Wednesday, July 27, 2011

don't be a statistic

you may have noticed the lack of running talk recently. that would be because there isn't anything to say. my heart is doing ok, the nausea is under control, but unfortunately my skin (mainly arms) is hurting something awful. this is nothing new, i just haven't blogged about it (i don't think). i'm ok, it's just really uncomfortable and hurts to move. hopefully i'll get some relief soon - i'm feeling jiggly with no exercise and envious of reading all your workout/race posts. :(

i'll get to answering all your questions from the "q&a" post soon. feel free to add more burning questions here.

here are some random stats on female runners. i've never actually thought about these things before and my thoughts/opinion of myself haven't changed after comparing. this is just for randomsake.

(as seen on my dirt road anthem, originally from running usa)

typical u.s. female runner:
ever wonder how you compare? [no] these are stats for the typical "core" runner. core runners are active adult participants who tend to enter running events, train year-round, and purchase 2-4 running shoes each year.

average age: 38.5  i'm younger (hopefully this means many more years of running bliss for me)
63.2% married
78.2% college educated
70.3% earn a household income of $75,000+

running history:
average number of years running: 9.9 years    i'm a veteran - 13 years!
average number of running events participated in during the last 12 months: 7.2 events  i've done 12, 11 if you take out my dnf
51.8% have completed 1 marathon or more in their lifetime

running routine:
70.4% run/jog 4+ hours each week
77.7% run 12 months a year
average number of days run per week: 4.0
average number of miles run per week: 21.9
66.1% describe themselves as ‘frequent/fitness runners’  never thought about this one. i guess 'fitness runner' sounds good.

running preferences:
favorite race distance is the half-marathon (39.0%)  agreed, distance + speed, without a week-long "hangover" (marathoner's shuffle)
interested in entering next year: half-marathon (77.0%), 5k (57.3%), 10k (56.0%), marathon (43.3%)

primary motivation to start running: for exercise (25.0%), weight concerns (14.5%), needed a new challenge (9.3%)  i started running in high school cross country, so i would have to say competition.
motivation to continue to run: staying in shape (76.8%), staying healthy (74.2%), relieving stress (64.4%)  all of the above plus so josh doesn't kill me; i get moody if i don't run.

product preferences:
average number of running shoes purchased in last 12 months: 2.9 pairs  i'm below average - 1
,ast running shoes purchased: asics (26.4%), brooks (16.6%), saucony (14.2%)  mizuno, guess i'm weird
65.3% spent $90+ on their running shoes and 47.9% purchased their running shoes at a specialty running store   yes and yes; i appreciate the value my local running stores provide to the community. it helps that i only need 1-2 pairs per year.
favorite brands of running apparel: nike (64.8%), under armour (45.7%), champion (34.3%), adidas (30.7%)   i'm not picky, but i do have a lot of nike and sugoi
80.4% spent $100+ on running apparel in the last 12 months and 59.6% purchased running apparel at a specialty running store

average weight: 137.6 lbs
average height: 65.01 inches / 5 feet, 5 inches
average body mass index (bmi): 22.9
40.9% are content with their weight   it's just a number. wouldn't mind seeing some of the flab disappear though.
42.3% are content with their fitness level   not right now - i want to get back to 'where i was' before the nausea of 2009 took over my life.

how do you fit in? or, stand out?


  1. I'm so sorry that you are in such pain! I hope you will be feeling better very very soon! I can't even imagine! I stack up pretty much on target with the exception of a few points!

  2. very very interesting. i feel like an old runner at 46, but with the mediat at 38.5, maybe not so much.

    get well soon

  3. Hey, hope you start feeling better soon.. and that is a cool site about running stats... i might steal some ideas...hee hee.... by the way, congrats on you and josh's one-year anniversary... loved the pics... very quaint.

  4. Sounds like I'm fairly normal! I liked these, they were pretty interesting stats!!

  5. I really hope you feel better ASAP!!

    Those stats are interesting, especially the high number that are college educated and have a high income. I'm guessing low-income people have more to worry about then running, though...

  6. Just want you to know, I miss you and I am back to blogging. Try to contain your excitement.

  7. ever wonder how you compare? [no]
    Me either!

    So glad to hear about your heart, but this skin issue...could be another opportunity for a unique product review!

    But do feel better and get back on the road, for your sake and for Josh's.

  8. Hope you feel better soon! Fun to see how others compare.

  9. Feeling jiggly........ Get jiggy then!

  10. i'm a mizuno girl too! i would say i compare on average. that was some cool information, i eat up stuff like that. imma NERD!

  11. Sorry to hear about the pain and hoping you get better real soon.

    As for comparisons I am very close to a woman runner in that I am 5'6" tall & weigh about 142 lbs.

  12. Interesting stats. I'm a little older (B U M M E R!!!) but ave. or close on most other counts.

    So sorry you aren't feeling tip-top. HOpe you get over that challenge soon. Be strong.

  13. Hope you feel better soon. The data is really interesting, I need to go find similar data for males.

  14. I am pretty average compared with most of those stats.
    I guess I started running because I saw a poster for a race in the gym during 8th grade, then stuck with it because I was encouraged to go out for track/cross country in high school as a result of running the 8th grade run. I got back into it because I missed the healthy benefits of running. I also agree that I'm way less moody if I can run!

  15. Hope you get to feel better soon. I can only imagine.

    Some of the stats are dead on, others not so much. But that's pretty interesting.

  16. I have a few things in common with those stats-I do like the 13.1 distance the most, just hope I get to do it again someday!
    Feel better-pick up a kb!

  17. Such interesting stats--and I could see myself nodding in agreement to much of them.

    I hope you are feeling better soon! It really stinks that you are sidelined like this. Take care.

  18. Thanks for sharing the wealth of stats information. You did great there. I hope you feel better soon kiddo. Maybe eating a chocoturd will help out some? Hang in there. Take care. Oh, and 100% of why I run now is because to lose fats. lol. (The Lard Ass Runner)

  19. I'm sorry you are still feeling so bad. I really hope you get things figured out and under control soon.

    I saw these stats on another blog this week. I was surprised to find I was pretty average.

  20. Sorry to hear about the skin issue. :( Hope you feel better ASAP.

  21. Some things fit others are way off - the age for instance!

    I want you to feel better ASAP. Like Now! Take care.

  22. Uck, so sorry the body is achy breaky! Hope you're feeling great soon!

    I'm way older than the stats so I guess it's ok that I've been injured for a year and the data doesn't pertain to me! :)

  23. Hope you are feeling better already! I'm a total stats geek and love all of this. Thanks! Take care of yourself.

  24. Love the stats! I hope you are feeling better soon :(

  25. Interersting! I am an outliar in most categories and so are you:)
    I hope you will be able to put all the health issues behind soon! I can only imagine how difficult it must get at times. Thinking of you:)

  26. Interesting read... I guess it's just averages though, you can't really pay attention to it (I mean, how can you purchase part of a pair of running shoes, right?). But I do fit a lot of those statistics.

    I hope your pain goes away soon!

    Amy Lauren

  27. Woah I am all over the map on this one!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  28. Glad about your heart and your nausea but, man, that sucks about your skin. Feel better!!!

  29. Hey...thanks for dropping by again, and i know i've been a bad blogging friend. I've just been busy and not having the time to maintain an active blog much less keeping up with others...sigh.

    I hope you're okay though. I know you're still dealing with some medical issues...but give it time and be patient. The running will still be there when you're good and ready. Take care!

  30. Whoa creepy.. Most of mine are spot on with those.. The demographics (age/marriage/etc) is mostly where I dont fit in.
