Monday, July 23, 2012

i want a pizza

my friend and i started 30-day paleo eating challenge*. our cross fit trainer planted the seed and this blog post was humorous enough to motivate us to give it a try. we eat fruits, veggies, meat (well, i only do fish and eggs) and the occasional sweet potato.

proof i am getting balanced nutrients

we're using the "myfitnesspal" app to track eating and exercise. it has a social aspect to it where you can link up with your friends and track their progress too (accountability!). don't worry, it doesn't broadcast your weight or anything. [this app is free to download - i am not being compensated in any manner to mention it]

so far we're 5 days in and going strong. it's been easier than expected to stick with it knowing i have someone holding me accountable. if either of us cheats we both have to do 100 burpees. we also threw in a clause for water - 100 situps if you don't drink the recommended amount (~9 cups per the mayo clinic). we had to do burpees (4x14) in friday's workout which was quick reminder to not cheat because burpees are hard.

workouts last week have been tough and i've felt weak at times, but i'm chalking that up to my body adjusting from burning the crap-food i used to eat to burning actual fat instead. admittedly i was surprised to see i could eat so much food (never feeling hungry) and yet only net 1200-ish calories for the day. certainly can't do that on potato chips and m&m's!

breakfast this week: egg cupcakes
(from everday paleo)
- 10-12 eggs whisked well
- onion (1/2 cup)
- zucchini (2 cups)
- spinach (2 cups)
- pepper (i used red; 1/4 cup)

you're supposed to finely chop it all up in a food processor or blender. i was too lazy for this. i just chopped it up and dumped it in the eggs. worked well enough for me. made 16 cupcakes which i calculate at 70 cals each. this was also the first time i teared up while cutting an onion. eyes burning.

*though it may turn into primal, who knows. from what our trainer tells us - primal is 80/20 where as paleo is 100% strict.

edited to add:
i included the screen shot of my food log in an attempt to ward off low carb comments but it seems many of you think that paleo = low carb. the usda recommends 45-65% of your calories comes from carbs and as you can see i fall into that range on my pie chart. i think a lot of people forget that carbs are in foods other than breads/grains. technically this clean eating is lower-carb than i typically eat (and i'm sure most of the us population), but ultimately better (in my opinion) because i'm eating better carbs instead of cereals and breads.


  1. I am interested in following you as you try this and see how it goes! 1200 calories doesn't sound like much, but it sounds like you are getting TONS of food for that! Good luck!

    1. the app calculated about 1300 cals a day for me based on the data i entered (current weight, desired weight, goal loss per week). i've struggled to get 1200-1300 (net! after factoring in any workouts) and i feel like i eat a ton of food all day long.

      a few things i've read say to not worry about calories early on, just eat whenever you're hungry and try to stick to the plan. after you settle in you can then look more closely at it all and tweak as necessary to meet your weight loss/gain/maintain goals.

      i mostly like it because it's just a "eat real food" diet. well, "diet". more like an eating lifestyle. no weird rules to follow - just eat healthy!

  2. I am interested in following you as you try this and see how it goes! 1200 calories doesn't sound like much, but it sounds like you are getting TONS of food for that! Good luck!

  3. Very interesting, although I think those need a different name other than egg cupcakes (to call them cupcakes seems wrong on many levels). ;-)

    1. haha. so true! they're tasty but they certainly aren't a delicious cupcake with creamy icing... mmmmm.

  4. Eish! You are brave! I love my food too much to do something like this. I rather take on some mean running challenge and then I can eat what I want :) All the best with this!

  5. I am interested to see how this goes. I have wanted to try it but seems so hard to do. Maybe you will inspire me. :)

    1. surprisingly it hasn't been as hard as expected. for me, knowing that i can eat unlimited amounts of veggies and fruits helps -- no calorie counting and feeling restricted like many other "diets".

  6. I'm interested in that potato chip and M&M diet? I just can't buy into the Paleo thing..... Must have my BEvERages.....

  7. Could never do paleo. Too many healthy carbs to miss out on.

  8. Good job! The hubs and I jump on the Paleo bandwagon from time to time. It's actually pretty easy to stick to and isn't all that bad as far as cooking! I will say, the first time we cheated, our stomachs felt horrible!!!

    1. it really isn't bad! just have to get over the extra effort of prepping food. interesting about how you felt when you cheated - will have to keep that in mind and try to see if i notice anything similar!

  9. Those egg muffins look delicious. I don't think I could do low carbs or paleo but I would definitely try the recipe. I'm glad you're having a lot of success with it and I agree, when I eat healthier foods I get full a lot faster, especially healthier fats like PB and almonds.

  10. I miss pancakes.

    3 weeks ago I went Paleo in support of my boyfriend(did a blog post about it). He's training for a 50 miler and did a FUEL test and figured out he's a 90% carb burner due to his (formerly) crappy diet. In order to be successful at the 50 miler he has to convert his body to burn some portion of fat at endurance paces. So I've been cooking like a fiend and making sure he's getting plenty of fruits/veggies. I figured it would be easier for him if I went Paleo too. The first 2 weeks my runs were rough - but they are getting better.

    My 3 week avg is: 36% fat/44% carbs/18% fat - ~1500 calories per day. I'm 4'10" and 108lbs.

    I DO plan to eat pancakes on July 31st tho. :)

    1. Thanks for sharing a bit about your own clean eating experience - helps to know I am on track.

      I should have pointed out that I am trying to lose weight, maybe that would keep the mayhem down over "only 1200 (net) calories". I'm also not currently working out strenuously.

  11. I want pizza. I'm gonna eat some. (Good luck with this. You have amazing will power, btw. If you come visit me ever we'll eat pizza 24/7. Just saying.)

    1. I'm sure I can make a special exception :)

  12. Good luck with this. Hey, did you get the postcards?

  13. Ooooh, those egg cupcakes look so yummy!!!

  14. Eggs look good. I could pretty much eat eggs for every meal.

  15. You have such great willpower. I'm glad you didn't ask me to join you on this...but hell, maybe I'd actually lose some much-needed weight. I heard you can have nuts on a paleo diet, too. I think I'd be eating 4 million nuts every day :).

  16. Honestly I find people don't know jack shit about food. From protein to fats to carbs.....practically every food product has all three. Drives me crazy when I see people talking about low carb, no fat, high protein.....just eat sensibly and the weight will drop off and you will feel 1Mx better.

  17. Those egg cupcakes look and sound awesome! Do you need two to fill up? that's a pretty low cal breakfast, but I bet you're full longer.

    1. I actually eat 3 of them... Along with a shake/smoothie. One is definitely not enough!!!

  18. You are disciplined! I don't know if I could ever give up my breads, etc. Good on ya. Looks balanced to me! I do want to try those egg "cupcakes".

  19. Not big into paleo because I dislike rules, but I'm interested to see how this goes!

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