Wednesday, April 21, 2010

boston briefs

i'm still alive and walking! thanks again for all the good lucks and well wishes. i wish i could say i felt the support mid-race, but in reality i was hurting something awful (well, nothing was "hurting", more just feeling completely crappy).

anyway i survived with a glamorous time of 4:14*. not as good as i thought i could do, but i guess this vertigo-stuff/whatever has affected me more than i thought. i've been undertrained for a few marathons before and still ran right around 4-hrs so i thought i could do the same in boston. wrong. i guess the difference is from whatever health-junk has been going on, which i was hoping would not be the case.

{*this makes glenn, "the running fat guy" the winner with his guess of 4:04:28!}

while my time was slower than i expected, there were a few victories to be had:
  1. minimal chafage! both the post race ice bath and hot shower were pain free.
  2. i can use the bathroom!! i can lower myself onto the seat and lift myself back up with grace, instead of crashing down onto it and groping the walls to get back up.
apparently everyone at work was tracking me online - thankfully most of them don't know that some people can run these things 2-hrs faster than i did. one guy did ask what the winner's time was and thought it meant 2mins, 5secs. :)

my welcome-back-to-work sign wednesday morning by the guard shack.
slightly embarrassing, but sweet of them.
guess they had to give the carpenters some work to do tuesday.

(more later)


  1. Nice job...I know how rough a marathon can get. I ran a 4:15 this fall after training for a 3:20. My husband was so concerned he was checking all the medical vans for "the sick/dieing runners." Hope your vertigo continues to get better.

  2. Congrats! Your co-workers are very thoughtful even in their nativity. I tried following you, but for some reason none of my text message updates came through :(

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes crashing onto the toilet and has to use anything available to pull myself back up :)

  3. Good job! Seriously, that is an amazing time! To do that and not train as you wanted to plus the vertigo? You are amazing!

    Pretty nice co-workers too!

  4. any marathon you finish should be celebrated...congrats on completing another should be very proud...

  5. It was so great to meet you! I think you did great! WTG!
    I'm still crashing down on the potty groping the walls.;)

  6. Congratulations! You finished the freakin Boston marathon. That's huge and amazing. Enjoy it!!!

  7. Great Job! I was stalking your blog waiting for an update! I hope you had a great time!

  8. Hey, we both started posts with the same three words on the same day! Congrats on finishing given all that you've been through the past few months. Did I miss the official word from the ENT?

  9. Big congrats on finishing! I can only dream of doing one some day! I was so close with my guess of 4:03:14! Damn, I was hoping for another chocolate bunny!!! Which, BTW, was awesome! It's chocolate!

    Cool for your coworkers and the sign! Embrace the love and pride they obviously have in you!

    BTW, I'm having a hard time peeing today and that's just after an hour of yoga yesterday! Be happy you ran 26.2 miles instead of an hour of yoga!!! LMAO!

  10. Good for you! I know it's not up to your usual standards (you are a stud!) but you have had so many challenges getting ready. You should be proud of yourself--you'll be back in your usual form soon hopefully!

  11. Sorry I didn't get to meet you (again). However, assuming you're willing to torture yourself next April 18th at Boston, I'll be there. (Read my blog, please) Congrats on your finishing time, which is still better than my best marathon time. Any marathon that's completed is a success in my book. Seriously, once again you continue to impress and overcome all obstacles. You are still the running version of "American Idol." Cool that your co-workers had the sign for you too. Even cooler how you're a more mellow Lindsay than I remember from long ago :-)

  12. Congrats! You should be proud. Most would have not run the race if feeling as sick as you did. I hope you get to the bottom of these health issues and get to run as fast as I know you can! Now rest up!

  13. Oh Lindsay,
    Congrats to you!! I think you had an awesome time for that challenging course:) Rock on girl!! I am so proud of you!!

  14. Congrats! Everyone is right, we finished and that makes it a good day. I'm still hobbling around today. Still feeling the Newton hills, plus all the others from 1-26.

    The sign was sweet.

  15. CONGRATS!! so glad that your co-workers recognized you....I would love to come back to that regardless of the time..

  16. Hey, nice job. All marathons are something to be celebrated. Especially when you had to earn your way to BOS.

  17. Great job! Can't wait ot read more. (That was very sweet of your co-workers too.)

  18. You're awesome for running and finishing with vertigo. If they had a division for that, you'd definitely be #1 =) Very cute of your co-workers to acknowledge your awesomeness. Great job!

  19. Nice job. Marathons always make it painful to pee.

  20. Congrats Lindsay. You should be super proud, you ran an awesome time "without being 100% healthwise." You are a beast, chica!

  21. Boston is the maximum challenge a runner can take, time does not matter, only the fact that you were able to be there. Congrats

  22. Lindsay, congratulations for your Boston Marathon. I've been waiting for his post all the week!

    I'm proud of you like your companions. Your're GREAT and courageous.

    I read you exciting!

    Greeting. Well done!

