Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ending the streak

...but vowing to stay on track. no excuses.

after 13 days and 80.74 miles, i'm taking tomorrow off. (mostly because i'll be on the road for 7 hours.) my legs couldn't be more excited. my left leg (shin-ish region) is still a little achey, but i ran a short, easy run today to round out my 'back on the wagon' streak.

wednesday (4/8) pm run: 4.1 miles, 36:11 (8:49 avg pace), avg hr (156)

this is just random, i can't stop watching it.


  1. So, youve run 13 consecutive days? way to go. I'm on Day No. 7, but think I will take Friday off.

  2. Tomorrow is one well-deserved day off. Put those feet up and enjoy the little break!

  3. Nice on 13 days running. I think I am on day 10 or 11 and I am still going strong!

  4. great job on the streak, especially considering the weather you've had to adjust to! Enjoy the rest day :D

  5. You're def ready for a break. Travel safe!

  6. Glad you're getting a break. I on the other hand haven't run since sunday since my knee's said no. I'm hoping I can start again today.

  7. A day off is always needed. I have no doubt you are back on track.

  8. You deserve a day off! Great jobs on the milage! :)

  9. Travel safe and enjoy your rest day, you earned it for sure with that mileage.

  10. OMG, I love that guy.

    Enjoy your day off - you (and your legs) deserve it!

  11. That was awesome... how did that guy do that stuff? Whoa!

    Enjoy your day... Your legs will rejoice!

  12. That dude's just ridicurous.

    Great job Linds - 'twas only a couple of weeks ago you felt like a lazy sloth (is that redundant?). Now lookitcha...amazing what 13 days will do for ya. I need me some of that running mojo.

    Great work kiddo - keep at it!

  13. way to go on your streak!
    that guy's awesome--was that so you think you can dance? love that show.
    have a safe trip!

  14. it is definitely time for a well deserved break :) enjoy it!

    I <3 so you think you can dance and totally remember that guy!

  15. I hope you enjoyed your day off (although traveling 7 hours kind of sucks, so not much of a day off.)

    I hope BFE is getting better!

  16. HA, I'm the opposite! I haven't run in 14 days!! Glad to see you took a well deserved day or 2 off.
