Saturday, July 23, 2011

year one

charleston battery

we celebrated surviving one full year of marriage (last sunday) with a long weekend in charleston (sc) for shopping, sailing, wining and dining. i told josh we are going to have to sail annually now (in different places of course!). the downside to getting married shortly after family vacation is that josh doesn't want to take another week off for an anniversary trip. however, he claims we will go on a belated one in the fall... (ahem. it's on the internet now. you can't change your mind).

although i've been to charleston many times growing up, it's a beautiful city and you can never get tired of walking around, shopping on king street or browsing the open air market.

houses in a row

we went sailing on friday, though we waited to launch until after this behemouth cruised by:

cargo ship

i got my flippy floppies
disclaimer: the wind was behind us, puffing up my romper
and making me look like an easter peep

tasted wine at irvin house vineyards, also the home of firefly sweet tea vodka.

irvin house wine & liquor
our selections: palmetto (red), magnolia (white),
peach tea vodka, java rum, lemonade vodka (perfect for yardwork)

goats on stairs
dumb goats at the winery

we had a nice dinner at charleston grill. yes, i was redneck and took (some) pics of my food:

sweet potato ravioli (amazing invention)

main course
grilled wild salmon
with artichoke, potatoes and asparagus in a tasty green goop
for dessert i had the blueberry pie. our server came out with two tiny squares and i thought to myself "oh h*ll no this is not my pie!". it turned out to be the pre-dessert of coconut milk/tapioca with mango and pineapple, which was quite delicious. the actual-dessert was decently sized, but i did not get a picture because i inhaled it (also delicious).

overall it was a relaxing weekend although it made going back to work on monday extra tough. oh yeah, and 0% running or biking last week. le sigh...


  1. First 5 are the toughest and most memorable - Discovery years.
    I lived in Charleston twice and loved it. By far my favorite place to live. We often go back a couple times a year.

  2. what a nice weekend trip. I'm SOOOOO ready for us to escape for a week or weekend. I've only been to Charleston 1 time and enjoyed it, such a neat place.

    For us, year number 7 was tough. (which coincides with the 7 year itch, I suppose) After that it's been mostly smooth sailing #themarriedlife

    Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy Anniversary! That looks like a really nice weekend trip!! And yes, you have to celebrate big in the fall now that his promise is on the internetz. LOL

  4. Happy Anniversary!!

    What a fun trip! I can't wait to get back to Charleston and hopefully have a chance to see a bit more of it.

    That last pic of both of you is great!!!

  5. Goats are so dumb, they'd probably eat green poop. AND tip the waiter.

    Lindsay, that is a sweet peep outfit, Josh is such a lucky guy!

    Congrats, have a fun water-disaster-free Year #2.

  6. Happy Anniversary.

    I think the goats are a riot!

  7. Looks great! I'm a fan of any restaurant with a pre-dessert!

  8. Happy Anniversary! Looks like a fun trip. When I was down south in May a lot of people recommended Charleston to me. We ended up in Savannah instead but I'd love to make it to Charleston at some point too. Looks very lovely.

  9. Congrats on 1 year!! Looks like a really fun trip! I have never been there before. Looks very pretty!

  10. Happy Anniversary Easter Peep! Looks like you guys had a remarkable time. You both look very happy and alive with each other. Take care and God Bless you both with many more years of friendship and love.

  11. Happy Anniversary! Your pictures are gorgeous...they make me want to move to Charleston.

  12. Happy anniversary girl!

    I try to be sneaky at restaurants, I always turn off the flash, then nobody really notices, haha.

    You two look so cute together.

  13. Happy anniversary! You two are super cute. :) One of my sons (that we adopted) was born in Charleston and we spent a couple of weeks there when he was born. Love it!

  14. Happy Anniversary! Never been back East but it looks beautiful! Those goats are cracking me up.

  15. Wipeout, I'm going to have to look that up!

  16. Happy Year One!! May you celebrate many, many, many more!!

    Charleston looks great-love the "oldness" of it. I hope to spend my 30th on Southfork Ranch!

  17. Happy Anniversary you two!!! I was wondering what you were doing when I saw all your shots on instagram.

  18. Happy anniversary! Sounds like a great time!

  19. i like the way you operate on vacation lady, food, wine, sailing. sounds awesome, i've always watned to go to charleston. so glad you had a great anniversary!

  20. YUM and FUN! This looks like a really good time. Happy Anniversary!!

  21. What is up with those crazy A goats? Love Charleston so much, what a great idea to go sailing. You two were dining fancy, pre-dessert - who knew there was such a thing?

  22. Happy Anniversary!

    Charleston is so amazingly beautiful and definitely one of my most favorite places! I am glad you got to enjoy it for a celebration weekend!

  23. Looks very pretty and it's always good to enhale dessert...just in case!

    Happy A!

  24. Happy Anniversary!!

    Charleston, one of my FAVORITE cities! I LOVE it there. So many awesome restaurants and shopping and running and Oh geez-I want to book a trip right now!!

    Sweet potato ravioli. I've had butternut squash ravioli. TDF-I'm guessing this is similar! Of course the Charleston grill and Kashi frozen meals might be a little different-who knows....

    Bahahaha on the Easter Peep in the romper. Not the picture actually, just your reference! Glad you had a great weekend!

  25. Congratulations on your anniversary! I've only been to Charleston once, but I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment.

  26. Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more!

  27. Happy [belated] Anniversary! Glad you had a nice little getaway. And, um, I always photography my food in restaurants on vacation!

  28. Oh , so cute, you little Peep!
    I think those goats look like high school graduates at least , but then, I'm a goat lover.
    Happy Anniversary, I can't believe it's already been one year!

  29. Happy Anniversary to you!! Holy cow! Has it really been a full year? Time sure does go by fast! Great pictures!

  30. Happy anniversary! Make sure to hold him to that second vacation ;)

  31. Happy Anniversary! Sigh, this post made me miss Charleston like crazy. I used to run along the battery there in the first pic. Charleston Grill is YUM and love love love the winery!

  32. Happy Anniversary a few days late ;) Hope it was great!
