Tuesday, May 10, 2011

riding in cars with strangers (and free coconut water)

7:00am - pack bag to runmute home.

(7:30am-5:00pm - play words with friends work)

5:25pm - check weather.com; forecast shows storms at 8pm and later.

6:00pm - start run.

6:30pm - thunder in the distance.

6:40pm - duck into an atm booth to check weather map on phone. decide you can make it home.

6:50pm - it begins to hail. did you know it could hail when it's 87 degrees out? it can. it kind of stings, but at least it cools you down a little.

7:00pm - hail turns into a heavy dumping of rain with a few spare hail bombs for good measure.

7:05pm - dart across the street assuming two cars will give you the right of way in an attempt to get to some trees for shelter. attempt to turn phone off before it shorts from water damage.

7:10pm - white jeep pulls up and offers a ride home. *consider being kidnapped after taking a ride from a stranger*. briefly consider your other option of standing in the pouring rain/hail/thunder with a dead phone.

7:11pm - accept ride from stranger-man (sorry mom, i know you taught me better). tell yourself it's safe because there are two kids in the car. try not to scare the little boy in the backseat next to you and apologize for getting the seat all wet.

tuesday (5/10) runmute: 6.38miles / 8:57 avg pace / 87 degrees and stormy

to the man and kids in the white jeep - thanks for the (safe) ride home. it's nice to know there's still a little kindness in this world.

free coconut water
get a free sample of PHENOM coconut water simply by commenting on one of their blog articles by sunday, may 15th. i haven't tried it just yet but i will be soon!


  1. What an adventure! Glad you made it home in one piece after all that. I once got so lost in a neighborhood that I considered accepting a ride from a strange man to get home, but thought better of it. He didn't have kids in the car, so I probably made the right move!

  2. I love stories about people doing nice things for strangers. I'm glad you made it home safe!

  3. I would totally have done that, especially with the kids in the back. We all know that NO one with kids can possibly be a BAD GUY!! I'm just glad you didn't get knocked out by a hail bomb, that would be painful.
    Great story, glad you're here to tell it.

  4. Kids in the back seat makes it a little more legit.
    Natasha and I were just talking about how we used to hitch-hike around Hawaii all the time, but would never dream of doing it on the mainland.

  5. Glad the stranger was the good kind and not the kind that offers you candy or asks for help finding their dog. I don't think I could run in hail.

  6. Im totally not poking fun at your adventure but for some reason the thought of the occasional hail stone instead of it just "hailing" had me laughing.. Its kinda like God saying "Im still here sucka!"

    Glad you made it home safe! I would have been too scared to even get in with kids in the car. I would have thought "What if he stole the kids?!?!" lol

  7. OH man I tried some coconut water the other day, it did not agree with me. I'm going to need to try a different flavor perhaps!

  8. I would've done the same thing!

    Hail scares the crap out of me. Much more so than strangers with kids in the car!

  9. OH man! The question is...Would I have given you a ride if I didn't know you?! :) You could have been a major weirdo! :) Lucky for those kids that you're not some crazy freak of a person posing as a runner in distress. :)

    Glad you got a ride.

  10. I have the free coconut water thing too. Just posted. Two pies with free coconut water :)

  11. Holy cow girl!! That was quite an adventure! I'm glad you got home safely...yeah I would have thought kids in the car would equal a safe bet! I love that you put work down as playing with friends!

  12. Ah! The adventures. My mom told me it was OK to get in cars with Jesus fish bumper stickers. Maybe this one had one and you missed it.....Poor kids were probably terrified-ha! Glad you made it home without any hail damage:)

  13. Wow, that certainly sounds like an adventure! I'm glad you got home safe. I once rode my bike through a hail storm and pouring rain and wind. It was so scary....not fun at all.

  14. Getting hit by hail stones is the last straw!! Taking the ride was the right choice:)

  15. That was some nasty weather yesterday. I bailed on my ride last night and then it turned out to be nothing around where we are at.

    Glad you got home safe.

  16. hahaha i would have done the same thing for sure!

  17. tsk tsk Momma is going to be mad at you! But I'm glad you were brought home safe, sound, and in one piece.

  18. Both you and Jillian at Finishing is Winning posted the coconut water thing! I just commented in an attempt to get my sample from them! :-)

  19. Ew. Who knew it could hail when it's so hot outside. I would think it would melt almost instantly. Weird.

    I think I would have taken the ride as well. Glad you weren't abducted ;-)

  20. Rain? What's that? This time of year everything turns to brown here in Southern California.

  21. Seriously? First you win your age group in a race without really training and now you're getting into cars with strangers? I think your blog should be rated PG-13 now. Did the guy lure you in with M&M's? That the way the movies always show it happening.

  22. I have yet to meet a runner who's trained for any distance race who hasn't had a similar experience. My friend Megan once got a ride home in a fire truck!

  23. Wow....you play words with friends during the day?

    Oh, and yeah nice job on getting home. Daring, but somewhat exhilarating wasn't it?

  24. Glad you made it home safe, though I am disappointed that you took a ride from a stranger. Ever seen that movie 'Silence of the Lambs?'. hahaha. It is good to know there are kind people though. I did try that Phenom water from GNC with coconut water. It was on sale, promo, when I got it @ 99 cents a pop. Reg close to 3 bucks a pop. It tastes ok. Have a good one and best wishes this weekend.

  25. i'm glad your safe! i love nice people too. sometimes the kindness of humans surprises me. it shouldn't. but it does.

    now if only i could get a certain doctor-in-training to notice and start surprising me...just saying.

  26. Glad you made it home safe and sound.

    Also, I had no idea it could hail when it was that hot out!

  27. Holy crazy! Sounds scary and I'm not so sure about getting in the car with that guy - my mom would have killed me! But I'm glad you're safe.

  28. Don't do that again! Just don't!!!

  29. Sounds like quite an adventure. The weather can never be trusted, it's official!

    I'm really glad you're safe-not hit by lightning and not abducted.

  30. In would have totally don that! Ha! Glad you got a run in, and a nice ride home. Win, Win!

  31. Wow! Glad he was a nice man! Stranger Danger!!!! LOL

  32. I don't know that I would have climbed in that car. You're balls-ier than me. Lots of luck this weekend, we'll all be thinking of you!

  33. Man. Everyone's like, "Two kids in the car...totally safe!" I'm like, "JESUS! HE ALREADY KIDNAPPED TWO PEOPLE!" I gotta work on my trust issues.

  34. years ago, I broke down at night. I started run/walking to the next town. Someone stopped on a bridge and offered me a ride. I was going to get in the back of the truck, like that was a safer option. I took 3 steps toward the truck, and then turned around and started running. I freaked! I made it to a phone, and lived to tell about it, but Mom, I didn't take that ride with a stranger. Hee Hee!

    The next week I bought my first EVER cell phone, and a gun. Did I tell you that I freaked?

  35. YIKES!!! Running in a hailstorm?! Glad you got home safe!! :)

  36. @Brian - SNORT!

    What a crazy run. Glad the guy wasn't a creep!

  37. I believe the majority of people are good and getting rides from strangers is ok. And with kids in the car it makes it doubly ok.

  38. Craziness Lindsay...be careful out there! I know you run like a superwoman, but hail...no, not good! Glad everything worked out well.

  39. I know how hail can sting and would definitely have taken that ride with strangers as well. It certainly is good to know there are some good people out there.
