Monday, September 12, 2011

snip snip

(note: no gory photos. sorry?)

my left toe/toenail has been sore on and off lately, so i decided to suck it up and go to the podiatrist. better to go now while i'm rebuilding my cardio and not chugging away towards a goal race. i assumed it was another ingrown toenail. i went back in march 2007 for my right toenail, and back then the doctor said i would probably have to come back for the left one. i kinda put it off.

so there i was, reclined in the big blue chair, waiting for the numbing shot. he first sprayed something super cold (kind of like those air cans used for cleaning keyboards) before jamming the needle in. the cold spray helped but it didn't fully block the sting.

while we waited for the anesthetic to kick in, he kindly clipped off my two black nails (2nd toes). then he used a dremel tool and essentially sanded the new mini-nail growing underneath. oh to be a podiatrist! glamorous.

numbed and a little swollen

15 minutes later he came back to check on me and the numbness. unfortunately the first shot hadn't fully numbed my toe as intended. turns out i have a unique nerve on the bottom side of my toe, which the doc said wasn't in many textbooks. go figure. a second shot and a couple minutes later, it was good to go.

from here i can only assume what went on because i was too nervous to watch. i was holding my phone in front of my face to text block the view (even though most of the time my eyes were shut) and he asked me if i was video taping the procedure. i guess i have blogger written on my forehead. sorry to let you down, but i did not take a video. basically what happens is the doctor trims the nail down the side of the toe and then burns the root with acid to hopefully prevent it from growing back (and possibly becoming ingrown again).

surgical shoe cardio

for the next couple weeks i have to tend to the bandaging and wear a sexy black shoe-boot. i can resume running when i'm able to get my foot in a shoe. i found this a little odd because last time he said it would take two weeks, but whatever. either way, i knew that i'd be modifying an old pair of shoes (like last time) to keep my toenail from hitting the toebox before it fully heals. unfortunately it seems i've thrown away that pair so i had to cut up another pair. hopefully this time i won't run into get run over by a car.


  1. Girl, this post gave me the creeps and I'm not even there and have never been to a podiatrist. But thanks for the heads up in case I ever have to go to one! I hope your toe feels better soon.

  2. Oh my! Hope it heals quickly. Is it typical that the nails on both big toes get ingrown at the same time? This is the 3rd instance I've heard of someone having to have both toes "fixed".

  3. Whoa.. Im not sure whats more amazing this whole post or that you modified the shoes hehe Good thinking though!!

    Hope it heals!!

  4. Holy have special nerves and I have limited fat oh my we are a couple of medical marvels for sure!!! LMAO.

    Love how you cut the shoe box-that's the mindset of a true-blooded diehard runner!! You should see what I do to my hands so I can continue to swing....

  5. Lord. I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or cringe. LOL!

  6. oh my LIndsay. You always have something new and spiced up to read about on your blog. Never dull that's for sure. :) Your shoes creative. ha! And reading about the toe procedure made my stomach turn. yikes. feel better toes!

  7. I don't have any toe problems.................yet. After reading this, I just might saw my nails off now. lol. Hope your nails heal up quick, and nice job on the new shoe look.

  8. I knew a Dremel was a multi-purpose tool but on feet? Who knew? Happy, speedy healing!

  9. I found this to be gross, yet fascinating. like a car wreck, where you should turn away but can't...

  10. Ouch!! Heal up soon! I feel lucky that I haven't had any toenail issues...knock on wood. I'm not sure how I'd feel about a toe nail coming off!

  11. Eew, this was worse than a poop story. I guess I just have feet/toe issues. Well, OTHER people's toe and foot issues gross me out. By the way, I like the shape of your nail beds. Very oval. I wonder if that's hereditary. I'm tempted to post a photo of my UGLY toes from my last marathon. Maybe we can have an ugly toe contest. No winners.

  12. Oh gosh. I think I'll stick to my messy homemade podiatry...which totally revolts my husband.

  13. Yowzer. Good luck with this. I had to skip parts.

  14. You might be onto something, girl! You should market those shoes for these types of predicaments, runners will eat them up! Of course, this new job comes in between your art gig. You are one busy girl!

  15. OMG linds honey! You get down with your bad toe! Hope you get better super fast.
    **sending healing your way**

  16. those are some HOT shoes. HOT.

    i had this done to my left toenail as a kid, i think i was about 12 or so. i don't remember any of it honestly, except having a huge bandage! ha. here's to happy quick toe healing.

  17. Oh my ouch!!! Way to snip away and keep going!!

  18. wow you are so inventive. Never would have thought to do that with the shoe and would have just worn flip flops.....

    BTW you should showcase that in the next gangsta video!

  19. Yucko! Maybe I should take up barefoot running?

  20. the weird nerve you have in your foot I have in my mouth! Therefore I always get more than the usual amount of navacane! Yea! That!

  21. Oh, jeez. I am babying my right foot in hopes that I don't have to go to any magic foot doctor soon. I have an evil second toe -- nothing as major as yours but I guess you never know.

    You were wise not to watch. Hope your toe heals quickly!

  22. That last photo just made my freakin' day!

  23. Wow, the last pic is really so... I do not know how to describe it. I hope you get well soon .. any marathon runner has to take care of your nails. It is very important.

    Lindsay greetings, take care

  24. Feet are disgusting. Especially mine :)

    A podiatrist could have a field day on my toes. Ain't going to happen unless they start to hurt or bug me though.
