Friday, November 18, 2011

milking it

not in this sense.

i'm calling myself out:

i've been milking my health issues and being lazier than necessary.

yes, for a few weeks in august and september it was physically painful to move, but it's now mid-november, and there have been plenty of days where i could have at least done something. i know i'm not ready* to resume normal levels of activity, but i do need to enforce regular walks and some ab work or lunges or something. i may not be gaining weight due to the no-sugar but i am getting 'looser'. plus, week after week of next to 0 activity is just not good for me!

so thursday after work, i went for my second (!!!) "workout" of the month. pathetic that it was the 17th and only my second time exercising, but i blame that on my 100+hour paystubs. unfortunately the bank account doesn't reflect the 100+ hours because i've been a little plastic happy at banana republic and ny&co (purple corduroys!) and off broadway shoes and you get the picture.

i haven't worn heels since april,
but that's ok let's buy some new ones anyway.

thursday (11/17) workout - 2.5 mile walk @15:00/mile, 48°
a few abs, squats, pushups and a very quivery 2-min wall sit.

anyway. i'll probably wake up sore tomorrow, which is even more pathetic.

*in my opinion i wonder if my issues stem from or are influenced by some whack cortisol and/or hormone levels which are influenced by exercise and stress (in my case both stress from work-life 2009 to present as well as the stresses of marathon training) and are not helped by a lack of sleep (haven't slept well in 2 years or so). but i'm not a doctor. this is just a theory.

unpaid, perk-less advertisement:
sign up for the 2011 bloggy gift exchange over at runwithjill! last year's was super fun and it's a great way to 'meet' a new blogger or get to know one better. go sign up and join in the fun!

what i sent my secret santa last year


  1. My father has struggled with illness all his life and sometimes it is hard mentally being active. Hang in'll get it! I hope that each day you find yourself getting stronger and feeling better!! Love the pic by the way!!!

  2. One step at a time. Hope you and Doc get this thing figured out, soon. Just don't stop trying, establish some goals for next year, and stay focused. Don't let it control you....You need to control it.

  3. I would probably be sore from that workout... I did some ab work and weights two nights ago and I'm still sore from it. I didn't even think I did that much but it does feel good to be sore!

  4. I agree with Thomas, "One step at a time." One day at a time, even better, one minute at a time! (ps. ouch, we used to do those wall sits on my high school volleyball team)

  5. Woohoo, with all those extra work hours and your little piece of plastic getting a fantastic workout, I am so excited to get diamonds, pink running shoes and fiiiiinaaaly my iPad - THANK you for working all those long hours for me! You are the bestest best friend ever.

    I love how when you decide it's time to do something, you go all out and almost kill yourself doing so. Yes, we are kindred souls. You are going to figure this all out and get through this thing, I admire your incredible strength and tenacity; If my body ached like that, I'd be eating ALL sugar everyday....yet you just keep knocking on doors to get this all figured out (kinda like with my heel....but I gained 20 lbs eating sugar :/).

  6. It's all recognize it and are doing something about it. Before you know it, fitness will be part of the makeup of your daily life again.

    So excited about the exchange again!

  7. Hey at least you are starting to get out there again!!! Just keep it up and keep doing something like you said..100 + hours of work that's crazy!!! Hope things slow down for you soon.

  8. Lol that you bought heels even though you don't ever wear them. I don't even look at heels anymore because it's been so long!

    Glad you're feeling better and my fingers are continually crossed that you can finally put this whole mess behind you soon!

  9. 100+ hour weeks. Wow! I can't say that I know what you are going through, nor can I "relate", but I hope things get better for ya in time, which sounds like they will I am sure. At least you are doing ab work. I don't do that, just trying to lose the fat first. lol. Take care and thanks for sharing what you are going through. Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Definitely work on the sleeping, that should help with everything else!

  11. sleep is something not to be skipped. If you can get that done then you will wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day. As for how you do that: I haven't got a clue.

    I know stress keeps people awake but maybe write a journal or keep a pen and paper by your bed to write things down so you can fall back asleep.

    If I get you in the exchange is it ok to send you one giant M&M or is that out b/c of the sugar deal?

  12. No more excuses. Move that body! Glad you were able to get out there - hope you weren't too sore!

  13. I second the advice to work on your sleep, which is boring but it is important to make sure you are doing all the right things to keep your sleep hygiene healthy (no alcohol or caffeine late in the day, no electronics in the bedroom, don't wind down watching TV/ipad/laptop in bed, quiet dark sleeping space, regular physical activity even if it is not running, eating as clean as possible, etc.). The rest will follow....

  14. You'll be back in no time. sounds like you've already started. I'm always sore after the first workout after some time off.

  15. Fingers crossed that the exercise is a positive addition to your life and helps you deal with what's going on.

  16. Not sleeping well sucks. When I am tired i am majorly grumpy. Feel better and I hope exercise helps you, not hinders you. Work stress also sucks because you have to work so what can you do?

  17. Wow I am soooo way behind. I have to go find out what happened!!! I hope you feel better each day!!

  18. Damn all the "tentacles" that are screwing you up-I hope you get it all figured out soon.
    Purple cords? I can totally see you wearing those!!

    Feel better-in the meantime, this would be a good time to go over to the kb world!

  19. A quivery 2 minute wall sit-you are prompting me to sit and type this comment while doing this.

    100+ hours AND medical issues. You deserve like 4 pairs of those heels plus I'm pretty sure wearing heels is like calf-building in style right???

    Sure hope you get some answers here. I can't relate to your physical issues really but I know what a struggle it is to be shorted on sleep. Thinking of you and hoping 2012 is a whole new chapter for you!!

  20. Tough love! Get off your butt and do something.... you can work your arms while sitting......

  21. I have an idea, how about, for every 2 days of good workout time, you get a prize (i.e. purchase from B.R., or shoe warehouse-zappos is goooood to.) just saying :)

  22. Those shoes are AWESOME!I'm with everyone else on the one step at a time idea. Soon you will be back up to speed and it will feel like this setback never happened! Keep up the good work!

  23. I had to laugh at Jenn's post because as I read about your "wall sit" I was like oh yeah, that's a good one that I had forgotten about. I however, can NOT do 2 min. Maybe 30 seconds....

    not sure about all of your symptoms, but check into adrenal fatigue if you haven't already. A marathoner/stressed friend of a friend had that.....

    baby steps back.....

  24. and I came back to say.... a most excellent bloggy gift is was..... thank you. I've been enjoying the towels all year and think of you often.

  25. Totally get how tough it can be. I went through a rough patch that lasted several years. One week I'd feel okay, then the next all my glands would be swollen and I'd be absolutely exhausted. I have no idea how things worked themselves out, but things are better. I'm hoping the same will be true for you.

  26. I am sometimes an all or nothing sort of person.

    So I could see how doing workouts when I'm not on my favorite type of fitness level would be sort of a drag....the more in shape I am, the most fun it is to work out.

  27. Oh Lindsay I hope you be all right soon. Please, do not be discouraged and looks forward. Thanks for the pictures.

    many spirits

  28. I want YOU to get my name! LOVE those towels!
    Have you had your cortisol levels checked??
    I hope the heels have you feeling way better soon! : )

  29. I want YOU to get my name! LOVE those towels!
    Have you had your cortisol levels checked??
    I hope the heels have you feeling way better soon! : )

  30. You and I appear to be at about the same point in our workout regimens, lol!
