Monday, July 11, 2011

where the blacktop ends

spanish moss trees

i spent last week down on the carolina shore. it was refreshing to not (really) have internet access (technically i still had my phone), and i almost considered dropping out of the blogosphere -- don't worry i'm still too narcissistic for that just yet.

dawn on the carolina coast

i read a couple good books:
  • "the places in between" by rory stewart. a personal account of stewart's walk across afghanistan... in 2002 (aka a few short months after the twin towers fell). it was a new perspective, for me, on the people of afghanistan, and an eye-opening reminder of the many privileges we have here in america.
  • "river of no reprieve" by jeffrey tayler. another personal journey - this time in an inflatable raft up the lena river (siberia) to the arctic sea where temps can range from -91°f to 114°f. amazing to learn about the towns and people who live in the extreme weather of the "true north".
(i am not an amazon associate. clicking on those links and purchasing either book will not provide me with any profits whatsoever. i borrowed the books from my local library. personally i enjoyed "the places in between" more than the "river".)

in addition to laying out on the beach, reading and cooling off in the ocean, i did a little running and riding as well:
  • sunday -- morning "long" run, 9 miles 83°
  • monday -- morning easy run, 6 miles 81°
  • monday -- afternoon bike ride, 15 miles (15mph) 85°
  • tuesday -- afternoon brick 14.75 miles bike (14mph)/4.6 miles run (somehow this was the fastest run of the week) 86°
  • wednesday -- morning barefoot run on the beach, 6 miles, 84° - saw a hatched loggerhead turtle nest
loggerhead turtle nest
obviously a non-hatched nest
  • wednesday -- afternoon jillian's "ripped in 30" dvd
  • thursday -- morning bike ride 22 miles (15mph) 85°
  • friday -- morning run, 5 miles 82°
  • saturday -- morning run, 4.5 miles 80°

{title reference: keith urban's "where the blacktop ends"}


  1. Oh I wish I would have seen a turtle nest...I zoomed in the pic but it's hard to tell what exactly is happening there.

    Awesome runs and bike rides!!

  2. Sounds like a great vacation. I thought about dropping out, too. Kinda lost my blog mojo. Glad you are still blogging, though:)
    6 miler barefoot, wow, I am impressed. Nice mileage lady!

  3. Sp pretty ... love the turtles but man, beach running is tough! Good for you!

  4. Those books sound interesting but I am really into pretty meaningless books right now. Would love to see a turtle nest.

  5. Lucky! Sounds fun and relaxing!

    I just finished up Room - and have started Unbroken - (so far it's amazing).

    I'm sure they are both available at your library though ;)

    Nice work on the running AND the biking!

  6. I'm so jealous of your beach vacation. I would love a nice, long relaxing vacation.

  7. Sounds like a lovely relaxing vacation!

  8. Sounds nice! You know, when I'm at home I'm on the internet a lot, but on vacation I don't even miss it.

  9. I just got my bike but already loving it (and bricks!)

  10. That's like the perfect the beach with little to do, but then keeping up the workouts as well. Well played.

  11. Yeeehhhhaaaaaaa! Lindsay, I love your way (and your blog). You always motivate to me. Awesome plans, and free time. I like your running days.

    C'mon litte girl!

    I'm happy you are fine and running!

    Greetings from Spain

  12. I skipped right over the book reviews since I'm not a reader! Love that you're biking more and more! Maybe the Green Bay Duathlon is in your future!! LOL

    Good luck Tuesday! ;)

  13. Nice Amazon disclaimer!

    I thought the post was gonna be about how you have shrugged of the shackles of the road and gone off to be a trail runner...alas no!

  14. Welcome back to the real world.... Hope that Monday was all too bumpy for you.

  15. Sweet vacation..I am in dire need of one...

  16. That's a ton of running & biking on your vacation! Very impressed!

    Thanks for the book recs... looking for some good summer reads for an upcoming weekend away.

  17. I totally thought you had joined the trail running brothersisterhood, but alas, no. Sounds like a great vacation!

  18. I can't believe you did all that exercising on your vaca! You rock!

  19. Your vacation sounds lovely... I could use one of those!

  20. YIKES, those are some HOT runs.
    Forget ditching the blogsphere, young lady, what would I do without your art?

  21. Tried to find those books at my local library and both were out. Guess someone beat me to them. :(

  22. I keep trying to leave you comments, and they keep disappearing! Stupid Blogger!

    anyway...i sure do hope you don't quit the blogosphere!

  23. Ahh! I have to catch up on your life. I've been avoiding blogging because I haven't been able to run. :( I started running again, and my friend and I (who got hurt at the same time) started a new blog. Check it out! and share it on your blog if you can! I totally gotta catch up on so many blogs!!! (yours especially! One of my favs!)

  24. Nice runs and bikes on vacay! I'm in a bookclub and our book this month was ROOM. Read it in six hours. It was okay, but the best book we've read was "The book of Negroes" called "Someone Knows My Name" in the states.

  25. When you're hurtling the snake like objects do you scream? I always scream like a girl!

  26. Love your little Kenyan flag in the browser bar!

  27. You were gone so long, I thought you were taking up my posting habits: once a week! Glad you had a nice, relaxing vacation though it appears you sweated out some water down there!

  28. Thanks for the book ideas, I'm going to check those out. Great pics, the Carolina shore is so gorgeous.

  29. You better not drop off the "blogosphere"! Thanks for the titles, always looking for a good read!

  30. Glad you had a good trip!! I do love the forced breaks from the computer. I've been known to walk around aimlessly and desperately, into walls, out into oncoming traffic etc. trying to get coverage on my phone though. I haven't done a true internet fast in awhile....Glad you didn't drop out of the blogosphere!!!

    Oh-I can tell you I would like both of these books! Thanks for sharing.

    Nice workouts. I haven't run barefoot on the beach in a LONG time. Nor have I been witness to a loggerhead turtle nest. Could that be because I live in MN and we have no decent freakin' beaches...

    I tagged you in a Q and A post. You may already be tagged, you may hate this whole idea!

  31. Sounds like it was a well-deserved and relaxing vacation. I'm glad you decided not to abandon us here in the blogosphere :)

  32. Wow, looks like a real good week of training, even while on vacation! Nice work!

  33. PS: ^That was me. Confusing having two people under one blog name!

  34. Man for being on vacation you sure fit in a lot of workouts!

    I also thought your post title was in reference to the Jason Aldean song "Dirt Road Anthem" My favorite line is "raising hell where the blacktop ends"

  35. Beach, oh heaven. I went to Duck a couple weeks ago and didn't blog once and I realized that it was nice to take a little break. And I haven't actually been blogging on a daily basis anymore and it's been just fine.

    So yes, good to hear from you!

  36. oh that looks like a lovely little vacation. NICE! and how cool you saw the turtle nest, that is awesome.

  37. I consider dropping off the blog-o-sphere also.
