Tuesday, June 5, 2012

may 2012

miles run: 63.45 (in jersey, the bahamas, myrtle beach and beaufort!)

other workouts: stationary bike (x1), weights (x2), bootcamp (groupon) (x3)

days off: 11

netflix obsession(s)/fail: no time for tv this month.

artistic/creative outlet: uhh. i slacked here. and drawsomething crashes every time i try to play :(

new food i tried: zucchini pizza

book(s) read: i went to the beach twice and forgot to bring books/mags with me to read. whale fail.

number of blog visitors: 817 (even though my posting is quite infrequent lately, you guys continue to stick by me. i'll get regular again soon with a little more blog-prune juice.)

number of doctor visits: 6 (i should be going for tests to try to get to the bottom of my skin issues but i haven't been motivated/am still recovering from the already-incurred visits $$$).

number of postcards received: 2 (wisconsin and spain) keep 'em coming! :)

keeping this short and sweet because i'm (still) recovering from a long but super fun wedding weekend! someone pass me another water / gatorade / green smoothie. i feel old.


  1. Great month!! You look beautiful!!!

  2. That's awesome mileage while traveling to all those places, well done! Have a good June!

  3. As soon as I read this: i'll get regular again soon I thought about a poo joke and then you followed that with this: with a little more blog-prune juice.

    Nice month of training and traveling. Change your blog name to that?

    1. It's always nice to have some recognize your (lame) jokes you try to insert in a post; I can always count on you!

  4. Great numbers!! I'm so excited to see you post so many running miles again :) Great pic. You guys look terrific!

  5. You look stunning! Love the bangs.

    1. Thanks! I was whining a little to Morgan a few days ago about how I think this 'do makes me look older because I haven't been carded recently... lol

  6. Beautiful pic! Looks like a pretty good month!

  7. you look so beautiful! lovely. may was a good month, i hope june treats you just as well.

  8. Love the pic of you guys. Glad you've been able to get your mileage back up too!

  9. I love weddings I went to one in Florida.... and I found out I have one in Puerto Rico over thanksgiving. This destination wedding ish is expensive. I can't wait to go to a local wedding because this is getting redic.

    P.s. you're not old yet.

  10. 1. You look beautiful in that pic!
    2. Yay travel! :)
    3. Yay bootcamp groupon!!

    1. Have to travel while the meds make my skin cooperate! (That's my excuse...)

      The groupon boot camp has been so much fun. If only it were affordable at the regular price...

  11. Great picture! Love that you've been able to travel to so many great places lately!

  12. Do you have a Colorado postcard? Vermont?
    Great picture!

  13. Love that color on you!
    And we miss the art. Get that Paint out stat. It always cheers me!

  14. Let's see - that's somewhere around 63.4 miles further than me!

  15. Great job on the mileage! I was thrilled that I got 54.6 miles in May!
    Great pic of you guys!

  16. Did you notice that you ran further than me last month?!?!? Woo hoo! I am actually happy about this! We are back to running girl!!!! Look at us go!!!!!!!

  17. You guys make a beautiful couple!!

    Nice running going on too and traveling.. geee... you have been one busy lady! ;-)

  18. I don't know if you should brag about traveling to the dirty Jerz. You might just want to mention the bahamas, myrtle beach and beaufort.

  19. Great job with the running! I still owe you a postcard! I still think about it at random times...like straightening my hair, "oh I need to find a postcard for her!" LOL Yes, I'm random.
