Sunday, March 20, 2011

sunday mishmash

this was supposed to be a "cutback" week. it ended up being the second highest mileage week of this "training plan". of course i've been averaging 35miles/week so it's not all that hard to do. check out these impressive runs:
  • monday - off
  • tuesday - 3.25 easy
  • wednesday - 8.25 track workout
  • thursday - 2.85 easy, stellar marathon training here.
  • friday - 4 easy
  • saturday - 13.65 long run
  • sunday - 5.2 easy, ran to earth fare for a few things
no sugar challenge update
one of the guys from the no sugar challenge ran a half-marathon this weekend, in 1:10:58!! after ~19 days of no (non-natural) sugar! his previous pr was 1:13 about 4 months ago.

i've been dealing with a few health issues for over three years now. i've always heard that milk is an inflammatory food and combined with the fact that my prescriptions aren't working (other than prednisone, no thanks) i've decided to try going non-dairy to see if that makes a difference. yes, in addition to cutting back on sweets, crazy i know! who have i become?

the only slip i've made so far was when eating out saturday night - i had a little feta (typically made from sheep and/or goat milk) in my dish and i figured since it wasn't cow milk it would be ok. dairy is dairy though. cheese will be the hardest. oh and ice cream. definitely ice cream.

going non-dairy is a big challenge when you're already also allergic to soy and nuts.

road id
i have a (one-time) $5 road-id coupon that expires march 31st. if you don't have a road id already i strongly advise getting one! they start at 19.99 and are a great just-in-case tool to have on runs and rides.

edited to update: coupon has been claimed. but a road id is still a great thing to have! (i am not being compensated to say that)


  1. Nice week!

    Important question: do M&M's count as dairy?? (chocolate)

  2. That is a great week, don't put yourself down!
    Well, I slashed 4+ minutes off my HM PR in less than a month and did not give up the sugar! So sugar=PR (LOL!).

    Going dairy free would absolutely kill me. I eat cottage cheeze daily, and have a couple of glasses of milk/day. But, if it helps keep you off the prednisone, than get it done. I bet Whole Foods has some kind of cheeze mimic that can get the job done! Good luck!

  3. I could seriously NEVER give up cheese. It is one of my staples ;)

  4. That is a great week! I need to join you on the no sugar face has been planted in the sugar bowl.

  5. My love of diary products is the main reasons I could never be a vegan. Meat I could live without, but yogurt and ice cream and cheese, I couldn't do. I hope cutting down on the diary helps. If you figure out how to survive without it, let me know your secret!

  6. Good luck with cutting out the dairy. A year ago my doctor suggested I try it but thus far I have resisted. But to stay off medication it is worth it. Good luck with it and you had an awesome running week.

  7. All dairy is not the same so don't worry too much about the feta. I'm ... supposed to be dairy free ... but damn cheese is like my crack!

  8. Does Mountain Dew fall into the unnatural sugar category?

    Good to see that you're well-enough that your weekly totals are erupting. I've not done a 13 miler in I don't know how long.

    I'm a bit of a slug.

  9. I would go sugar-less for a while, if there is a guaranteed PR involved! ;-)

    After having constant tummy aches, I stopped drinking milk and things have improved much since then. I still eat occasional cheese and of course ice cream, but it seems to not be as rough on me than pure milk.

  10. I have toyed with the idea of giving up dairy since I have AWFUL seasonal allergies and have read some stuff that links dairy consumption with allergies. I'll definitely be interested to see how that goes for you!

    Um, as for giving up sugar? I don't think that will ever happen. Perhaps I SHOULD try and cut back on the sweets, though, considering I've been eating dessert like 5 times a day lately. Ha. Gotta start somewhere, I guess . . .

  11. Coconut milk ice cream. You won't miss dairy after you try it...OMG.

  12. I've had the So Delicious Coconut Milk ice cream and it's really good, you should try it. You can't even tell it's dairy free :). Good job with your running and workouts this week!


