Sunday, April 11, 2010

reverse taper

most people training for boston (or one of the other marathons going on in the next week or two) are deep in their tapers right now, but me not-so-much. i figure what's the point when the previous 8 weeks or so have been a taper? :o) slightly ironic that what should be my first week of taper was my highest mile week of the year thus far. yes, i am *that* genius, experienced marathoner. (7 counts as "experience" right?)

week in review (4/05 - 4/11):
total miles: 54.29 (avg temp 70.14* f)
time spent running: ~ 8 hours 07 minutes
avg hr: 165.14
avg run pace: 8:52/mile
off days: 0!!!

i feel like my "easy pace" hr has been a little too high (160's) when it used to be in the 150's. i'm sure some of this can be attributed to the unseasonably warm temps (80-85*), but even on slightly "cooler" days (60's-70's) it still seems higher than it ought to be. on the days i actively try to keep it in the 150's, my pace drops from standard 8:45-9:00/mile to 9:30-10:00 and i have to walk a little at times. what gives?

other than the slight concerns about my easy hr, this week was a success on two fronts - i tested out a little speed and got in a long run! so far, neither has caused any trouble.

friday - hard 30-minute run. the first mile wasn't that fast, but i chalk that up to not warming up and just hopping right to it. it's nice to know my legs haven't completely abandoned me. (the last time i ran with any speed was march 3rd.)
[pm run - 3.8 miles, 29:35 (avg pace 7:47), avg hr (178), 57*]

sunday - long run!! it felt ok overall, but my legs were tired at times. i expect it though since the last time i ran over 15 miles was february 13th. (i know! i am a marathon-training role model!) it was warm and i should've carried water or my credit card; i was yearning for some cold gatorade.
[afternoon run - 15 miles, 2:15:42 (avg pace 9:03), avg hr (168), 75*]

tomorrow is finally my appointment with the ENT, i've only been waiting close to a month!


  1. Great job on the runs! Good luck tomorrow!

  2. Good luck at the doc tomorrow!

    My HR is always higher when it is hot out. I think it is just because you are sweating so much and your body has to work harder to stay cool.

  3. Nice mileage this week! Good timing, lol!

    Hope the appointment goes well tomorrow.

  4. good luck tomorrow!! and great runs...I love the reverse taper idea! ha

  5. Did I miss something? Are you running BOS?

  6. CRAZY!! Hey you could be on to something. I am a bit nervous to taper. I dont get sore from my long runs and I really do not want to lose my fitness... UGH

  7. Hahah, you are going to start a new trend here, girl!! I think it's great, though, the mileage is really going to boost your confidence and you're going to do so well! What wave are you in, btw???? Looking forward to seeing you in a few days (I HOPE!!).

  8. Love your week in review. I can not wait until I start having weeks like yours. Wishing you the best with your appt. And I will think about doing some store discounts for those who leave 100 comments in the Kenley Running Club. lol. Maybe somewhere like Walmart? lol. Take care. Check out this word verification - synedust lol.

  9. I like that about "reverse taper". I am also on my taper phase, two weels to go to my Madrid Marathon. Regards

  10. I like the reverse taper. I always ask, why taper when I didn't train.

  11. Nice running!
    Best of luck with the ENT!

  12. Though I haven't been around much lately, I'm thinking about you as you head into Boston. I hope your appt with the ENT goes swimmingly (ha!) and your runs continue to give you confidence for race day. Have you posted your bib # for those of us who'd like to stalk you electronically? :)

  13. Good luck at the ENT- hope you get some answers!!

  14. You had an awesome week girl!! You are ready for Boston my dear:) Have a good one!

  15. Good luck w/the ENT.
    Glad the speed and long run felt good!

  16. Reverse taper...I love it! Good luck with your appointment. I hope you don't get anyone named "Nuno."

  17. You're perking along and sounding happy...I hope the appt. went well. I'm thinking positive thoughts for you!

  18. Hey - it's just great to be reading that our out running again!

  19. Three cheers for some speed and long runs not causing problems!

  20. I like your reverse taper. I think you're right though. Not tapering won't hurt you given the lower mileage during the previous weeks.

    Good luck at your doctor's appointment!

  21. Good luck on the non taper training programme. Its got to be the right way to go on the back of little or no training. I think I would try to mentally treat the marathon itself as an extended training run.

  22. haha, you gotta get ready for those things one day, right? GOOD LUCK! and, yes, 7 = experience!

  23. Taper shmaper! An experienced runner (>1 marathon) like yourself will do just fine. Great running week! :)

  24. Hope the appt. went well!

  25. wow! what a week :) way to work hard!!

    hopefully the appt goes well!!!

  26. Good luck at your appointment and I love the reverse taper...

    I don't know about the HR, I don't monitor mine although I probably should...

  27. Hope your appt went well, yes, I know, I'm a little late to the game on this one ;)

  28. Hey, hey, hey, so what'd the ENT say? I need to know about your vertigo, you know =) Hope it's good news!

  29. nice site! i hope you had a nice appointment with the ENT.

  30. reverse taper, haha, i like it. way to bunk the system! and hey, great 15 miler!

  31. I know I'm super late, but WOW that mileage is awesome. I don't even think I DRIVE that many miles in one week =}

    Hope everything went well at your appt and good luck on BOSTON!
