Sunday, July 10, 2011

june 2011

john deere parked at waffle house
what, you don't use your lawn mower for transportation?
(pic stolen from friend's fb)

june 2011
total mileage: 100.66
time spent running: 15hrs 34min
days off: 12
avg temp: 76.06
trip of the month: wedding weekend in tennessee (blah). also, a "trip" to the er, which kinda tightened the purse strings.
one race: sunrise 8k - new pr.

just barely hit 100 running miles
ugh i could use a good night's sleep with
no more cardiac

first bike ride of the year
took 6 months to dust off the ol' hybrid
still learning how to adjust helmet to not look so dorky

1 bike ride (/brick) all month - bike 14.2mi (~14.5mph) / run 3.5mi (8:41 avg) / 88°

finally caved and started wearing the shoes i bought last september (mizuno wave rider 13). the ol' green ones are mostly-retired now with about 1185+ miles.

old & new shoe treads


  1. Has there been any progress in figuring out what's going on with your heart?

    It looks like a good month to me, but I will join you in wishing that you manage a few good nights of sleep. Also, yay! new shoes!!

  2. Of course I have to comment about the John Deere!!!
    We live in WI. Jeff works for John Deere. We see John Deere mailboxes on a daily basis. We bleed green and gold (not just for the Packers!)in this state. We see people riding their "rides" everywhere!!!
    That pic just looks like any ole day here in WI.....
    If you want I can send you a John Deere edition road bike!!! LOL

  3. Ate you sure it's the helmet?????? LOL

  4. I always feel a little sad whenever I retire a pair of running shoes.

    Hope you're sleeping right now!

  5. What? No bikerides at the beach?

  6. Really, those shoes look pretty good for 1000+. Mine would be totally beat up. I am down to just two pairs of shoes - flats and trainers - and it's time for another pair so I can rotate. And just because I like new shoes. My trainers are over a year old, though, so I expect they'll be biting the dust soon.

  7. Is summer time! I've dusted off my mtb bike and also buy a new road bike :-)
    Good miles eh! my Nike shoes died at 700 kms! i should try with mizuno some day.

  8. The bike helmet looks like it is sitting a little far back on your head. Might just be the picture but it looks like it is tilted backwards rather than level. Nevertheless you will probably always look dorky, but it is better to look dorky than to be dead.

    It is about damn time you started with the new shoes. I'm still surprised your knees don't hurt like hell running in those old shoes.

  9. almost 1200 miles on one pair of sneakers? How did you not manage to get knee injuries or foot injuries? WOW!!!!!

    So are the episodes still happening then or is that comment from the fact that June had those episodes?

    BTW - not sure anybody looks real good in a bike helmet.....

  10. Sorry you are still having episodes with the heart. Boo!

    But your June sounds solid in spite of it. Good job.

  11. You really ran those old shoes into the ground.

    Good month!

  12. I am sorry you are still have heard episodes. UGH. No new ideas on what is going on??

    Looks like you had a good month and HOLY COW. I can't believe you get that many miles out of a pair of shoes> I bet Mizuno hates you. :)

  13. Ha ha, when I first read this, I thought you ran 100 miles in a week and I was like what the heck??! Thought you were going all Kara Goucher like on us! Glad it was for the month. ha ha!

  14. That's a lot of miles on the shoes!

    You should post where you run...I love seeing that kind of stuff! :)

  15. It's got to be so frustrating to not know what is going on with your heart. I hope someone figures it out soon. In spite of that you got some good workouts in. Didn't know you were getting the bike out. I hope you have fun with it. It's not so hot as running, that is for sure.

  16. Nice job on June... here's hoping for no episodes or ER visits in July!

    Nice helmet! I feel like such a noob in mine. Let me know if you get that figured out.

  17. AWESOME biking-sunshine photo! I love that!

  18. Bwahaha. That could have been a pic I took.. There is a guy in my town that rides his lawnmower all over.

    Thats a lot of miles on those shoes.. Hope it wasnt all running!!

  19. I wear holes in the sides of my shoes after just 3 or 4 hundred miles.

    1000+ good job!

  20. 1200 miles on a pair of shoes? Are you crazy? Or injured?

  21. I am in awe at the 1200 miles on your should call Guiness and see if you got the record :). Hope you're pounding out some great miles on the new shoes!

  22. Aw man, that Mizuno shoe photo looks familiar, I think I have the exact same one! I don't run in Mizunos anymore, though. Finally catching up on blogs!