  13. Good luck with both the sugar challenged and no dairy. I would have a really hard time trying to cut out dairy. I am going to try to further limit my sugar this week.

  14. Just as you have to listen to your body when it's too tired/sore/injured to complete your planned training, it's great to be flexible enough to ramp things up when all is well! Nice week!

  15. No sugar? No dairy? I'd starve to death.

    Hope it helps with the health issues!

  16. Nice week of running - I see an ultra in your very near future! Long Cane, FATS,...Let me know.

    No sugar or dairy - OMG

  17. It's going to be tough to give up dairy, but it'll be worth it if it improves your health. Good luck with the dietary changes! Let us know how it goes.

  18. No ice cream??!! You can do it! Especially if that is what your body needs. I also agree about Road I.D. I don't run outdoors without mine on. I got the ankle band and love it! Good LUCK!!

  19. I'm going nondairy and no sugar (processed, whatever it's called) as well. We can be crazy together. LOL

  20. Great week....seriously!!! Good luck on your nondairy and no sugar adventures. It looks like it will be a challenge but if it makes you feel better than it will be well worth it!

  21. Solid down week!

    No cheese...bummer!

    It's beyond lactose I assume?

  22. can people not have a road id. I don't get it!

    Also, no sugar? I don't even like sweets and I am not that insane! The hardest thing I ever gave up was cheese and I almost started killing people.

  23. Have you tried Rice Dream? My son uses it all the time. You can also find Rice Dream Frozen Dessert (I guess since there's no milk it can't be ice cream)in the freezer section of most stores.

  24. That coconut ice cream other folks have mentioned sounds pretty good. Sprinkle some m&m's on that & you'll be good to go :)

  25. Nice job accidentally upping the mileage...maybe you should have a cut-back week every week. :)

    Good luck with the dairy, I just hope you find a solution to your health issues. Have you tried Gluten-free?

  26. nice running week lady! that's awesome.

    mad props for going sugarless and dairlyless. i'm curious to see how it works, hopefully it does. good luck.

  27. I would hate to give up dairy. I would rather give up meat. I hope its easier for you than expected.

  28. Love the road i.d. I have one on my shoe. That marathon time after no sugar -- yikes. Unbelievable. That's almost an incentive for me to finally kick the sugar! Best of luck on the dairy.

  29. Coconut milk products are my saving non-dairy grace. Milk, creamer, yogurt, ICE CREAM...!!! ;)

  30. No sugar and no dairy... oh my! If it helps you feel better, why not? I would definitely give it a try. A 1:10 half marathon - amazing! I am always impressed by those who run these races in almost half the time it takes me. Perhaps I should invest in a little speedwork or maybe better genes. HA HA.

  31. I could never give up sugar as I have an addiction to maple syrup. ;o)

    I have, however, given up dairy three times - 2x because I was breastfeeding kids with food allergies (with my second I gave up soy, nuts, and dairy and was SO skinny). This time I've just given up dairy for me and I have to say that coconut creamer is saving my life. I promise that the need for cheese will subside. I used to eat it multiple times a day and don't even miss it now. Ice cream, well, that's a different story LOL.

  32. No dairy? You'll have to let us know how that goes. I've read that some people give up dairy and all their asthma troubles go away. A few months ago I gave up dairy for a couple months. I didn't really see a difference, or at least not enough of a difference to keep it up. I. Love. Dairy!

  33. Do you like rice milk? Sucks that you can't have almond milk... it's good! I could NEVERRRRRR give up cheese... but of course, I said that about sugar too... and I'm getting along just fine!

    Keep it up! Jealous of your running, but happy for you!

  34. Well done with the training! I’m lucky I don’t need to cut out anything (yet). I can just imagine how difficult it can be. Have a great weekend!

  35. There is some pretty wicked coconut ice cream out there that's dairy and soy free. And delicious.

  36. I gave up dairy about a year ago and my skin cleared right up. I've had acne since for over 20 years. If I slip up and eat icecream...oh boy! I don't miss milk or cheese..but I do miss icecream.
