Wednesday, February 29, 2012

february 2012

miles run: 0.0

miles walked: 0.0

other workouts: do potato chip arm curls count?

days off: 29

netflix obsessions: toddlers and tiaras, the secret life of the american teenager

netflix fail: the winning season (it was just super cheesy and predictable, but then again aren't all movies predictable?)

artistic/creative outlet: finishing up nicki minaj on ms paint. didn't do well in this realm.

new food i tried: kiwi. alright, i've had it before so it wasn't totally new. but this was the first time i had to pick it out and peel/cut it. produce selection and preparation scares me.

i just wish they yielded more slices!
and yes i had my kiwi with a side of rice

book(s) read:
the brief wondrous life of oscar wao (junot diaz) - i read about 80 pages of this one. i tried, but i just couldn't get into it.

the passage (justin cronin) - checked this one out after a preview by andrea @agegroupsrock. it was interesting, then started getting weird, but i stuck with it. read all 700-800 pages in 3 days.

number of blog visitors: 771 (not sure what attracted you since i posted a whopping 3 times, but i will continue to say thanks for sticking by me!) i will be back in action one day... hopefully sooner rather than later.

number of doctor visits: 11 (includes 2 trips to chiropractor)

i had a thermal scan done of my spine.
the left is normal, the right is my severely not-normal.

i went to the worst-ever rheumatologist who basically told me i don't have arthritis. pretty sure i already knew that, thanks. i was referred to a rheumatologist because they cover auto-immune conditions in addition to arthritis. i would like to see a endocrinologist (still working on that) but it was suggested that a rheumatologist would be more thorough. perhaps some endocrinologists are thorough / actually consider the auto-immune side of their practice, but the particular one i saw was moronic and narrow-mindedly focused on arthritis. i was upset and irritated after that appointment and really wanted to treat myself to something delicious like a milkshake, but i resisted. instead i went shopping at old time pottery and got two wire baskets for the pantry, an hour glass with hot pink sand for my desk, and a ceramic horse head for the living room.

if you are ever needing a rheumatologist in the south carolina area please contact me and i will tell you which one to not go to.

in good-doctor news, i think i've found a worthwhile dermatologist. he claimed he was going to do some outside research / thinking / checking for atypical explanations. i had to fight to keep my jaw up off the floor. a doctor who isn't narrow-minded to their specialty? who realizes that the body has many functions that all interact and one thing could be causing another? i've been keeping a timeline/list of everything that has happened to me health-wise since 2004-ish and giving a copy to every doctor i see. he was the first one who actually read it (well, that i know of, but based on interactions with all the others i'm positive they didn't bother to read over it). he has renewed my hope that i might, in fact, get better one day.


  1. I feel your pain...we have the same number of running miles = 0!! Hope you can soon!

  2. At least you found a good dermatologist!! From my experience, they are difficult to come by! Glancing at my skin will not tell you what is wrong thankyouverymuch!

    1. Yeah, my previous derm was more Botox-oriented. Then I went to another who didn't even look at my skin... It's frustrating that some docs/derms are just chasing the Botox-crowd's wallets!

  3. I have faith that you will be back in action and whooping my ass in no time. I'll even invent some custom "Maurlene" workouts for you.

    Good luck with the dermatologist - sounds like things are off to a good start. Boo to idiot arthritis-doc. It must be so frustrating. :(

    1. It was very frustrating! I'm soo tired of narrow-minded doctors. I'm sure it usually serves them
      well with patients who fit into their box but they should be willing to admit they can help "special cases" like myself.

      I can't wait to rock out some Maurlenes!! Don't make them too hard ;)

  4. My hubs has been to a gazillion 'docs' about pain he has been having. This includes MRIs, ultrasounds etc...he has finally found a physical therapist that is doing out of the box thinking and he is finally seeing some results.
    Glad you had a good experience with a derm. In my neck of the woods even getting an apt with a derm is like winning the lottery.

  5. What university medical center is near you? There's got to be an immunologist out there who can tie these pieces together. There seems to be an inflammatory chain going on in your body triggered by an immune response (guesses the surgical nurse).

    I'm frustrated just reading your posts & what you've had to go through - I can't even imagine that it's close to the frustration you feel.

  6. Continue to hope for some resolution on this mess for you soon!!

  7. Boo to that crap doctor! Yay to the good dermatologist! I hope you're back in action soon!

  8. Oh girl, can I send you a hug through the internet. Better yet, can I paint you something for your office to cheer you up?!?!? I'm so sorry that no one can figure out what the heck is going on. I will say a prayer that this doctor finds something to help.

