Tuesday, April 28, 2009

achy calves

week in review (4/20 - 4/26):
total miles: 33.17 (3 easy runs, 1 interval/speed day, 1 race)
time spent running: ~4 hours 34 minutes
avg hr: 168.80
off days: 2 (1 scheduled, 1 unplanned soreness)

it started out as an ok week with some added motivation from the boston marathon, but then the legs filled with sludge for the rest of the week. i took thursday off because i was just plain worn out and my legs were achy. friday was a quick, short, early morning run before work and a long drive home. saturday was the race with a few extra miles for warmup/cooldown, but not as many as i had planned. i'm not too good at enforcing the post-race cooldown/easy jog that i always say i will do.

no, i am not one of those girls who has to coordinate a running outfit.
this is the only tech t-shirt i have that i actually like (/fits)
(from the baltimore marathon '06),
and those are the only running shorts i had at my house (the rest are in kentucky).

sunday i had hoped to get in a nice run along my 'old' running routes back home, but i woke up with an incredibly sore back and tight calves. both gave me trouble immediately after the race (muscle soreness/tightness) but felt better after i jogged a bit and stretched. i had yardwork/house maintenance things to do all saturday afternoon and i'm sure that contributed to the continued soreness in my back. i kind of didn't want to be rushed to cram the 100 things i had to do before hitting the road for kentucky (again) so i let the soreness win.

my back is feeling better now but my calves are still way tight/sore. they are very tender to the touch, almost like they are big bruises (minus the black 'n blue). i've been gingerly easing into a normal stride on my runs this week and constantly stretch them throughout the day. i even gave them an ice bath yesterday. i used aron's method of getting in the water first and then had the ice dumped over my legs. much less painful than forcing yourself to jump into an icy bathtub. it does seem weird that they are so sore from a 5k though - could it really have been the hills and hard effort?

as i mentioned yesterday, i don't run with music (just a personal preference/too lazy to have yet another thing to remember to take with me on a run) but i know many runners do. jill over at jill will run has a coupon code for a download from hellasound. they just released a new running mix/track thing titled "how to turn around a bad day". it's not quite the same as paris hilton, but hopefully you can get by.


  1. Nice stride. Good 5k. :)

  2. seems that a lot of people are having calf issues lately! Weird!

  3. Way to get in a run on the road. Good luck getting healthy.

  4. Yeah, I know you've had the all black look planned for quite some time - even though you ran the 5K on a whim. You probably iron your tech shirts after the race too ;).

  5. OK, that is seriously the most BADA$$ running picture EVER!

    I think your outfit looks hot, so whether it was planned or not it worked! :o)

  6. Great mileage...especially as this was a race week (a race that you absolutely killed, too!). Amazing!

    Nice pic!

  7. Back and claf pain, not fun. Hope the calves start to feel better. I never enforce a post-race cooldown either, but probably should.

  8. That's a great pic. You look so powerful!

    I hope the calves are okay. Ouch!

  9. Nice 5k!

    The outfit definitely looks coordinated--though there's nothing wrong with that. It's a great race photo.

  10. Sorry to hear you've been having a sore, rough week!

    But look at your pic! You look amazing! That stride! It looks like you've got it all figured out.

    Awesome. Hope you're feeling better this week :)

  11. probably a good thing that you dont have too many outfit choices... then you arent spending time like me trying to decide what to wear :) haha.

    glad the ice bath method worked for you!! i think its much less painful :)

  12. That's a great pic, even if you do match! :-)

    It always surprises me what can bring on aches and pains. I can run miles and miles feeling fine, but then do something slightly different and feel like I'm out of commission for a week. (This happened when I did my first trail run. 6 miles made me so sore I couldn't move for a week!)

    Thanks for the mention of my site/coupon code. The people at HellaSound are way nice too, I hope they get some good support from the running community.

  13. Rick/Marathonman101108April 29, 2009 at 2:08 PM

    Nice pic, Superstar! Pain, pain go away...did it work?! Hope you feel better soon. If you ever decide to run the Hartford Marathon, my guest bedroom is available if you need a place to stay.

  14. Yo -
    catching up on my reading. Sounds like u've been feeding ur addiction the right stuff & on schedule!

    We both ran 5k's - and only 1 second apart! How cool is that? Other than the age/sex/city, state we're virtually the same runner!!!

    OK, here it is... I'm letting u in on my super-secret method to get faster 5k times: check ur inbox, too wordy for comment.

  15. Love the action shot, great form too! Sounds like you had a really good week. Keep it up :)

  16. Letting soreness win isn't a bad thing. You're good at listening to your body.

  17. I am always sore after 5Ks. I think my stride is longer, and that, combined with the increased in speed always does a number for me. Feel better soon. Love the pic, you looked determined:) Ana-Maria

  18. Yeah ice bath!! You make me want to take one now.

    It's OK, I have ONE tech shirt that "kinda" fits, and literally have four decent sports bras that are all ancient.

    I bet your sore from going fast in the 5K. I'm always sore after doing any speed.

  19. Hope that ice bath helped. And yeah - you look like you're flying in that pic!

  20. Linds-you are so old school with your no music and one tech shirt policy...I love it. And yes, 5Ks can tear you down just as much as a marathon can...so be careful with recovery and take as much time as you need.

  21. I agree with everyone else . . . I am always sore after 5K races as well. Take it easy, and let those legs heal! Hope you feel better soon!
