Tuesday, March 13, 2012

because i can

week in review (3/5-3/11):
total miles: 7.50
time spent running: ~ 1 hrs 32 min
avg pace: 12:20
off days: 4

  • mon: off
  • tue: 1mi run, 3' walk/2' run; 2.5mi total
  • wed: off (sore!)
  • thu: off
  • fri: 3' walk/2' run; 2.5mi total
  • sat: off (left shin sore - soo nervous for a shin splint or stress fracture)
  • sun: 0.25mi walk/0.5mi run, repeat; 2.5mi total (fastest "run" of the week!) + 45min of yoga.

easing back into it. the plan is to not run (err, run/walk) two consecutive days for a while. i don't know how long, but i still get out of breath running a half-mile so i know i have a ways to go. of course, i'm just glad to be out there period! i was even excited to do chores around the house over the weekend like cleaning the bathroom and vacuuming under the couch. after months of sitting around in pain/discomfort, doing chores is a treat! (don't worry josh i'm sure that won't last long).

just spicing things up with a photo.

my sister taunted me into doing the broom trickjosh i had to explain to her that it had nothing to do with the planets. when i showed my standing broom skills to josh he said "it would be more impressive if you were actually using it".


  1. yay for running!

    impressive broom skillz. anyone can USE a broom, not everyone can balance one like that.

  2. Whoop whoop! Slowly but surely getting back into things. YAY!

    If you run out of things to clean at your house and haven't gotten over the whole "chores are a treat" thingy... You know where I live! ;-)

  3. i've seen this broom thing all over the place. now if you could teach it to sweep that would be even cooler!

    congrats on the running! i'm happy you are back out there too.

  4. Yippie for being back to running!

    Josh's response cracked me up.

  5. WOO HOO! Look who has running miles on her weekly recap! WOOT!

  6. Look at you back on a running schedule - woo hoo! LOL @ josh and the broom trick. :)

  7. Sooooo good to see some running miles! Welcome back!!!

    I had never heard of that broom trick... now I want to try it.

    1. It wasn't that hard actually. It took a few tries of holding it up and letting it go (and it falling over) but then it just stood in place. Kind of weird.

  8. Great to see you training! I love the broom trick and story!

  9. Less balancing. More sweeping!

    Oh, and good news about the running stuff too I guess ;) Glad to hear you are back at it. When do you want the marathon training plan??

    1. Wait, what?! Marathon? I can't even run 2.6 miles yet.

  10. Good news - glad you're getting back to it.

  11. I can hear the happiness in your words! Yay that you're feeling better!
    It's amazing how we tend to take little things like sweeping the floor for granted and when we're to unhealthy or in to much pain to do these basic movements we truly miss them and want to be able to! It's never easy when are liberties are taken from us unwillingly.
    Continued good luck and I'm still working on things from this end!

  12. Back to running! Yay! So smart to listen to the soreness...
    That is a great broom trick! I need to practice that :)

  13. How do you do the broom trick? That's pretty cool. I'm almost certain I don't have a broom though. Does a Swiffer work? :)

    YAY, so happy to see that 7 number in the mileage...and weekly - woohoo!

  14. Vegas here she comes..... Magic and running, woman you're on a roll.

  15. I'm looking for the fishing line that is holding up the broom but my eyes aren't so good.

    So happy that you are getting out there. That is awesome.

    1. No fishing line! I wouldn't have put forth the effort to rig that up... :)

  16. It's good to see you getting back....slow but sure!

  17. Yay for the run--no matter how short, any run is better than none. So glad things are moving in a positive direction! I could not for the life if me get my broom to perform.

  18. Running = yay! You know, I had to do the stupid broom trick too...it freaked out my husband. Heh!

  19. Sometimes its the little things, props on the broom trick to !

  20. Congrats on getting back to running.

  21. Great job on getting back out there!

  22. Hey awesome face, thanks for the well bday wishes! Is it ok that I like to drag it out as long as possible? I mean, a birthday month is what we really deserve.. Right? Especially us runners :)
    Freaking high fives on getting back out there girly! Keep it up!

  23. brian tried it! scared the heck out of me when it came clamoring down!
