Wednesday, June 13, 2012

welcome back

bootcamp is kicking my butt, but i am loving it. i look forward to going to the sessions after work, being sore for days after, and my competitiveness pushes me to be the best in the class. josh sometimes asks me how a workout went and i reply (singing) "all i do is win".

"death by wall ball" workout

the workouts are tough but fun, and i'm contemplating signing up for more at regular price (i'm currently going on a groupon). however, they sorta keep me from running as much as i would like to be. sorta. in all honesty, it's more like the not-getting-up-at-5am that is keeping me from running as much as i would prefer.

over the weekend i did get up and out for a "long" run. i've been stagnant lately, running 3-5 miles at a time, and not following any sort of plan to build things back up. i forced myself to go long - 7 miles! i saw 9 ladies running and 0 men (slackers). i ran partly on my old long run route and i suppose things have gotten more 'hood since the last time i did a long run (uh like a year+ ago) because i passed an older woman carrying two huge things of mace as she walked. thankfully she realized i was not a threat and did not mace me.

old lady walking mace

title reference.


  1. Wall ball looks fun. I considered doing a bootcamp style class near me with a groupon a while back but sadly, the classes were not early enough for me... and if they were earlier, I likely would value my sleep more.

    1. I actually kinda like wall ball (I'm weird) everyone else moans and groans about it. The place I'm going to has a 6:15am and pm class. I go to the pm class because the am would make me late for work (7:30am).

  2. Wow, 2 things of mace, must really be rough with all those ladies out running. :)

  3. lol I hate wall ball! But not as much as I hate the ropes. grr. ropes I hate you!

  4. That high interval stuff is going to help you with your running too... Whenever you get ready to tackle that! ;-)

    1. I hope so! I've felt lethargic this week though - hoping its not from "overdoing" it. I definitely push hard in the workouts and I wonder if it's (in a way) not good for me (since I have my other issues).

  5. I've never carried mace when running or walking because I've always been more scared I'd use it on myself by accident before I ever had to mace someone out. I hate wall balls- I used to CrossFit sometimes and that was my least favorite exercise ever. I'd rather do anything but that!

  6. Love the grass growing in the cracks of the sidewalk. That is awesome.

  7. haha! I love your little pictures! I am curious what general area you do your long runs in that you saw someone carrying mace!! I usually do a loop through downtown and in the north main area connecting back through Cleveland park but that n. main area def has some sketchy parts!

  8. Gee.....I was so hoping for a drawing of you flippin' that tire! ;)

    1. My forearms are still a little sore from that!

  9. 2 things of mace - WOW! Love your competitive spirit!

  10. I have to admit - I ran in an area I usually don't run and I carried 1 thingy of mace with me...ever since I heard what happened to Sherry Arnold - I've been paranoid.

  11. Maybe the old lady got a good deal on the mace on GroupOn :) You should have bought that deal too! haha

  12. What does she need two for? the second assailant?

  13. 2 maces?! gosh I don't even carry one.

    My roommate did a groupon bootcamp thing and loved it. I don't think I could ever commit to something like that, or maybe it'd be good because it would force me to go!

  14. I hear you on the 5am. Since I bagged Ironman training I can barely muster the energy to wake up before 6:30.. ever. I used to get up at 3:45 sometimes! I've wanted to try something like boot camp, it looks like fun and a great workout!

  15. Glad you didn't get maced! :) Keep winning!!!

  16. Wow, I had no idea you lived in the 'hood! I guess I should have figured it out from your gangsta' style.

    Awesome work at bootcamp. Keep winning!

  17. This all sounds very, very familiar ... I'm currently in looove with TRX class, and am forcing myself on "long" runs of seven to eight miles. Sometimes, you have to go with what feels good, even if what feels good in fact feels like someone's punching you in the lungs (i.e., death by ball workouts).

  18. Do you want me to tell you the BEST M+Ms I have recently discovered (ultimate comfort food) or would you rather I didn't?

  19. Getting maced sure would have ruined your day. I glad it didn't happen. : )

    I have horrible memories of boot camp but I would like to try it again. Great job!

  20. You didn't see me running because I was ahead of you! Yay for running, no matter how long it is.. I love Wall ball workouts....

  21. Awesome. I would love to do a boot camp (I just don't have the time, nor the funds). Congrats on winning!!!

  22. Hello Friend! I've been away from blog land for a while and wanted to check in on you, specifically. I'm happy, happy, happy that you are back on the roads running. I "almost" signed up for a boot camp in June, but sadly, I chickened out. I mostly chickened out because of the 5:45 am start. I'm lazy!

  23. my 2nd attempt to post,

    I haven't been in blog land for a while and wanted to check in with you specifically. I'm happy, happy, happy to see that you are "boot camping", and running. Be safe in the hood! maybe you need 1 mace - ha!
