Monday, January 3, 2011

revvin' in '11

here in the ctk house we really know how to party. josh had a 24-hr bug and spent new year's eve with the porcelain god, completely foiling our plans to go out to da club. i accused him of faking it the next day and he said "well i have conveniently been sick whenever we have plans to go out dancing". hmmmm.

oh well, the club couldn't have handled me anyway. he went to bed at 9:30 and i listened to the fireworks all night. it was like the projects, but without people climbing in my window.

alright enough with the random youtube links. on to declaring my 2011 goals!

  1. run some marathons. preferably more than 2. i'm going to be 80 before i finish my 50-state goal.
  2. race a half-mar. i feel the need to prove to myself that disney wasn't a fluke.
  3. 5 pr's. stretching myself a little from the previous goal of 3. hope to include:
    • 5k - sub-21
    • 8k - sub-35
    • 26.2 - sub-3:30
  4. run lots of miles. preferably more than 2009's tally.

  1. 30-minutes of activity per day. this should keep me regular with weights and yoga.
  2. abdominables: 25,000 abs / 250 planks. the numbers kept me crunching in 2010 so i'm aiming high.
  3. commute to work via bike regularly during daylight savings. 
  4. drop a few pounds. for real this time. gotta make peace with my old friend calorie counting.

  1. one weekend-getaway every month. unfortunately not 12 trips of tahiti-magnitude, i still haven't won publisher's clearinghouse.
  2. get the tree guy out to actually trim the trees. i only had the work quoted back in june '10...
  3. purge crap. mainly - clothes but other stuff too. i'm not a hoarder, i just don't like owning so much 'stuff'. i also have way too many clothes, especially considering i typically only wear the sweatpants collection. i have a walk-in closet, dresser, half of "josh's" dresser, and a wardrobe-thingie for my running clothes. josh probably deserves his own *complete* dresser instead of half of one. additionally i will not purchase any new clothes unless replacing something old.
so there we go, 11 goals for 2011.


  1. Those all sound like great goals! Happy 2011!!

  2. here we gooooo!!! bring on the '11. i love your categories. LIFE is a good one :)

    i would like to learn spanish!! i wish someone would have pulled me aside in high school and said "stop wasting your time on french it is going to be useless to you later in life." darn it.

    you could reward yourself at certain pound-levels for your weight loss progress. non food stuff like a special purchase or a massage or pedicure or something like that.

    and woohoo abs! i am going for pushups this year :)

  3. I'm right there with you on the calorie-counting-weight-loss wagon. Buckle up!

    Awesome that you are continuing with your 30-mins of activity and crazy number of ab/planks. DO IT!

  4. no club for you?! bummer. i really wanted to hear about it!

  5. Abdominables, love it. Sound like good manageable goals - have fun replacing all those "old" clothes!

  6. Wonderful goals - I'll be doing some calorie counting for awhile too and definitely some get rid of extra crap in the house stuff.

  7. great goals girl!! now get out to CA to cross it off your list :)

  8. Nice work setting goals! Sorry about the porcelain worship though. At least you got it out of the way for 2011. Happy New Year!

  9. I want to get rid of so many things too! Our house is small and we have way too many things that are just collecting dust!! "it was like the projects, but without people climbing in my window"...I'm going to have to check this climbing in the window story out....but love that you usually make me laugh or smile. :)

  10. So happy to hear you are back to feeling good again! Love all your 2011 goals. I am actually doing the opposite and not setting much goals for myself for a change so I'll live vicariously through you :-)

    Best wishes in 2001 and, yes, if you're going to be at Boston even though are not running it, let's definitely plan to meet up!

  11. Oops, as soon as I hit send I realized that I have the same purge crap goal ;-)

  12. I had no idea how hard you crushed it at the Disney half marathon. Man, you rocked.

    Also, your husband isn't dragging you down; think of it more like "grounding you". Without a ground you're in danger of blowing a fuse.

    Have a great Monday!

  13. Love your race goals and hope you meet them all! And a weekend getaway a month? Great stuff!

  14. I love your weekend getaway goal! I set such goals for myself, too! :)

  15. You should label 1-11 for us who can't add very well! :)

    Sounds like great goals...I especially like the purging of old clothes...that means room for new ones.

  16. I need to get rid of stuff too! I just read your 2010 recap and remembered that you got married last year! Good year for you!

