Monday, November 21, 2011

sat to death

mini-updates to address some of the various questions that have been asked recently:
  • sugar - haven't noticed much of a direct change. my skin is a little better in general, but that could just be from the overall cleaner diet. i think i do feel more "alert"/focused though, and i know that sugar-free is healthier all-around.
  • caffeine - haven't had any since june. strictly decaf or tea for me!
  • sleep - i haven't been the best at "no electronics at night/in the bedroom". i know i should read, but sudoku is more enticing. i'm usually not tired at bedtime, but i try to force myself to be. typically, i might sleep from 11:30-1:00, 3-6:30 (have to get up for work). not ideal! on the weekends i avoid making morning plans so i can sleep in, once i slept until 1pm. yikes. i know sleep is important for your body in a number of ways, including healing, and i need to straighten this out soon. one small victory - i'm off the sleep-aid medicine i was taking and some nights (usually the weekend) i do sleep for 7-8 straight hours.

following up on my previous post about my extreme laziness, here's an infographic to motivate us all to get up and move a little more.

Sitting is Killing You
via: "medical billing and coding"


  1. I suddenly have the urge to get one of those stand up workstations before I die here in this chair!

  2. And that's why I have a standing desk! It was strange to get used to, but now sitting for any length of time just kills me!

  3. When I am at the office about 80% of the time I am sitting :( I have been thinking about getting one of those exercise balls to sit on instead... at-least work my core.

  4. Great post. I am so guilty of this. Must combat it with some regular activity that I have neglected for months.

    Thanks for the good info.

  5. I saw those sitting stats a little while ago - CRAZY!

    I love sleep and I feel HORRIBLE when I don't sleep properly for any reason. I really feel for those of you who don't sleep well. Sounds like it has really improved, though!

  6. Yikes, I love sitting:)
    Never gone sugar free, I feel like I need the sugar for the running:) Yikes about sleep. You should talk to Jenn, she fixed her sleep issues, I think, but used to have a rough time with it. Sounds like you spend a chunk of night time awake, must be frustrating. And yes, sleep is important, but our bodies are smart and get their REM when they can. Sometimes worrying about not sleeping enough contributes to not sleeping.

  7. You and I should seriously have some "chats" at 1am - I think I am up those exact same times! Oh wait, you aren't suppose to be on electronics during that time. I get most of my shopping done then though!

    You're inspired me to go sugar-free for the day. Just one. I WILL do it! :)

  8. I do a lot of moving at work but here I sit reading blogs. Evenings are all about sitting for me.

  9. I've seen that infographic before and I always have a strong urge to avoid it. It makes me feel even worse that as I read it, I'm sitting on the couch after a day of no activity :(

    Sleep hygiene is so hard. I had gotten to a point where I was better about electronics in bed/before bed, but I'm slipping. And I can't help but read before going to sleep--it's like your sudoku, I feel like I need it!

  10. Love it. I'm a pharmacist, I never sit down at work.

  11. I hate sitting....I also sometimes hate that I'm on my feet for my entire 12 hour shift forced to be nice to be people...aka: twizzler lady!! LOL

    I'm glad you're feeling some good changes! I'm so thankful that I'm able to sleep without any issues...when I was young, being sleep deprived caused seizures..ugh.
    I bet you'd sleep better if you threw some heavy shit around! ;)

  12. I'm sitting at my computer reading this and felt compelled to stand up. I'm thinking we need a ban on chairs - Like tobacco products! Bad for your health warning signs. What if you took a nap in a chair - Sleep recovery would balance the bad of sitting down (LOL).

    Great post. Now, go get some sleep.

  13. I am so glad that I have a job were I can get up and go out and walk around when I freaking feel like it. Loved the signs too. Very awesome indeed. Take care.

  14. This was a great post!!! Thanks! Hope you are doing well!!

  15. some sort of genius created those sitting graphics. love it!

  16. Great post! Now, I begin to worry about my job! is killing me!!

  17. Oh man, I keep reading articles about how sitting is killing us, and it's starting to stress me out! My hubby and I are both engineers and our jobs are primarily sitting. Eek! I'm going to drop dead! I've started looking into standing desks, but that's not really realistic for work. I've also read that NEAT (a.k.a. fidgeting) can help with the whole sitting thing. So now I will be a runner and a fidgeter and hopefully survive this whole sitting fiasco...
