Wednesday, February 1, 2012

january 2012

miles run: 1.0

miles walked: 9.5

other workouts: none

days off: 28

netflix obsessions: gossip girl, cake boss

netflix fail: the way back (siberian gulag escapees walk 4000 miles overland to freedom in india). i just couldn't get into it - too slow, kinda boring.

artistic/creative outlet: a project that is taking me a lot longer to do than i thought, but i think it will be awesome.
i never said it was a high-dollar art project

new food i tried: collard greens

number of blog visitors: 992 (thank you for not abandoning me!)

number of doctor visits: 3

i'm going with a modified version of caution redhead running's month-in-reviews since i don't exactly have a lot of running/workouts to recap.


  1. mmmm coke! i love it. u know stuff that's why we come back. for example, is it ok for me to eat like a total fatty this week? ;)

    p.s. collard greens are the shiz.

    1. Umm I always eat like a fatty. Ok, a sugar-free fatty but still. Plenty of potato chips for that.

    2. Wow, look at U white girl........... HA

    3. TNTcoach Ken - *snort*

      Hope those doc visits go down!

  2. Dude I struggle to fill out the monthly recap sometimes, especially last year! You'll get more workouts in soon enough, we just gotta get this doctor ish figured out!!!!!!!

    1. I'm just glad to have the World's Most Innovative blogger to copy. (I mean you did invent TTT as well)!

  3. Too many doc's visits, not enough running! I hope next month is better.

  4. How have you live in SC this long and never tried collards? The question is, did you like them?

    I see you have started making a little money selling coke in the front yard. Nice! ;)

    Seriously love cake boss. I always wonder what the cakes really taste like by the time they are covered in all that fondant and whatnot AND if you got an awesome cake like that, would you really want to cut into it? I might have to put it back in the boxtruck and take it home! Of course, I guess you would need a giant freezer.

    1. Josh did make fun of me for buying collard greens at the store. They certainly don't sound appealing but they tasted ok I guess. I should probably find a real recipe for them bc I just threw it in some veggie broth with some other random stuff and called it "soup".

  5. and do your m&ms eaten total ZERO? You are my sugar-free idol. hang in there girl. I am no Captain Schittino. I will never abandon.

  6. I've never tried collard greens, although I've always seen them in the store, just never picked 'em up. Maybe it's because I live in the north! I do love Kale.....put that on February's "things to try" list!
    I'm glad to see that you're still hanging in there mentally...keep a sense of humor, but also be your own advocate and get this crap figured out!

  7. If you run to the doctor's you'l ladd mileage and they can help you with the pain when you get there.

  8. Mix those collards with some mustards.........

  9. I went to college in TN and could never force myself to try the collard greens...maybe someday!

  10. The Way Back was alright....I think I was really really bored that day or something

  11. I love Cake Boss! I also love cake!

  12. Watching a movie about people walking 4000 miles.....uh no thanks! I'd rather watch Clemson get their ass handed to them by WVU again.

    Congrats on the Collared Greens.....what's next?

    Are you building a coke stand or are you selling the coke you have in your house since the no sugar thing is going on?

  13. Tried collard greens a few years back...... was pleasantly surprised!!!

  14. I'm not sure why but Buddy drives me mental on Cake Boss!

  15. I'm definitely addicted to Gossip Girl's so bad, but soooo good.

  16. Glad to see you still are getting your art on!!! I would never abandon you!!

  17. What? You live in the South and you've never had collard greens? That's one of the reasons I like travelling in the South! That and grits....

  18. Yes, I'm still not sure what a collard green is. I'm just going to classify it with brussel sprouts in the tiny tiny category of vegetables that do not touch my tongue.

    Yes, I agree with Misszippy with too many doctors visits. I know how frustrating it is to not know what's going on with your body. My nephew has a ton of medical issues right now and thousands of dollars and weeks at Mayo are still resulting in non-concrete findings. SO frustrating. He has major skin, digestive problems, failure to thrive issues-he's also fructose intolerant. ANSWERS would really be nice. Point of this being, I'm relating to how frustrated you must be. Hoping you get some real answers soon!!!! Are you on a gluten free diet? I know you're eliminating sugar. Celiacs causes skin issues sometimes??? OK-I have google induced medical student syndrome. I truly know not of what I speak...

  19. Never will I abandon you! You will be back! There are seasons everyone goes through....

  20. I love collard greens. Have you tried making chips with it? cut in smaller pieces, spray some olive oil and lots of spices and bake. So yummy! Agree with everyone else on the doctor visits. Hope you figure out things soon...I get the frustration.

  21. Oh, lord, that is Ana-Maria (pepe) signing from my son's blog..

  22. Hope you find out what's going on soon! Hang in there!

  23. Now why would anyone abandon you? You are always a favourite! Yay for the workouts logged! I love the art!

  24. I would NEVER abandon you, LOOOOOOVE your blog. You're one of my favs, you're a real person that I'd want to be friends with.

  25. Aw I like this recap!! Good luck coming back!

  26. I too will never abandon you! I have faith you will be back to your fast ass self very soon.

  27. You will always be an athlete. We are still here. We will never give up watching with faith as you work this out and returning to fast form. You don't give up on yourself. You will survive this valley and stand on top of another mountain. Just like plowing past the wall of a marathon.

  28. The book that the movie is based is so much much better...the audiobook is really compelling too!

  29. I didn't end up reading all of the passage. Oops pretend there are caps there. I got about a third or more of the way through and just didn't care. So I don't think I'll be reading more. I am now reading the witches one which is also a trilogy. I like how it has started out but we'll see!

  30. Keep working on it, you'll be back soon! And one mile is more than zero miles!
