Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bahston: Fah from a P-ah

Boston Boston Boston. On one hand I like running races because it's an automatic topic to blog about later. On the other hand... sometimes these things get built up and I get intimidated. Now that it's been almost two weeks, I would like to cop out and tell you to check out Jenn's awesome...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

marathon(s) week

week in review (4/19-4/25): total miles: 52.81 (avg temp 63* f) time spent running: ~ 8 hours 14 minutes avg hr: 171 avg run pace: 9:21/mile off days: 5!!! haha. if only i could run like this all the time - 2-days/week for 50+ miles. after boston on monday, i did not run (or do any sort of exercise...

Monday, April 26, 2010

bahston: wicked fun weekend

the long weekend in boston was great overall (minus miles 9-26). josh and i flew in late friday night and hung out with my blog bff terri (middle of the pack girl) and her husband for the first couple of days. it was great to have our own local tour guide, especially when you (currently) live in podunk,...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

oops, i did it again

a few months ago i ran the nyc marathon and followed it up with a 4-mile trail race. i then complained a lot about how hard it was, how i thought i was going to die, and how one should never do such a ridiculous thing. i have never once denied that i am hard-headed. monday: boston marathon wednesday:...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

head case

i finally had an mri on my head wednesday, as if i needed proof to support the fact that i'm mental :) should get the results back soon... in the meantime i'm entertaining myself with the 900 pics they gave me on a cd. check out my freaky eyeballs my brain is making an angry face in this one i wish...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

boston briefs

i'm still alive and walking! thanks again for all the good lucks and well wishes. i wish i could say i felt the support mid-race, but in reality i was hurting something awful (well, nothing was "hurting", more just feeling completely crappy). anyway i survived with a glamorous time of 4:14*. not as...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

the pressure is on

good lord you guys! talk about having some faith... i am definitely feeling pressured to push it tomorrow! ;-) i appreciate all the votes of confidence but i hope you won't be let down if i am a "little" shy on some of those guesses. i've been feeling fine for the most part, but have had a few "moments" of grossness (minor dizzy spells). today while spectating the b.a.a 5k, all the runners looked...

Friday, April 16, 2010

place your bets!

i'm off to boston to hang out with friends and run a few miles (hopefully). let's play guess my time! winner may or may not receive a prize as it seems to take me about a month to finally put something in the mail (just ask aron or diana). but it'll be fun even if i don't ever get around to mailing something right? a brief summary of my marathoning history, to assist you in making educated estimations: myrtle...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

reverse taper

most people training for boston (or one of the other marathons going on in the next week or two) are deep in their tapers right now, but me not-so-much. i figure what's the point when the previous 8 weeks or so have been a taper? :o) slightly ironic that what should be my first week of taper was my highest mile week of the year thus far. yes, i am *that* genius, experienced marathoner. (7 counts as...

Friday, April 9, 2010

psa: fresh air fund

the winter doldrums are rolling out, and a new, rejuvenating spring has arrived. pretty soon the kids will be out of school and enjoying the bright, sunny outdoors. consider opening your home to a child from new york city for a couple weeks the summer so they can experience life outside the city....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"dust out" and help wanted!

you'd think weather would have an effect on the construction industry, but somehow i never got a day off/early out for the 19,000 times it snowed, the days it was 10 degrees below 0, or any of the monsoons. today though, 85*, windy and dusty - we got an early out! like i'm gonna complain about leaving work early :) if it hadn't been so hot and muggy i would've taken advantage of the extra hour for...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

march 2010

march 2009 total mileage: 141.66 time spent running: 20:29:56 days off: 8 (2 scheduled, 6 lazy days) abs/yoga: 9 ab workouts/0 yoga sessions avg resting hr: unknown, somehow didn't measure it once all month avg max hr: 184.50 pushups: 365 march 2010 total mileage: 121.20 time spent running: 18:31:44 days off: 8 (4 scheduled, 2 lazy, 2 vertigo) abs/yoga: 7 ab workouts/1 yoga session avg resting hr:...