Tuesday, July 3, 2012

june 2012

miles run: 73.45 (up 10 from may)

other workouts: bootcamp (x10), bike rides (x3, 34+ miles)

days off: 5 (!!! this is a big improvement for me as i have struggled with missing half a month's worth of workouts for like two years)

netflix obsession(s)/fail: say yes to the dress - atlanta. that show is so much better with southern divas and large african american families!

artistic/creative outlet/new thing i tried: horseback riding (another groupon) in the rain (therefore no action photos)

max the horse
this was my horse for the day, max
to whom i think i am allergic because i sneezed for the next week

new food i tried: zucchini bread (josh's garden is thriving with monster zucchini)

one of the monster zucchinis - as long as my thigh from hip to knee

book(s) read:
all the pretty horses (cormac mccarthy) - well, i tried to read this one. i read maybe 10 pages and gave up. didn't grab me.

the pillars of the earth (ken follett) - long book (973 pages) but i read it in 2 days (mostly on the beach). takes place in the 1100s and i certainly never thought i'd be into a medieval-times book. the foundation of the book was based on the author's interest in the european cathedrals, and it is pretty cool to think about how the gorgeous buildings were built way back when, with no technology or machinery, and still stand strong today. don't worry, the book is fiction. i doubt i could have read almost 1,000 pages of architecture drivel (even though i once aspired to be an architect).

run like a girl: how strong women make happy lives (mina samuels) - another good read that leaves you feeling full of girl power! well, maybe not if you're a male. run like a girl contains mini-stories of real-life women, their involvement in sports and the impact of those experiences on the rest of their lives. definitely a worthy read for every woman!

second wind (cami ostman) - such a good read! cami is one of few women who have ran marathons on all seven continents. i was inspired by her - overcoming the ups and downs in her life and always striving to succeed. the chapter about her panama marathon was just nuts. i don't know if i would have had the gumption and grace that she had!

disclaimer: i received a free copy of both run like a girl and second wind in exchange for doing a blog review of the books. they were both easy and interesting reads and while i enjoyed them both, second wind was more my "style". run like a girl motivated me to put on my big girl pants and embrace girl power. second wind reminded me to stick to my dreams and to look for lessons and experiences in everything.

number of blog visitors: 686 (a significant drop, but i assume that's because i went mia for two weeks)

number of doctor visits: 2

number of pounds lost: 4

number of pounds re-gained while on vacation: 4

number of postcards received: 0 (though i already got a few in for july's tally!)

sunset at south beach

june running was very kind to me. last week was vacation and i diligently logged 22.10 miles! being on vacation also enabled me to "miss out" on the streak of 100° temps, darn. previously i've been logging a big 15-ish miles (if i wasn't busy slacking off). i tracked my hr, aiming to keep it in the 150's, my easy zone. i've since forgotten the fancy terms for heart rate monitor training so i'll just say my "easy zone". i was pleased to see i held a sub-10:00 pace while still keeping my hr down; i know it's progress!

dead horseshoe crab washed ashore

a ghost crab


  1. Great month...You'll be eating a lot of zucchini bread and finding other creative uses for the zucchini soon!

  2. You've had a great month!! That Zucchini is giant!!! My mom always made zucchini bread because she always planted way too many!! I love it!

  3. That is truly the biggest zucchini I have ever seen! I have some growing in my garden, not sure they'll get that big!

  4. You picked up a dead animal??? You're running, YAY!

  5. So I should send you a postcard because I love sending and receiving mail lately and walking to the mailbox is my daily walk and I love it.

    Sounds like you've had a great month with the running and the vacation! The Second Wind book sounds like a great read too, I may have to pick that up. I'm sure it would be an awesome poolside read!

  6. Great month for you! I once found a dead horseshoe crab and thought it was an amazing find...it was and so is yours! All the best for a super July!

  7. I love horses, zucchini and Pillars of the Earth! :) Now you have to read Worlds Without End. :) And Yay for running. Are you feeling good? Hugs!

  8. That is one nice thigh....I mean zucchini! When I get up the nerve to do a Ride n Tie (running/horseback race) I'm thinking you're my go-to partner! Nice June!

    1. Never heard of this dual-event but sounds like fun!

  9. Ghost crab: couldn't see it at first and thought it was truly a ghost.

    Zucchini: WOW. That is huge (TWSS)

    MIA: I read this as ME-A and thought because I was ME-A for two weeks? What does that mean?

  10. I think we got the same horseback riding Groupon, but we haven't gone yet. Nice month of adventures!

  11. I so love say yes to the dress. Jim HATES it! He hates when I watch it, it's not pretty. I could watch it all day long and yes I like the Atlanta one too, but I like them both.

  12. Ha Ha. I thought about sending you a postcard. It Will happen!

    I loved Pillars of the EArth. There is a sequel too. Have you ever read Clan of the Cave Bear?

    I may try those others you recommended.

  13. That zucchinini is insane!

    Nice mileage...50% more than moi!

  14. omg that's like a nuclear zucchini!!

  15. ack, I keep forgetting to send you postcards!

    I wasn't sure if I would like Pillars of the Earth either, but I did. I took longer to read it, but I really enjoyed it. I'm thinking of reading the sequel, but I've heard it's not as good.

  16. Mmm zucchini bread! Great month!

  17. Yay so glad you posted! How are you feeling lately?
    And that squash is a monster. Scary, really.

  18. That is a ginormous zucchini. And zucchini is hard to spell..and doesn't come up in my dictionary.
    Glad you had a good month!
    (hee hee...crabs)

  19. WOW, so much to catch up on being out of the blogging loop! Just look at your zucchini...I think I have squash envy now!
    Super impressed with your mileage and horsiness. I was/am a horse girl...it never goes away!

  20. You truly are a GroupOn groupie aren't you???

    I loved Pillar's of the Earth. Check out World Without End next. Took me a little bit longer to get hooked but just as good as PotE.

  21. Awesome month with big improvements!

    And crap, I owe you a post card. I never see them anywhere.

    That's one big mother of a zucchini. Mmm zucchini bread.

    1. With all these zucchini bread comments maybe I'll have to bake 'n mail some!
