Tuesday, May 31, 2011

a visit from murphy

a few hours before our memorial day cookout, i heard the fridge making a noise. it has made this noise a few times before, but i'd ignored it. this time, i looked down the crack between the fridge and counter and spotted a little water. hmmm...

i started to pull the fridge out from the wall to investigate and the floodgates opened. water was spraying everywhere; i yelled out the backdoor for josh.

it was a stressful 10 minutes. i'm swimming on the kitchen floor, praying i won't be electrocuted, trying to aim the water into a bucket. josh is outside fighting a seized up valve on our water main (thanks local water system) and running inside every few minutes to dump out my bucket just before it overflows. three gallons of water later (that we know of) he gets the water shut off. he complains about having to go to home depot all dirty (uhh, it's home depot? full of dirty construction men?) but he goes anyway. i mopped up the water but apparently it got under the living room flooring as that was buckling and warping tuesday morning. excellent.

- do i have a spare box of living room flooring? nope.
- is the store i purchased it from (4+ yrs ago) still in business? nope.
- is the living room floor the same as the dining rm, hallways and master bdrm? yes.
- wouldn't i just love to redo it all again if i can't find something that matches? um. no.

tuesday morning, now an expert at identifying wet, warping flooring, i noticed the foyer floor was having issues as we were rushing out the door to work. apparently a water jug had sprung a leak (not sure how) for who-knows-how-long.

i don't know why the water jug was in the foyer, but it was. i'm deeply saddened, as this was the only part of the original house i'd planned to leave intact (this house has been an almost-5-year-rehab project). josh on the other hand hated the parkay so he probably planted the leaky jug there...

our next house is going to have cement floors


  1. I can't super glue my Garmin strap because I was so mad I don't know what I did with the broken part. Threw it across the parking lot? Threw it with super sonic speed back to the Garmin factory? Anyways I have already ordered a new one. My husband assures me he will put it on for me. I'll let you know how it goes. Seems pretty sucky to me that that happened.

  2. Why did Josh have to go to Home Depot? Why couldn't you?!? :) haha

    Good luck with the clean up and possible repairs.

  3. I make fun of my parents for changing clothes before they go to home depot. It's like "Who are you trying to impress?" Actually I tend to think the dirty clothes give you a little more street cred at the Home Improvement Store.

  4. Oh geez, that bites. I hate house repairs.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh Jeez! I've finally found someone having worse luck than me with the household crap! We have a warped dining room floor from one of my lovely children putting a glass up to the water dispenser on the fridge and then just walking away as it continued to fill and fill and overflow! I, of course, was very calm and collected about the situation and used it as a teaching moment-F*&K.....Anyway, this sucks!

    I'm way behind with my comments here. There are a few blogs that won't give me a comment box from my phone and I'm not sure why. I've been reading:) I now finally have a computer back!

    Good luck with your little situation here!

  7. Call your insurance company....we had something similar happen and somehow managed new flooring in the entire house - woohooo. Of course our insurance company doesn't like us now but oh well.

  8. i hate house issues. thank goodness i live in an apartment for now. but seriously, i am way too inept at real world work like maintenance and repairs yet at the same time i am a control freak and a perfectionist... i am scared to live in a real house. elliot better be ready. lol.

  9. Man, this sucks! Me, I would not worry much about any major repair right now. Wait until you have kids (if you want them:), and you will find many surprises (e.g., drawings on the walls, signs on the walls, etc).

  10. I have some left over bamboo flooring you can use. That would look sweet. It's tiger strand. Perfect for a patch job.

  11. I agree with Jill's comment, give the insurance company a try. You'll be surprised what can be covered. They take in all our money from month to month-it's nice to get a pay back when deserved.
    Hope all gets fixed-water issues suck. We had some leak down from our bathroom to the basement! You know what's down there......

  12. We already had a water issue in the house and I've only been in it for 2 months. Sigh. I hope you got the fridge issue settled! Good luck with the flooring.

  13. oh the joys of home ownership. these things always happen at the most inconvenient times. never fun.

  14. Oh that sucks!!! So sorry! Will insurance cover it? Maybe??

  15. With two floods in two (??) days, I think you guys have flooding in the house covered for the rest of your lives.

  16. You and Josh and going to have to come hang out in Ontario when we start having house issues - we are sooo not handy and you'll be old pros at everything!

    But seriously, sucks about your luck. :(

  17. Water troubles in houses SUCK! When we bought our house we replaced all of the floors on our main floor. Then a month after that a pipe in the wall broke and flooded the whole damn thing. So we had to replace them all again. Totally sucked! I'm sorry you're dealing with that crap.

  18. That totally sucks. Sometimes owning a home is just no fun. If it makes you feel better, we just had a contractor come out tonight to tell us that pretty much every window sill in our house needs to be replaced because they are start to rot. Oh happy days!

  19. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

    Time to start selling your artwork to pay for these unexpected expenses.

    Sorry that water hates you. At least it came from within the house!

  20. Bummer! Seems like it's always something!

  21. Oh that sucks! I don't think I would refloor everything to make it match. Might be time for some strategically placed rugs, haha.

  22. Oh boy, I'm so sorry to hear about this happening. It's definitely a "when it rains it pours" (no pun intended) kind of situation. Good old Murphy's Law, always waiting to pounce when you least expect it :( I also agree that you should contact the insurance company, though.
