Wednesday, November 23, 2011

a's to the q's (part 3)

(you know, that meme from july i was answering back in august. here's part 1 & part 2.)

and now for the third installment. also the final one, unless someone asks more questions and then i may get to them by march.

Zoë said...
Pardon me,do you have any Grey Poupon?
fresh out, sorry.

Zoë said... Ok ok ok, in all seriousness:
Do you prefer a certain color M&M over another?
i group(ed) them by color and then start with whichever has the fewest. i always save brown for last, and i give josh the blue ones. if i'm feeling generous i might give him a few red or orange ones too.

Why do your bangs always look so freaking cute in pics on Facebook and such? Mine suck balls.
yours don't suck balls, i promise. i actually have an auto-immune condition called alopecia that keeps me from growing hair. it wasn't always this way, i started losing clumps of hair my junior year of college (good timing right?) and at first some would fall out, but it would regrow. a few years later, it progressed to alopecia universalis and all fell out. it sucks and i still haven't come to terms with it/myself, but i'm doing better. i wish i was super comfortable with it so that i could inspire others with the condition to do great things, but i'm not there yet. on the plus side, it's not life-threatening and i haven't had to shave my legs in 6+ years. so, not to guilt trip you, but appreciate your bad hair days!


time to fess up - who wanted to ask?

Would you consider coming to Seattle for a race to meet some of us Washingtonians in the near future?
of course! well, maybe not "near" future since i'm not exactly in any sort of shape other than round. i'm always down to travel though.

Miss Erosion said...
Do you stretch regularly?
definite n-o. sometimes i stretch before/after a race... i'm a bad role model.

What is your favorite recovery food?
hmm. it's been so long since i've been "in training" that i'm not sure anymore! after a run/workout, i like making a smoothie or a carblicious cinnamon sugar bagel. i don't know if either of those really count as "recovery food" though. i also like a healthy meal of rice and veggies.

Do you take any supplements - if yes, which ones?
yes, but not for running/exercise purposes. back in the summer i took magnesium for my heart/electrolyte imbalances, cod liver oil (because efa's and omega-3's are good for so many things) and b6 and inositol for their role in hair/skin health.

now i'm on a number of whole-food supplements from my nutritional response doc - they are the "standard process" brand so most of them are not supplements you'd see on the shelf at cvs (such as biodent or congaplex, but some are more normal like sesame seed oil or echinacea).

Johann said...
What would you rather do: Ultra or Tri?
ultra. i'm just not comfortable with open water swimming!

Do you only chase Kenyans or will you chase after South Africans too?
until i start winning big races ('cause that will happen and all) i guess i'm chasing all kinds of people :)

Christina said...
I like Johann's question about chasing Kenyans. I'll piggy back on that. Why did you chose chasing the kenyans for your blog name?
i wanted something unique/fun/catchy - i don't know if i accomplished that with the general public but i like it (and i assumed other runners would find it humorous or catchy). most non-runners think of the kenyans when they think about distance runners. now, i know there are many other nationalities with successful runners, but i think the kenyans hold the stereotype. since i don't quite run a 2:04 marathon yet, i'm still chasing after the kenyans, and all the other speedsters.

i did consider versions like "chasing paula radcliffe / kara goucher / deena kastor" but they weren't as 'catchy' to me, and i'm not a big enough fan or follower of any of their careers to warrant naming my blog after them.

Jen said...
1. What are your 1-3 favorite workouts (specifics, with approximate paces)?
i don't really like "fancy" workouts (with various interval lengths/paces). i prefer straight to the point workouts like yasso 800's (your goal marathon time hh:mm = your yasso time mm:ss) or mile repeats (goal 10k pace).

however, i did have a lot of fun with "the marlene" workout.
  • 800@5k, 1600@10k, 3200@gmp (no rest in between them)
  • 1000 recovery
  • 3200@gmp, 1600@10k, 800@5k
you go straight from one interval into the next (or into/out of the recovery 1000). absolutely no rest whatsoever! it's a tough workout, but an amazing one.