  23. Congratulations Lindsay!!! I think that time rocks! You co-workers are too sweet.

    I hope your vertigo goes away...There is nothing worse and I can't believe you toughed it out during the race! You are hard core.

    Congrats again!

  24. Congrats on the marathon, even if it wasn't the time you were wanting. As one of the pace group leaders during my marathon said, "A marathon is still 26.2 miles, no matter how fast you run it."

    I think it's awesome that your co-workers made the sign. Very thoughtful.

  25. Lindsay, you are the consummate athlete--doing your best every day. May your perseverance bear fruit soon--I know it's a great example for those finishing far, far, behind you.

    Congrats on your still-amazing Boston finish. Rest and renew--you've earned it.

  26. Lindsay, welcome back. Congratulations on your Boston Marathon. You did very well. I am very proud of you regardless of time or anything like that. I can only imagine the events and emotions and what not. The one thing I was upset about was this. If you are into football, baseball, basketball, You can see it on tv on basic channels like the superbowl, etc.. Running? WTH!!! Boston is suppose to be the most important race in US (marathon) and you have to pay $4.99 to see it on the computer no doubt. I was pissed about that, but now that I have vented, I hope that you can get the vertigo under control some time. Is there something that is causing it? Take care Lindsay and again, congratulations!!!!!!!!

  27. AWWW, the sign at work is so cute!! Very sweet.

    Congratulations on a very respectable time. I know it doesn't match your ability, but you've been dealing with some major health stuff (which I hope is resolved SOON).

    Be proud, Boston Marathoner!

  28. Some people don't have a clue but the nice tings is that they thought of you at all!

    Great time considering all that you have been thru!

  29. Congrats on running & finishing! Even though I'm documenting arguably the greatest female distance runner ever, I am still inspired and impressed by the every-day, non-professional runners who get out there and accomplish what they set out to do! I especially love reading the blogs and stories written with humor and upbeat attitudes! Great job!

  30. Aw that was sweet of them to do that! It is the small things!

  31. you must work with some really nice people!

  32. Awwww that is so sweet!

    It was great to meet you girl, I wish we had more time though! Great job persevering through the race and I can't wait for the recap!!!

  33. Congratulations, Lindsay! Sorry about all the health issues, but the important thing is you ran Boston! And completed it, inspite of how you were feeling, health wise.

    That is so sweet of your colleagues!

  34. You went. You ran. You finished. No apologies required. Way to go lindsay! You are a rock star in my book!

  35. Sorry to hear that Linds, hope it was a memorable experience at least!

    Can't wait to read all about it..

  36. No Matter what you ran Boston, and your awesome!

  37. Pretty awesome! Vertigo and the Boston... I love the sign - so sweet. I love when people ask what place I came in expecting to hear something like 1,2,3. Ummm.... I don't know, maybe 2,146?

  38. omgosh LOVE the signs! how sweet of them :)

    CONGRATS girl - you made it to the finish line of BOSTON and thats what really matters! especially after you being sick and not getting the training in you hoped. great job and i cant wait for the full report :)

  39. I see you already updated the footer of your blog to include Boston - yay!!!!

    That's awesome about being able to use the bathroom - always important, LOL.

    So have you decided yet about Saturday and the Kentucky Derby marathon?

    By the way, both Bill and I thought that it was too quiet in our house after you and J left. We got used to you being there, very quickly!

  40. Yay for you for making it through- that is not a time to be disappointed about, at least I don't think :) Congrats on being able to sit on the toilet thats a definite success haha

  41. That was really nice of your coworkers to surprise you like that.

    Good job on your marathon. I know it wasn't the time you wanted, but you did make it through despite feeling crappy. don't feel too crappy afterward.

  42. Congratulations on an amazing effort and result at Boston!! I ran Boston in 2007, 2008, and 2009 and posted the same time each of those 3 years +/- 2 minutes and 25 MINUTES SLOWER than my qualifying times!!--which was my goal. Only 1/3 of runners in that race post their qualifying times or better. It is a tough course!! You should be very proud of your time, especially with everything else going on... Nice run!!

  43. Great job on surviving Boston! I hope you're happy with the results, I know it's been tough trying to train for it.

    People at work think I'm a speed demon (which is not the case). I think any time I tell them, they'll be impressed :)

  44. Congrats!!!

    Your co-workers are so cute!

  45. Damn, whenever I loll around with my head up my ass i miss stuff!

    Congratulations on an AMAZING race. Damn, I could not run a 4:14 with a body full of crystal meth and a rottweiler chasing me, but you do it with vertigo?! TOTAL BEAST! But we already know that didn't we?

    oh and this, i can lower myself onto the seat and lift myself back up with grace, instead of crashing down onto it and groping the walls to get back up. FREAKING HILARIOUS, and go you! I have yet to finish a marathon where I could do that.

  46. I love the sign your office made you! My favorite question asked by my office is, "How long was the marathon you ran?".
