Tuesday, October 18, 2011

bah humbug (christmas photo card giveaway!)

still not running.
(that's slightly a lie--i ran once this month and went on one walk. your pr's better watch out!)

still ok with it.

sorry i have nothing exciting to talk about. (did i ever?) maybe one day i'll have some sort of explanation for what's going on. i've been 'out' for almost three months and i don't even have an injury.

since that's all still -whatever it is- how about a christmas card giveaway!

bah humbug

to all the grinch's out there, yes i realize it is not even halloween yet, but if you're like me you probably need to order your christmas cards now so you can start thinking about addressing them and maybe even send them out before 12/24. maybe.

paws and lights

last year i received 50 christmas photo cards from shutterfly and they were a hit. in fact, some friends still have them hanging on their refrigerators (and if you don't well shame on you, you're not getting one this year). i learned that i need a lot more than 50 cards though.

holly frame
the design i used last year

shutterfly's website is easy to use for designing holiday cards and there are many designs/layouts to choose from (i've sprinkled some of my favorites throughout this post). there are even a few hanukkah cards, though the selection is not as varied. you can also create calendars and other photo gifts, but i personally have no experience with either of those. my christmas cards turned out well last year so i imagine the other stationary and gifts are well made too.


the goods:
shutterfly wants to help make sure you send out cards on time this year and have offered up 25 free holiday photo cards for three (3) lucky winners!

to enter: leave a comment on this post.
for a bonus entry: visit shutterfly's collection of holiday cards and tell me which design is your favorite (leave a comment).

entries accepted now through november 1st.
three winners will be chosen at random.

note to bloggers!
are you a blogger? want a chance at 25 free cards this holiday season? register here.

peppermint christmas

disclaimer: i will receive 50 free christmas cards from shutterfly in exchange for hosting this giveaway.


  1. Not sure what the chances of number 1 winning but here's to gambling! Go number #!!

  2. oh, and to to see you pop up on my blog roll this morning. I usually only get to 2 or 3 blogs a day now but your my first ...how special. :) ha! still sending you running vibes.

  3. And I love the "Oh So Wonderful" card.

  4. Well since you're not running I'm glad I can fill some of your time playing phone games. :)

  5. I like the "flurry of snowflakes" card.

  6. Love last year's design - your, um, daughters? :)

  7. I love the shutterfly cards! I' would love to win!

  8. Great giveaway! I was just thinking about Christmas cards the other day :)

  9. I like the "Up in Lights" card and the "Pop Art Ornaments" card but there are really so many cute ones to choose from!

  10. How bad is it that I am so lazy that I bought my cards for this year, last year. Then I wouldnt have to think about it until a day before I want to send them!

  11. The running break will serve you well for next season. Don't be too hard on yourself - We all take a break from running to refuel our mojo vib. Otherwise, running becomes a choir!
    Nevertheless, it's a great time to be doing some strength training, or cycling, to work out the imbalances.

  12. Bah Hum Bug, It's not even halloween yet.....jk. I feel so bad, I have yet in my whole life to send out any Christmas Cards. Maybe this year will be a new start on something.

  13. Just got done looking at the cards. i have a head ache now. I like the Cheers one, but Ill just keep the kid on the card.

  14. i can't even begin to think about christmas cards. i never send them out on time. i should probably just accept that and not buy them this year. lol!

  15. Christmas Cards???? I still need to rake my leaves in the backyard!

  16. As someone who was super anal retentive in a prior life about getting cards out along with a holiday newsletter, immediately after Thanksgiving, I'd probably take just about any card because when I send them out this year, people are going to be thrilled to hear I'm still alive!

  17. Just wanted to check in on you, though I'm assuming you're okay if you're bitching about random kids playing softball or something on your yard. My advice - leave dog poo all over your yard. That'll teach them to stay off ;)

  18. My last comment referred to your tweets.

    I confuse myself sometimes...

  19. I"m a follower.

    And did you hear that there are candy corn M+Ms? I saw Jill comment it to someone. I want some badly. And I do mean badly!

  20. I'm sorry you're still not running. Hope everything is figured out soon. In good news, you're really popular if you need more than 50 cards.

  21. I use to love sending out Christmas cards, but now that most of the family is no longer with us, it's kind of a torture to send 'em out, but year after year....I sit down and get it done all at once!
    They had way to many to choose from as far as my favorites....I'd take any of 'em.

    Take your time with the running-find out what's going on and then get back to it....no pressure, no worries....you could always try picking up a kb again ya know! ;D

  22. Hi Lindsay... Halloween cards? Wow!
    What about your next marathon?

    See you!

    P.S. Excuse me my broken and poor English but I'll try.

  23. Man, it stinks you're still not feeling good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    I am definitely not thinking about Christmas yet, but I would draw the line at 50 cards. Goodness, it must take forever to get them ready to go!

  24. Ah girl, no need to worry about me! Senility runs in the family ;p

  25. Oh I LOVE Shutterfly Christmas cards and their other products too...I have one of their poster calendars on my office wall right now. Love it!!

  26. OK - yeah, so I didn't read the directions about leaving a name of the card style I like...how can I choose just one?? I really like JOY IN LIGHTS but I also LOVE the HOLIDAY LOVE SKETCH...oh boy...decisions, decisions...

  27. Ohh fun! I like so many of them! I think I especially like "filled with love" though.. and the "oh deer" one, but I dont have dogs.

  28. oh i already entered. Ha! I didn't even remember. :)

  29. i love shutterfly. i'm new to it and i'm already adicted..

  30. i love the star of david Hanukkah cards.

  31. woo hoo for shutterfly giveaway!

  32. http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery/christmas-cards

    this is my favorite - love the chevron!

  33. I'd love to be one of those families that sends a Deck the Walls card.
    9 pictures of us.
    Like, "in your face look how awesome our life is!"

    Sigh, fact is, I know we'll get a few of those!

    Speaking of awesome life, you may not be running but you're not reviewing exotic medical devices either, things must be looking up?

  34. OK-I missed this post. The reason I clicked on it however is because I missed YOU:)

    Yeah, Christmas cards....I haven't even bought my Halloween candy yet:)

  35. Don't enter me in the giveaway, but how about Clemson! I actually bet on them in Reno, I knew that they would smash North Carolina - I should have bet more on them!

    I still think they have a really good chance of going undefeated this season, wouldn't that be awesome if Stanford and Clemson face off down the road?

    And I need to go to a Clemson game next year now, haha

  36. I love all of those cards, you've got great taste and I'm glad you didn't lower yourself to using your own art to decorate because you need to save THAT for your bloggers...since we didn't get the "good one." Well, at least I didn't.
    Baffled by the non-running comment. Are you okay?

  37. 25 cards would be pretty awesome, especially given how bad I am about sending them. This would totally motivate me!

  38. update: I ended up getting a new iPhone.....but it was just as cheap as if I had bought a new one with my update. So this was a score!