2. What's the coolest place you've ever run in?
moorea, french poly. then again i've only ever run in the us or on islands. one day i'll hit up africa or something; get an action shot running from a leopard.

3. What were your favorite parts of doing Boston?
finishing :) i was nauseous/dizzy, especially near the end of the race. i did enjoy all the different towns the course runs through as well as the multitude of spectators - many of them were entertaining. there are some bare spots, but the course is well-lined with support from start to finish. it's fun to be in town a few days leading up to the race and enjoy all the excitement building up for the big day!

4. What races are on your bucket list?
i actually don't really have a running bucket list, other than to run a marathon in every state + dc. i also think it'd be cool to run all the world marathon majors (boston, london, berlin, chicago, new york) - especially to do so all in the same year (hah, yeah right).

5. What would be your ideal way to refuel and relax after a good workout/race?
eating brunch with friends and/or family. putting on recovery socks/sweats and relaxing on the couch. (i'm imagining post half- or full- marathon here, i don't think i'd need to veg out after a 5k!)

6. To be as wicked fast as you are, and to be able to push yourself during training and racing as you do, you must have some strong motivators... what are they?
honestly, i don't feel like i've been a great runner in 2011 (prior to august and the skin troubles) so it's hard for me to remember what used to motivate me. i think i was motivated a lot by the successes of my everyday training runs - i'd run my easy runs (instead of skipping them), work hard on speed days and log the long runs. getting to cross each completed workout off the training schedule was a lot better than having to admit i'd slacked off.

reading books or watching movies about pre also gives me an "adrenaline shot" of motivation. i wish i could just show up to a race one day, a nobody, and blow everyone out of the water.

Kathrin said...
Diving right in:
1) What is on your travel bucket list given the premises that money and time didn't matter?
i'm going to add in safety-concerns too, because i'd really like to explore all those troubled countries of the middle east/africa/eastern european region. i also want to do a tour of asia - china, thailand, philippines, japan, vietnam... and i hate being cold but i want to go to antarctica too.

heck, everywhere. i want to see the world!

2) Any news from the cardiologist?
like i said... i'm way behind on answering this. here's what was going on with my heart and here's the 'answer'. in recent months, i've had a lot less episodes, and i'll take it.

3) Since you are such a M&M connoisseur... What type of M&M is missing in their product line-up??
i'm not sure if i still qualify as a connoisseur of m&m's now that i'm sugar-free, but i was perfectly content with the plain and pretzel ones. i've seen the candy corn ones they had out this fall but didn't try them (did you?). i'm not entirely sure how this would work, but i think cream cheese/cheesecake m&m's could be pretty amazing.


  1. Why has nobody invented cream cheese m&ms???

    Ahhh "the marlene" - my favoUrite AND least favoUrite workout of all time. That will be making a comeback next season. I'm even going to make my clinic members try a scaled back version.

    I admit, I wondered about the hair.

  2. first things first - yes and M&M cheescake would be awesome. Seeking out recipe now...

    I always thought I was the only one who never stretched. (mostly am just lazy that way). I listened to a talk Jeff Galloway gave at Disney one year. He said the Kenyans never stretch so that is good enough for me! We can call it part of our plan to emulate the Kenyans :)

  3. i did want to ask about your hair but i sort of figured it out. thanks for sharing about it b/c it is a personal thing. i think you look fab all the time!

    that marlene workout looks like a total ass kicker. i'm gonna pass. lol!

    and YES on that M&M flavor suggestion. write to them for all of us ok?

    Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Funny thing was that this morning I was thinking I don't want to shave my legs but had to because I am going to see my chiropractor this morning to get an ART session on my calf.

  5. SOOOOOOOOO, wait. Does that mean you're totally bald and wear wigs? <-- that sounds mean, it isn't meant to be. I just think that's so totally awesome, if that's the case.

  6. Try as I might, I did not lay eyes on any candy corn m&ms. I saw an ad, but did they really exist?

  7. I actually work with a few gals who have alopecia and it's no big deal to me....I never see people in "that" sense, I always tend to look into someones eyes-it shows their soul and that's what I'm interested in, not how nice their hair looks!

