Wednesday, May 16, 2012


went on vacation last week and i think my brain is still there. before that we went to philly/nj for a wedding, and before that we went to the lake and another wedding. i realized i've been going non-stop for a few months now. busy work weeks followed by busy weekends - working, traveling somewhere, hosting guests... while the travels have mostly been for fun things, it still wears me down sometimes when combined with busy week days. and let's not even discuss the last time the bathroom was cleaned.

most natural running pose ever

got to meet the lovely jill of one little tri girl while in nj!


  1. Oh, your travels....the top picture makes me sooo want to travel. Girl, I can't remember the last time my bathroom was cleaned either and I don't have nearly as good of an excuse. You look happy. :) And, nice legs!

  2. i want to go to there! so pretty. glad you got a real vacay in :)

  3. Is that the Bahamas? Do tell! Our vaca is coming up quick and I'm so excited!!

  4. I want to go on vacation! And who needs a clean bathroom? So over rated. ;)

  5. That picture is breathtaking. I want to go on vacation!!
    So cool that you got to meet Jill! I get to meet her in August (if not sooner).

  6. So glad you are having lots of fun!! Clean bathrooms are overrated (says the mom of 7 sons who really does try). You look great! :)

  7. If dirty bathrooms equal sweet vacations then bring on the dirty bathroom!! That top picture looks amazing!!!

  8. That's some serious forward lean on the running advertisement!

  9. I took a vacation last week too! My brain is still lingering behind, just like you. I think it is telling me "You need at least a month long vacation!"

    1. your brain is probably right! we should both go back!

  10. You forgot to take me with you! :(

  11. Wait, where were you again? I love that you travel also!! Too many people give me crap for my travels :(

    I'm jealous that you got to meet Jill!

  12. I love your jump suit! I tried one on at target last year and it was such a mess. You pull it off! So cute!

    1. thanks! it's urban outfitters (last summer though)

  13. Looks like your vacation was amazing!

  14. Oh man I am dying To go somewhere that looks like your top picture!!!

  15. I absolutely HATE cleaning bathrooms, however, with a 16yo son..I have to!
    Love the running pose!

  16. vacayyyyy!

    I also left my brain in California. TIme has been at a stand-still since I got back...still can't believe I spent a glorious week in Coronado and ran a darn marathon. I wish I could go back and just sit on the beach all day.

    I want to see more bahamas picties, so that I can live vicariously through you!

  17. Sooooooooooooooooo jealous!!!!!!!

  18. Hi Lindsay enjoy yout time! I love.. you always doing things, travel, running... Wow, awesome girl.

    BTW, I've sent you my postcar yet, I hope you like it!

  19. I've been super busy too, but it's nice to be busy with fun stuff like trips :). Don't worry about things like a clean house, pretty sure on your deathbed you'll never wish you'd cleaned more, right?

    1. ha! i love your reasoning :) now my house has no hope, ever. haha.

  20. I always say I need a vacation after my vacation.

  21. literally drooling over that first pic. yum.
