Wednesday, May 2, 2012

april 2012

miles run: 59.45 woo hoo!

other workouts: stationary bike (2x), nike training club/body weight type workouts (4x) maybe 5?

days off: 12

netflix obsession(s)/fail: didn't netflix this month. i did watch shark tank and touch on hulu though.

artistic/creative outlet: attempted another watercolor. it's better... but i still don't know if i like it enough to actually hang it up (not to mention i still haven't finished it, go figure). i also dabbled in clothing alterations, which is a tale for another post.

new food i tried: hmm, nothing. and i was very bad and 'cheated' on my elimination diet so basically i have to start that all over again if i want to finish the food-challenges. i know, you're shaking your heads at me. sorry, but rice and veggies gets old.

book(s) read:
hunger games (suzanne collins) - yes, i finally hopped on this bandwagon, though i haven't read the other books in the series yet. i read this book in a mere 3 hours or so.

no way out: a story of valor in the mountains of afghanistan (mitch weiss and kevin maurer) - apparently i like reading books about the middle east. this was a good read about a mission our special forces went on, even though every bone in their bodies told them it was not well planned out. easy read; good pacing. this was supposed to be "the book i read when at the gym on the stationary bike" to force me to go do cardio on my non-running days but i only went once and ended up finishing it on the couch.

forbidden lessons in a kabul guesthouse (suraya sadeed) - the "new books" section at my library had a few middle eastern books on display, can you tell? another good read about an afghan-american woman who, after a life-changing event, turned her life around and started a non-profit (before 9/11) to provide aid to her war-ridden home-country of afghanistan. also an easy read, i think i read it all in one day.

number of blog visitors: 862 (thank you!)

number of doctor visits: 8

april kicked off a busy 2012 wedding season
with a college teammate's nuptials

i dug out my postcard collection

i've been 'collecting' postcards since i was a kid though not avidly as some have probably been thrown out over the years, but i do have a hoarder-ish sized pile of them. i want to make two big collage frames for the living room, but i don't quite have enough for that. not without repeating a bunch from the same destination at least (i have so many from california i could make a collage of just them).

you can tell we took a family vacation
touring the midwest back in the day
(ia, in, il, mn, mi, wi)

i'm mentioning this because in the event you want to mail me a postcard from your town/state/travels, i would love to include it in my collage(s)! as you can see i'm going to do one collage of map-style postcards and one of anything-goes postcards. my only rule is no guys-in-speedos or women-in-thongs type postcards, sorry.

so please! send me an email anytime if you remember to grab a postcard and want to mail it my way (lindsay at chasingthekenyans dot com). i'll even reimburse you the $1.50 or however much it costs for a postcard + stamp these days.


  1. Great April and wow, your training is really getting along very well. Awesome! Have a splendid May!

  2. Love you wedding outfit. :) Do you have any Florida postcards?

  3. We probably need to see the watercolor before we can pass judgment on its quality.

  4. Have you considered joining Postcrossing to expand your postcard collection?

    1. Never heard of it, but will check it out! Thanks!

  5. If I go anywhere I will *so* mail you a postcard! I have no plans to go anywhere anytime soon but if I do you will hear about it :). Glad you're able to run more too, I know it's a good stress reliever for you because you love it.

    Looks like you had a fun April!

  6. I don't see a Texas postcard... might need to remedy that! Nice stats for the month :)

  7. Great stats! I'll so mail you an Arkansas post card! Inbox me an addy woman!

  8. Looks like a decent month elimination diet aside. I see Illinois is represented so I won't go running out to get you a postcard. When we lived in Europe and travelled a ton I wish I would've started a collection. Guess I just have to go again...
    Great wedding fashion girl!

    1. Haha. I definitely think you should return to Europe to start your own postcard (or other cheap souvenir collection)! I will gladly come with you ;)

  9. Yay for almost 60 miles! And you look great in the wedding pic. :)
    I think we have very similar tastes in books from what you pick and how you review them!

    Do you have a Wyoming post card? Utah? Idaho? Let me know and I can hook you up. i have some extra Vietnam ones too if you need one. Let me know!

  10. 60 miles of running! Yay..............

  11. I don't think I have any postcards but I'll definitely keep you in mind!

  12. I only have one question.....59.45???? I so would have run another half mile just to get that to 60! I'm a little OCD that way! LOL
    Congrats on that mileage-you gotta be smiling from ear to ear!!

    I'm a little disappointed that I don't see a post card from Lambeau Field! I guess we spent too much time looking for that bedazzled "disposable" sweater for race day! LOL

    1. I don't add up the monthly total til after the month is over with, so I didn't know I was 0.55mi short. It doesn't bother me though. I would love to see where my sweatshirt ended up. I hope someone picked it up and gave it a good home, it deserved one.

  13. I love post cards also!
    I save all of them
    I always tell my friends to send me one and they think I am very strange
    anyway I will send you one from Quebec!
    I am going in June!

  14. i'll send you a postcard.

    btw, who is this girl who is running so many awesome miles????? YOU!!!!! YAY!!!!

    now if i could get right, me you AND Red would all be running. hell may freeze over.

  15. Like I'm going to remember a post card while I'm out somewhere shopping? I can barely remember my list! But I will definitely give it a try!

    The mileage is picking up - hooray!!! Good month, aside from the minor slip on the eating. You must be a stick by now. Jealous!

  16. 60 miles in the month......yee-haa! That is awesome.

    I have been watching Sons Of Anarchy on Netflix while on the trainer and LOVE that show. I never watched it until recently. Hook up on that.

  17. That's 58.45 miles further than me in April. But I *am* up to 2 miles this month (lol).

  18. We both run, we both love this sport and we both have just read Hunger Games. Best Regards,

  19. Great month Linday, I love your postcard collection, if you want one of Spain please give me your address!
    I hope next month you change the doctor visits to zero.

    Love your blog and how do you tell us.

    See you, take care friend.

  20. You can get a postcard when you are here in NEW JERSEY :) Which you should be arriving soon!!!!

  21. Funnnn! I will get you a post card. Will that make up for my absentee-ism?

    Am I making up for it now by going back to catch up on all posts and even commenting on ones that I read before but did not comment?