    Way creepy....I eat my M&M's the exact same way! In order by color and how many....freaky!!

  8. And hear I thought you went hairless for the aerodynamic qualities. Cheesecake M+Ms sound pretty good. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. You are right we don't always appreciate things like "bad hair" days because we have hair. I have a high school friend who has something similar if not the same thing. Everyone always thinks she has cancer. You always look good but I can see it would be a hard thing to accept because people would wonder which I would hate I admit.

    I would go for the M+M cheesecake thing.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  10. I read an interesting blog the other day about being thankful for your problems. It was about how such petty things are considered problems, like not getting to a certain pace in a run, not lifting a certain amount of weight, and how you should be grateful problems don't include words like tumors, chemo, and terminal.

    And hey, not having to shave for 6 years isn't so bad. I never knew you had alopecia though, I guess I miss out on things like this in internet-land :).

    I did one of these posts but never got any good questions so I only did one answer post. Instead of getting good questions, I got really mean stuff that I refused to answer, so yeah. But here's another for you... have you tried the Cinnamon M&Ms at Target yet?

    Amy Lauren

  11. Hey, figured it's time for one of my once-a-year comments. Thanks for your transparency and honesty, as always, and your joyous spirit, as always. I'm thankful you're okay, though of course I pray for complete healing, and for your grace and courage in the face of difficult circumstances. My husband has exhibited grace that puts me to shame, especially after his own MS diagnosis. Makes me realize how silly it is to pout after a missed PR.

    I, too, will be passing on the Marlene. No particular reason. Other than it sounds like a recipe for tossing my cookies, and I really like my cookies.

    Thinking of ya. Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for being you--honest, joyous, and full of grace!

  12. Obviously, I don't follow the M&M marketing plan very closely, because I completely missed the candy corn variety. Cheesecake M&M's sound good!

    I kind of figured the thing with the hair, because a high school friend of mine has the same thing. She lost her hair halfway through middle school... I guess it's never a good time for stuff like that.

    Have a happy Thanksgiving! And let's walk together again soon!

    Oh and is that reply on comment function new or have I just not been commenting lately???

  13. Great answers, I do like your blog name Chasing the Kenyans!

    And yea, if I had gotten the drumstick it probably would have sat on my souvenir/picture shelf that I have, so really it is just an object. I maybe would have thought of something cooler than that, but I'm not sure =)

  14. Love this post! I learned lots about you! I hope you are able to get back to training soon. You rock! And too bad you don't live closer... I think we'd be awesome training partners. ;)
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. As always....loved reading your post. Fun to delve into that brain of yours!

    I would like to do a tri at some point...but I think that the next thing on my agenda would probably be an ultra because I, too, can't deal with the open water swimming.

  16. I enjoyed your answers and have only one question left. When are you visiting South Africa? Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Thanks for all of your answers. It's a fun way to get to know you better, and I appreciate your openness. Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Hah, the ACE class is actually dirty hair from the night before, in a loose floppy ponytail. Chances of having clean fresh hair at that time are minimal........

  19. Sorry to hear about your alopecia universalis. I can't imagine how hard that must be to live with. Keep up with your positive attitude....... Awesome!!!!!

  20. I wondered..
    you are awesome.
    that's all.

  21. Loving the Boston pic...been there done that...the feeling not the race!

    I am learning how much of a pain leg shaving is!!!

  22. Crap. I have to shave my legs more often than you! :-P Damn life of a triathlete. haha

    We gotta get you over this fear of open water swimming.

  23. Wow, a lot of questions answered. Thank you for sharing all of that. m&m cheesecake sounds good. I have not totally eliminated sugar but I have cut down here and there. (lost weight too, lol) I never never stretch, well, once a month if that. Take care Lindsay!

  24. Um, yeah. Cheesecake m&ms would rock!

    Thanks for sharing about your alopecia.

  25. Something's different about your blog, there's all these confusing Links to this Post or something at the bottom. I was almost scared away.

    Um. Guys don't notice hair, I would have never guessed, but Wikipedia splained everything. Awesome that you shared in the middle of a year long q&a. ha

    Glad you're feeling better, be more gladder when you're running more.
