Tuesday, May 22, 2012

run like a diva 5k

after a week in the bahamas and a short week of work, i dashed off for a long weekend in myrtle beach. (i know, my life is rough). i'm sure i've mentioned it 120 times before, but i love the beach. i must figure out how to get relocated to a beach town...

i was there with a few friends to celebrate a bachelorette weekend, and the bachelorette wanted us to plan her weekend around a race! she ultimately picked the run like a diva event in north myrtle beach, sc. the bride-to-be and one bridesmaid ran the half marathon while the other two of us ran the 5k. we booked a suite at the ocean drive beach and golf resort which was perfectly located right in front of the start and finish lines.

my regular runs have been so-so lately. i still feel slow and take walk breaks sometimes, so i wasn't really looking forward to this 5k. i mostly run 3 miles, but have done 4 or 5 a few times. i'm still only running about 4 days a week with an average pace of 10:13/mile (for may). i know i should be building back up a little more aggressively, but i've been slack.

half-marathon divas ready to run!

on race morning, emily and i discussed our survival strategy for the 5k. obviously i've been rebuilding and she hasn't ran in two+ months so our goal was to not take walk breaks. we lined up in the 10:00/mile corral and ran together for the first mile, which did not take 10:00. at the one mile marker i tapped into my former cross country mindset* and decided to push it a little in mile 2. i pulled away from em and passed a bunch of divas. i was surprised by the crowd support and hoped that the half-marathoners had a good turnout of spectators too. i've only been running easy lately so i had no idea what type of pace to expect from myself. mile two was under 9:00.

i was now in the third mile and a little tired, but not as bad as previous 5k's where i was (truly) racing. i turned a corner behind two other girls and quickly passed them; 5 blocks to go. i was gaining on a guy (there were a few who were brave enough to run this diva-licious event) and overtook him just past the tiara and boa station. honestly, i think he let me pass him since this was a women's event, but who knows. mile three took less than 8:00. i rounded the last corner and cruised into the finish (i didn't super sprint in like i normally do); emily finished shortly after me.

the clock time was 25:xx and there weren't many finishers standing around, so i checked the results. turns out emily and i both took 2nd in our respective age groups! not too shabby considering our current lack of training. it was a nice surprise and confidence booster - now i know i can handle more running and start adding back in some workouts.

race swag: tiara, boa, rose, and a medal from hot shirtless firemen
not pictured: champagne

note: i ran a 33:26 in my return 5k i did a month ago and a 25:13 in this 5k, so if i use jill's math i will be running 17:xx 5k by mid-june.

*coach always said to pick up the pace in mile 2 and hang on in mile 3 (or something like that).


  1. I'm sure the hot shirtless firemen had nothing to do with your faster finish.

    1. wouldn't they inspire you to finish faster? ;)

  2. Nice job Lindsay!! Ahh-Myrtle Beach....So jealous.

    I love Jill's math!! How encouraging:)

  3. Great job Lindsay! Seriously chickie you rock! Love Myrtle! We used to go there with my softball team in college for spring break tournament!

  4. Nice time. Better than anything I've put up for a 5K, minus one 12 years ago that I can't find official time for anyway, so it doesn't count.

  5. Way to go :). My friends did the half marathon for this and really liked it. I hope maybe I can do it next year! So awesome that you did so well in a comeback 5K too.

    1. it was a fun race (as long as you like pink haha). there were some fun groups of boyfriends/husbands cheering for their women so we decided we will have to do another diva run and bring the boys along! (it's a series so they have other locations too)

  6. Sounds like a good confidence boosting run after so little training! Great job! Cute pics too! That is my kind of bachelorette weekend :)

  7. Where is the pic of the hot, shirtless firemen!! I'm disappointed in you.
    Great job on your race, nothing like running each mile a minute faster than the one before.
    The first vacation I ever took with my husband was to North Myrtle. It was also my first time at Myrtle beach.

  8. My math is never wrong! Well done, girl! I've been running for about 9 months now and just squeaked out a 25:xx 5k....I am jealous. Oh to be 20 something and rebound quick(er). Keep up the great work...I am so happy that things are progressing much better for you! :)

  9. Great run, well done! That is fast! It is really great to read a report like this from you. You are progressing very well.

  10. Impressive! The math sounds about right and if you mix in running the races at the beach, who knows what could happen! :)

  11. Awesome!!! A 25:xx is great any day! Congrats on the AG. Keep up the great comeback!

  12. You did awesome!! I'm a tad jealous :)

  13. Ah, I like the way Jill's math works. That means I'll be running a sub 3:20 in a few months hahaha.

    Nice work on your 5K, it just goes to show that you have a LOT of running potential, look how you had all that energy saved up at the end woohoo! Talk about major negative splits.

    1. jill's math is the best. surely we will both be running these times soon!

  14. YAY LINDSAY!!!! Great job!! It sounds like lots of fun and I am sure you were happy with how you did. Congrats!!!! :)

  15. Wow you did great! Congratulations!

  16. beautiful.......pictures.
    Good for you on your return. I live on an island with water all around, I could not live without the sea view. Regards,

  17. Welcome back Kotter! I'm thinking that 17:xx isn't far off.......

  18. That's freaking awesome!! I am soooo happy for you!! Way to rock out a 5K and to finish in your AG - a double bonus!

  19. i'm so proud! tear.

    you rock! congrats!

    p.s. i'm fairly close to many beaches. come to tampa.

  20. how fun! that's awesome you got your time down in the 5k so quickly! you are amazeballs. also. i love that you are wearing all pink. because that is also amazeballs.

  21. Hot damn my friend. I would say that is making a come back. Good for you and Em. Very impressive indeed. Happy for you.

  22. Nice work! Sometimes it just takes a race to get the legs moving. :)

  23. You are fast my friend. Fast. Just wait until you are at the top of your form. Yowzer!

  24. Congratulations about your come back to races Lindsay, happy reading that new!!!

    Glad to see you again in shorts!!

    Great, taka care friend.

  25. Congrats on your 5K....that's a sweet race report! I don't mind pink, but the thought of something called "boa" around my neck is never going to happen! ;)

    No beach here, but a beautiful view of Lake Michigan this October if interested.....hehe!

  26. I guess you just can't help it... You are a runner... GREAT JOB!

  27. Hi Strangerrrrr!

    Nice work on the 5K! So much for "ehhh I'll just try not to walk..."

    So jealous of all the beachy times!

  28. Awesome job! Congratulations on a race well run! I hear you on the busy work weeks followed by busy weekends. They get you to a point where you don' really want to have any more fun! Don't you sometimes long to have a weekend where all you do is sleep?

  29. Congrats Lindsay!!! you born to run!!! excellent chrono!!
    keep running!

  30. A race sounds like the perfect bachelorette activity! To think we all sat around drinking margaritas...
    Just think only a couple more week until that 17:xx! Woot!

  31. Don't call it a comeback ... so happy you had an ego-boosting race, and an incredible time with a like-minded friend! Congrats to you both, in many different ways!

  32. NICE!!! Looks like such a fun race - too bad they couldn't find a better venue - ha ha - who wants to go to the beach?? (totally kidding) :)
