, hopefully next month but we'll see.

    1. It is until they beat me! Haha. (Just kidding, I don't mind when they beat me) They are crazy good at everything - pullups, rope climbs. Uhh, I couldn't do that when I was 8!

  8. Your times sound pretty awesome to me...especially when you've been off all this time, but I'd be happy with them now! :)

    Glad you're back!

  9. So glad to hear your up and running (and racing) again! I'd love a 25:xx about now. Who knew there was kid' Crossfit? Not I.

  10. Glad to have you back. Sounds like you've been busy

  11. Well that's quite the summer recap. I'm glad you are back in the game...and to me..speedy as ever. You can take months off and feel "out of shape" and still beat my times by a huge margin.

    Congrats on the AG win and toad trophy that's pretty sweet!

  12. Holy crap! You are such an inspiration. Glad you're back to blogging so I can bathe in your awesomeness...

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