Wednesday, November 2, 2011

october 2011: finding the podium

october 2011
total mileage: 17.95
time spent running walking: 4hrs 10mins
other exercise: 3 bodyweight/plyometric-ish workouts
days off: 24
avg temp: 56°
trip of the month: virginia beach

i now understand how people go mia from blogging and don't return. i'm already wondering if i should even bother anymore. i haven't had much to say - i've been keeping a "health journal" for about 5-6 weeks now to try and document changes (good and bad) with what's going on and the various "remedies"/treatments i'm undergoing. but none of that seems relevant to a "running blog". when was the last time i actually blogged about running anyway? this offline health journal makes me realize that my handwriting sucks! so messy.

i've also been super busy at work for the past two weeks. my boss was moved to a new project and left me in charge! (scary isnt it?) i think i've done more work in these two weeks than the past 5 years. it's good though, and it's nice to be busy - less time to boredom eat! (i'm so bad at that...) unfortunately it leaves me with less time to ms.paint and for that i apologize. what's more unfortunate is that sometimes i have to bring work home-even after working a 10+ hour day. shudder.

i count hauling this box to/from the car as a workout.

prior to work getting crazy busy i went to virginia beach for a long weekend to see one of my best friends from college and shop for bridesmaid dresses for her wedding.

the chosen dress, but in pink.

other random stuff about october:

we had a construction rodeo at work
i came in second place on the mini-excavator
gotta find a way to get on some sort of podium!

though the neighbor-kids play in my yard, i still give out the good candy.
at least i'm not the neighbor giving out deodorant.

i attempted to decorate for the trick-or-treaters with glowsticks-in-balloons. 
whomp whomp (that's the fail noise for those of you unfamiliar)

here's a "better" shot -
it sorta gives you an idea of what it should have looked like.

that's my october in a nutshell. thanks for allowing me to live vicariously through your training runs, cross training and pr's this year. and even more thanks for not abandoning me... at least i'm telling myself you guys are still out there and anxiously awaiting a run report or new ms drawering.

giveaway update: sometime in the next day or so i'll announce the winners of the shutterfly christmas cards. bear with me, work is taking over my life.


  1. LOL congrats on your podium finish in the excavation event! I have missed the drawings. Dang work...

  2. Thanks for coming back. I really like that Halloween bowl. And the house looks lovely! I am glad you are busy at work. Though I'd rather run trails than work, work is very tough to find for us and many of our friends in So. Cal. So I am happy for your good fortune!

  3. that's more effort than I put into decorating for our neighborkids. I just stuck candy in a pumpkin bowl. put the bowl on a chair. put the chair under a light outside and called it done. hahahahaha

  4. As I mentioned yesterday: First things first and your health is first right now... The blog (and your readers) will still be there when you are ready to run again! ;-)

  5. Aww, please don't stop blogging! I love reading yours! We had good candy and no trick or treaters which means more kit kats for my husband, haha.

    Good luck with all the work. Hopefully this will mean a nice raise for you come promotion/raise time, at least? I hope the health remedies work too, it stinks when you can't run!

    Amy Lauren

  6. I didn't attempt to decorate at all, just turned on the porch light...they still showed up! Glad you are back, I understand going MIA as I've done it myself but don't go away completely...we like it, running or not and hopefully you get things figured out so you can get back to running at some point.

  7. I'm still here. :)
    They totally should have had medals for that competition. Congrats on 2nd place!
    Hope your health stuff is getting figured out.

  8. hey, don't go mia, k?
    sorry about the health issues...i can only imagine how frustrating that must be. i agree, best to be busy during this period. and the fact that your boss put you in charge reinforces what i already knew, that you are a superstar:)

  9. um... I don't think you should go missing! Everyone on here gets the frustration with not being able to do the physical activity you want to push your body to do but cant. Still keeping a journal of recovering your health will be helpful when you are back up and going again - make sure you stay that way. :)

  10. Give the shutterfly cards to me (even though I didn't enter). :D Glad you're still here!

  11. You go with that big equipment driving! So funny.

    Hang in there with the blogging--I always enjoy your posts. I know it gets hard to keep up, especially if you're going to be working so much. But we'd miss you if you were gone!

  12. Pleeeeease don't go! Pleeeeease don't go! (is that some dance hit from the 90s? I think so)

    Okay the glowsticks in balloons was a great idea in thoery!

    mmm candy!

  13. i still love your blog. you could never post about running again and i'd come read.

    who gave out deodorant?!?!?!?

    bridesmaid dress is really pretty.

