Thursday, March 10, 2011


today i tried a new-to-me restaurant for lunch. i drive by the place once a week when i go for my allergy shots and they have "veggies" in their name so i figured hey, it must be somewhat healthy right?

i walked in and the menu was definitely meat-'n-three, but i gave them the benefit of the doubt and thought surely the (actual) veggies are still ok. meat-'n-three's are like cracker barrel - the majority of the "vegetables" are really carbs - fries, mac 'n cheese, rice and gravy, pasta salad, etc. i was hoping for some 'real' veggies that perhaps hadn't been soaking in butter for 3 days.

i inquired about the "squash casserole" since i have food allergies and the owner brought out a frozen tray of "squash casserole" with the ingredient list covering more than half of the tray (i would have ran, but my legs still hurt terribly).

i'm sure you catch my drift here

needless to say there was soy in the squash casserole, but i didn't want to just walk out so i ordered the fruit, broccoli and rice, sweet potatoes, and corn. those all seem normal right? can't screw those up? ha!

typical fruit cup-fruit

you were thinking it was mac 'n cheese weren't you. i don't blame you.

"broccoli and rice"
umm. where is my broccoli? heck, where is the rice?

to make your own version: take 1 piece of broccoli and cut it up. add a spoonful or two of rice. drench in 3 gallons of nacho cheese. add mysterious ingredient to give it a brown-color.

"sweet potatoes"
i could see the cinnamon/spice flecks in them.

and you wonder why america is obese...

don't worry. when you all come down to run the spinx half/full marathon i won't make you eat here.


  1. Um, that is repulsive. That is worse than most cafeterias. Looking at it is clogging my arteries. The real vegetables in my fridge are suing for defamation.

  2. ew. you should have just walked out. when i visit we're going to go there just so i can walk out

  3. OMG! Guess it won't be hard to save money by packing your own lunch:)

  4. Wow! too fat... you should try Brazilian food sometime...
    healthier, I think :)

  5. That is gross. Glad you weeded this one out before I got there for the Spinx.

  6. Yep! I totally thought that was mac n cheese! And now Im wanting some mac n cheese.

    Darn it!!

    So..... did you eat any of it?

  7. Well, at least it was colorful. Add some Dunkin' Donuts and you got yourself a complete meal!

  8. Hilarious!!! I want fries with that!!!

  9. Ew, that is really gross!! I wouldn't blame you for taking one look and running!

  10. Gross! I can't believe they served that crap!

  11. Holy disgusting. Why did you eat there?!?!? I would've took one look at the menu and hightailed it out of there!

  12. Ugh, that looks awful. Can't we give that to Oliver Twist or something?

  13. I just threw up in my mouth.

    That is just awful.

  14. That just looks icky...

  15. You see . . . this is why we should just eat M&Ms for every meal. At least you know what you're getting with the M&Ms! I can't even begin to pretend to know what's going on with the disgusting sludge featured in this post :)

  16. at least the cinnamon is good for you


    That looks like vomit! Are you sure it's not vomit? Perhaps you threw up after it was served and it's half vomit half "food like substances"!

    I've practically given up on eating out (especially doing the sugar-free-thing)

    Next time use before. If it's not on there, I generally don't consider it as an option for real food.

    At least your intentions were good :\

  18. That looks like astronaut food!

  19. That stuff looks naaaaasty.

    I like how Golden Corral does their collard greens - swimming in a broth with huge chunks of fat. It's enough to flavor the veggies perfectly :)

  20. oh dear god! I was wondering what you meant by meat and three - luckily we don't have a ton of Cracker Barrels up this way - think it's more of a southern thing.

    your description of the squash ingredients was hilarious!

  21. That lunch looks pretty freaking disgusting. Come down here and I will cook you a REAL meat n three ;)

  22. I swear I've never run under 7 min miles...until last Fall/this winter I was a slow runner fo' sho'; my fastest 5k is like 25 minutes. And before that I think I ran one in 28.

  23. That's a really unpleasant surprise. I'm so glad that you took pictures of the food. It makes for an entertaining story even if it's not a great meal. Haha.

  24. The worst part is that the majority of the population would look at that and wonder what the problem is. I HATE false veggie advertising! On a positive note, check out QDoba's veggie mix next time you're there—I'm sure they use more oil to saute the squash and bell peppers than I would at home, but it tastes fresh and delicious—and no nasty fillers!

  25. Oh my god, I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. I can't believe that they brought you out a frozen package of squash casserole! I guess you have to kind of respect them for not even trying to make people believe that their food is actually food.

  26. Hi, I just found your blog - it's great. Now that is just gross...all of it. I don't think I could have eaten a thing!

  27. comment or maybe just yuck!

  28. Yup. Good ole southern vegetables. That's why I like *travelling* in the south. Not living there. I'd be the subject of a Discovery Health Channel documentary.