    1. I need all the prayers I can get! And I'd love a special Red-artwork. Hopefully it wont get stolen like the gnome...

  9. i hope the docs get their heads on straight and can help you. how frustrating this process must be. i hope you get it figured out soon, and when you do i have no doubt you'll be back to running and kicking ass. huge hug!

  10. Sorry it has been such a tough road for you! Sending you some hugs today.

  11. Aww, it makes me sad to see the 0 mileage, because I know and remember when you really loved running and enjoyed it so much, and hopefully you will get back AND find a doctor who understands you and is willing to work with you. I've been through several doctors in the past few years and it is frustrating- with all the medical advances we have, I think we all get shortchanged and sometimes doctors don't even listen.

    When I was diagnosed with anemia, I kept a bullet point checklist of dates with what happened, and I remember handing it to the doctor and her saying "I don't have time for this". Wow, way to make someone feel better for trying to help you do your job and be proactive. Glad you found one who listens!

    1. That's a huge downfall to our "modern" medicine. I can't believe they won't read over our bulleted lists for a summary. I feel like they just want to fit you to a checklist of symptoms and prescribe general medicine. There is no tailoring, no investigating... Let's just prescribe prednisone and antibiotics for everything.

  12. Mmmmmmmmmm potato chips, now you're talking my language. Woman, you're young enough to recover from anything. Running will still be there for you.

  13. Auto-immune stuff is soooo hard! I have a friend who has lupis and it took forever to get a correct diagnosis. Every doctor she went to said she arthritis, but there were a ton of other things going on with her too. I have another friend who has celiacs disease and she was practically on deaths door before they figured that out. I'm really hoping you find a good doctor who helps you figure out what's going on!

    1. Unfortunately this is not the first slow-to-diagnose case of Celiac I've heard of! It amazes me that the testing process takes so long until they decide to check for food intolerances.

  14. Trudge forward my friend. You gotta keep trying and nailing it down. I for one cannot wait for the day that those miles show 100.0 .....

    The soldiers better keep a good eye on the hour glass....nobody will steal that now.

  15. Girl, I fear for your sanity! And HOPE you will be lacing up those running shoes sooner rather than later. Again! Those potato chips won't run themselves off.


  16. Just because someone in a white coat has the initials "MD" after their name.....doesn't mean they know it all or actually care about anything except their bank accounts.
    The corrective thing for that back of yours is to properly learn and practice kettlebells daily!

    Keep searching for that answer!!!!

  17. Oh goody, looks like you found someone who is FINALLY listening!! I am excited for you and as always, hope each day brings new answers!

    Pink sand on your desk?!?!? I so need that! And yeah, I can't really watch a movie that isn't a's the only thing that can get me through a treadmill run!

    Hoping March has some answers for you!


  18. I'm sorry things aren't looking up more for you, Lindsay. I hope the dermatologist can help you out. How frustrating it must be.
    And I did NOT finish the Passage.

  19. Oh, man, this must be so hard! Doctor to doctor and no answers. It would really get me down. And I would absolutely go for the milkshake - you are tougher than I am. While hopefully the doctors will take care of the body, you take care of the mind and don't let all this stuff get to you...if you can:)

  20. Oh gracious, I would have recommended a rheumatologist, too. How frustrating and annoying. Is their a med school near you? You'd do well to find a doc who teaches, because then he can make his students get all creative and look up all kinds of research (caveat: most medical residents are not that bright, be careful. Sorry if I'm offending anyone but that's my opinion).

    1. If only there were real-life Dr. House's! He may be an ass but he heals 99.9% of his patients. I could put up with the rudeness of it if it meant I was fixed!

  21. Hang on in there...time heals all!

  22. Lindsay, I am confident you will get better....the medical system is such a tangled, frustrating mess....we just spent thousands to find out nothing!! Hang in there my friend!

  23. What a relief that the doctor actually read your thing. If ONLY all the patients that I interacted kept such great notes of what's been going on with them...

    And oh gosh, love that sand timer hour glass thing!!! Nice work on resisting the milkshake.

  24. Potato chip curls count :) And was your rice afraid of the kiwi? I like how there's a nice big channel dividing them :) Hang in there, sounds so frustrating :(

  25. I'm sorry you're still having such a rough time! It's frustrating how much some doctors can suck! But I'm glad you found the good dermatologist, and I hope he can help out!

  26. I love kiwi!! This girl I knew in elementary school used to bring kiwis in her lunch. She would actually bring a whole one that was sliced in half (presumably by her mom), and she would scoop it out with a spoon. Kiwis were super exotic and fancy to me back then, so I was totally wowed by this.