  14. Dang, a podium finish - super envious here!

    I know I miss ya when I don't hear from you in awhile so don't go away and keep on blogging. And emailing me :). I bet you don't miss the aches and pains from training, though! And how a really crappy run messes with your head and keeps you awake all night! I'm thinking it's time to start running marathons for FUN soon. Can't wait until you are, Too!

  15. NO time for MS Paint? I think you need a new job ;)

    PS - I noted the complete lack of m&m's in that halloween bowl - did you pick them all out?

    It's what I did.

  16. Nobody would abandon you my friend!! You are so super cool to decorate and hand out candy! So fun.

  17. Never never would I abandon you! I'd like to know more about that mini construction thingie. Sounds interesting for sure.

  18. Construction rodeo?? Classy. haha

    We totally skipped out on handing out candy this year. No kids come down our street because the 6 houses at the end of the road are completely dark and the kids don't want to walk past 6 house and not get candy.

  19. Hey, someone took at the M&Ms out of that Halloween bowl??????

    I'm so sorry for your health issues. I know it much be so frustrating.

    You MUST continue your blog. We love keeping up with you.

  20. I would never abandon your blaaag! I enjoy reading about non-running stuff as well. Doesn't make a difference to me as long as you are writing it.

    Really like the story about the excavation machines. We have a giant zamboni-like floor cleaner that goes around the hospital and one of my coworkers got on it one time and took it for a spin around the unit. Loved that moment, your story made me think of it.

  21. You're just charging your battery for next season. Nov and Dec must be the low point for blogging by most. I haven't been any better.

  22. I totally hear you on being too busy to blog. I feel exactly the same way right now.

  23. Eh, I say blog when you can and don't stress about it. I have ads on mine where I HAVE to blog 2x per week, and I"ve recently thought about getting rid of them so that i don't have to keep up as much. So, I totally get it.

  24. It is totally okay to let the blog slide. We'll all still be here whenever you come back. I'm sorry to hear that the running is still tough. Hopefully you are able to get things figured out soon!! Sending lots of speedy healing thoughts your way.

  25. Can I put in a request to have a painting of Karen and I done? That'll keep you busy and help you set a PR with having to spell Bahamundi.....

    Not eating M&Ms or are those not of the boredom eating variety?

  26. Don't worry about not blogging as much, I went through a period in September when I didn't post for 3 weeks - just didn't seem to have anything to talk about. And if I only wrote about running then I wouldn't have a blog in the first place - since I've been injured since like March. I'm just now starting to feel better. So feel free to post about anything you like!

    And who am I going to ask about what Clemson game to try to go to next year? Bummer about them losing, while guarding the Georgia Tech triple option offense is tough, I thought that Clemson would win that one. Thanks on Stanford, they play Oregon State this week (should win easily), then the HUGE showdown against Oregon the following week - I can't wait, lol

    And the construction rodeo at your work looks like fun!

  27. So, did you actually dig a hole or what? Great Job there Lindsay. We have Tractor Trailer rodeos, and they are pretty fun too. I have really missed reading your blog, and it doesn't matter what you write, even if its not running. Lovely decorations btw. You take care and have fun with all that work. Cheers.

  28. I hate when my job keeps me from doing what I really want to do! Please don't stop blogging though!! I've missed your hilarious posts!!

  29. We miss you! Please keep posting anyway - it's always good to hear updates from you, even if it's not about running. Boo lots of work, haha... but that's great that your employers think so highly of you. Take care!

  30. Was suppose to say " took all of the....."
    Obviously, i can't, or spell, or either one..... Ha!

  31. I'm sorry things have been so rough lately, but don't give up! Eventually you'll get a handle on what's going on. In the meantime, don't feel bad or guilty if you want to take a little bit of a blogging break, or if you want to write about some different things--it's your blog, you do what you want! Your readers will love you no matter what <3

  32. I've been running even less than you and have started to wonder if there's even a point to keep track anymore.

    I remember I used to wear my HRM, note the weather, etc. But I don't even look back at any of my old runs, so I don't see the need..

    So my point is, don't end up like me! Hopefully, work will settle down and you'll get back to a more regular schedule. And I have to say, the glowstick balloons were a nice try, but at least the house looks nice!

  33. Ha ha! Heavy equipment rodeo. Congrats!

    I know the feeling about being MIA. Sometimes it's just really tough to come up with something to say. Glad to see you stick to it.

  34. Sounds like a pretty good month! I think it's normal to lose one's blogging mojo every now and again.

  35. Even though I despise the neighbor kids, I too give out the good candy! Is it bad that I only buy the candy that I like to eat and keep some for myself? One for the little demons, two for me. One for the little demons, three for me...