  17. Damn you! You just gave me another chore... I need to get a tree guy to my house as well! :-)

  18. Da club eh? Da club here is filled with pulltabs and bingo! It could handle you!

    Nice goals! Disney no fluke! I notice you didn't mention the 10K....

    Laughing at the clothes. I hear ya. Unfortunately my closet contains at least 8 different sizes and I NEED all those clothes at different points during the year:)

  19. Hmm did i cross paths with Josh New Year's Eve because we were praying to the same god! Except for me it wrecked my race the next day. It was no fun at all. Josh has my total sympathy.

  20. Great goals. I'm trying for the 30 minutes a day of activity as well.

  21. I am also trying to purge some stuff out of my closet. What a freaking pain, huh?

    We have similar running goals. Hooray! Maybe you will inspire me to actually work toward them! :)

  22. Are there many 8Ks in your area? I am completely unfamiliar with that distance.
    Your marathon goal...I would love to see you hit that.
    Your life goals are nice, too. #3 should be on everyone's radar. And really, a new year would not be complete without an Antoine Dodson reference. Thanks for raising awareness.

  23. Have fun with those goals, Lose weight for real? Oh, was it fake the last time, just because some of it revisited? lol. And that last bit of hoarding reminding me of that one show on tv about the hoarders. lol. I need to circus through my shit and get rid of it. My drawers have so much crap in them, it's like bigger than a country boys lunch box. (and not those drawers since I said the word crap, hahaha). Hey, best of luck with those times, and planks, here YOU go! You can have em'

  24. Ahh, the purging goal. We've been purging our (tiny) house, and it feels sooo good to get rid of crap.

    Good luck with all the running goals!

  25. What U know bout da projects????????? LOL

  26. Good goals buddy. I cleared out the clothes clutter myself. How did I end up with 17 black tank tops? LOL!

  27. Looks like a great plan! And I plan to adopt the term "abdominables" as soon as possible in making my own goals!

  28. Sounds like that'll going to keep you busy in 2011. But kidding aside, I think those are all good goals! ;-)

  29. Great goals list! I hiiiighly DOUBT that Disney half was a fluke. You are a lot stronger than you think.

  30. Great goals!

    I fully support the biking to work :)

    As for your sweatpants collection, have you seen these -

  31. You're so fast, I am sure you'll get those PR's.

    Nice goals. happy new year.

  32. ROFLMAO - I could watch "Hide Your Kids" aaaallll day! I know - doesn't say much about my maturity level, but that is hilarious :D

    Run & tell dat!!!

  33. I really like your life goal #3...I'm going to work on that one next weekend!
    Happy New Year!

  34. Hahahah, I love the style you wrote your goals in! I also hear you on "purging" stuff. How do we acquire so much dang crap?!?!?!?

    Good goals and good luck!

  35. So were you watching these videos while your husband was sick in bed sleeping?

    Don't you love the whole use of the "husband" word?

    That one video with the red headbanded guy was strange. Thanks for sharing it. :)

    I like the "revv'n in 11". I can never make any new year's resolutions. Maybe I could resolve to make some? Ha!

  36. Sounds like a busy 2011 for you. All the best with everything you are aiming for!

  37. I like your plank goal, may add that to my list!

  38. Love all of these!
    Yep, can totally relate with the dresser. I've been working on getting rid of things I don't wear too.

    Hope 2011 is a great one for you and your family!

  39. Happy New Year Lady! You have so many wonderful goals set in play for 2011! I am going to run two marathons this year too. One in the spring and one in the fall. I don't know how some people can run one every month. I would be dead by now:)

    Hoping that 2011 brings you all kinds of wonderful! Hugs!

  40. Love your goals for the new year! Any idea which races you are eying?

  41. Great goals! I love the idea of having numbers to meet for things like ab work. That might actually get me to do some core work sometime! Or not...I tend to just tell myself that if I do enough yoga everything else will sort itself out.

  42. I hope you achieve all of your goals for 2011 and that all of the health issues are left back in 2010!

    BTW, I LOVED your post from Saturday, 1/1/2011. That was too funny!!

  43. I need to clear out the closet too. I hate having to much stuff. And my closet is definitely full of stuff I do not need.

  44. Girl you are going to rock 2011! Can't wait to watch it all go down and maybe just maybe finally get to run a race together. Can one of those trips out of town please be here?!?!? Or halfway???
