Friday, July 6, 2012

blasted bootcamp

i'm laid up with a back strain and i'm blaming bootcamp!

how it happened
my form in monday's workout probably could have been better, especially once i started getting tired, as i felt the occasional twinge in my back while doing one-handed squats. i think the awkwardness of them (/me) caused my torso to twist some.

at wednesday's workout we did forward jumps as part of the warm up. on one of the first landings, a jarring pain shot through my lower back area. i finished the workout (not smart) with continued pain. box jumps were part of the workout and a few of us were doing them onto a big tractor tire (higher off the ground than the boxes). i fell backwards off the tire twice due to intense pain when landing on top, almost busting my butt in the middle of the gym for all to see!

these two workouts are the only things i can think of that could have possibly caused such an injury. i've been wearing my vibrams to bootcamp and i don't think they paired well with the hard landings of the forward jumps or box jumps.

the road to recovery
i went to the chiropractor after the workout and definitely needed an adjustment. it brought some relief, but the sitting/couch laying i did for the rest of the day did not help. i also iced (for hours since i fell asleep with it on). a middle-of-the-night sneeze caused severe pain and now i brace my back against something before a sneeze.

things felt slightly better thursday morning but after sitting in the car for my whopping 15-minute commute my back locked up on me. i struggled to get out of the car; it hurt to even reach forward to turn off the ignition.

sitting at my desk for two hours made things a lot worse. i tried to stand up but the pain was too intense, radiating down into my legs. i seriously thought i would need to call someone over to pick me up out of my chair. eventually i got half-way up, bent over grasping the desk for dear life, and grimacing. a co-worker (much older than me) walked by and said "been sitting too long?". my mom later laughed hard when i told her this and said i need to get a life alert.

help i've fallen and i can't get up

i went to the chiropractor again during lunch and he said he could feel the muscles spasming throughout my lower back on both sides of my spine. i was adjusted (it helped again) and made sure to get up about every 30 minutes for the rest of the afternoon to walk around a little. now i'm on forced rest (but not on the couch as it's not supportive), an icing regime, and limited sitting. i can lay in bed though, whew.

mourning my inability to workout for a few days, i came home and made cookies. because if you can't burn fat you must eat it? as the last tray was finishing up in the oven the power went out and i ended up having to eat cookies for dinner, a shame. obviously i'm hoping and praying this will clear up quickly so i can get back to running, bootcamping and re-losing this weight!


  1. I never do anything where the potential for 'jarring pain' can occur!

    1. Technically couldn't running cause a jarring pain? ;)

  2. Oh no!!!! I have hurt my back fun! Give it the rest it needs though! Hang in there!

  3. I hope that your back feels better soon. sorry i havent dropped by in a while. cookies for dinner..... great scotts. how much is life alert anyways or does medicare pay for it?

    1. I will be sure to send the taxpayers the bill for my life alert and power scooter. :)

  4. Your mom is funny.
    Hope your back gets better. You have enough stuff to deal with already!!

  5. That's a lot of explaining to excuse some cookie eating.

    1. Well, I didn't really need an excuse... It just sounded like a good one.

  6. So sorry to hear that you hurt your back :(. Ironically every time I've gotten hurt working out, it's been in something like a Boot Camp class because I think being in a class makes me push myself pretty hard and sometimes I wonder if, in a class environment, I'm really doing all the exercises right. Baking cookies is a pretty cool activity to do when you can't work out though ;). Hope you feel better soon!

  7. Eeek! Get to feeling better - that sounds painful!!! And, can I have a cookie or five thousand? :)

    1. I'd say yes, but I know by the time I get to the post office the box would be empty ;)

  8. Ack, that sounds awful!! Especially that you can't lounge on the couch. ;)

    Hope it feels better quick!!

  9. Aw man that sucks about your back! Hope you feel better soon. I have had back pain before and it is no fun at all!

  10. That sucks! No other way to say it. You have my complete sympathy.
    I do like the idea that if you can't burn fat you may as well eat it. I practice that too.

  11. I am so sorry and can totally feel your pain. As someone who has suffered back pain for the past 6 years I really understand and it doesn't take much to really tweak your back. I love, love a chiropractor and they can do wonders, but I would recommend you see a Dr. too just for the meds...a muscle relax or prescription strength anti-inflammatory can be amazing when it's really bad.

  12. Oh man! I made me ITB/knee all mad with some cross training last week (almost 100% better now). Seems unfair and wrong that you do cross training to avoid injury and end up injured. Heal up fast!!(And cookies for dinner=awesome). :)

  13. Cookies fix everything. I have no shame in admitting that. But for me, they usually don't make it to the actual cookie stage - I just eat the dough.

    Hope you start healing quick!

  14. I'm going to say two things.....

    1) dumb ass for continuing on with the boot camp!
    2) vibrams are perfect for bootcamp and I doubt they had anything to do with your injury.

    Be careful, heal up properly! Remember form for everything is so super important. Treat your body as a chain link fence-if ANY link is out of whack your body is weak. Remain tight at all times during any move-tight like someone's going to punch ya in the stomach!

  15. Yikes. I've had my share of back pain/spasms and I know it's not fun. Try getting up and walking a half mile to a mile every few hours. It may be counter intuitive, but walking helps, sitting does not

  16. Dang girl, you'll do anything to get cookies for dinner!

    Hope you heal up quickly. Nazi bootcamp is waiting for you!!

  17. No fair! You try to do something good for yourself ... If it's any consolation, I'm sure everyone who reads this post, including me, will take box jumps a little more carefully now. Also, I'm sure we'll all make chocolate chip cookies, which I now have an intense craving for. They heal all ills, so hopefully, your back will start feeling better as a result sometime soon!

  18. Darn you bootcamp!!! This is why I don't cross train (haha just kidding, I don't do that because I'm lazy, I wish I did it more...)

  19. Yikes, kiddo! Watch out for BOOT CAMP! I killed myself and my hip in yoga...just because it seems good for you, it isn't necessarily!! My body is just used to doing one thing over and over and over...running and then I go and mess it up with cross training. Boo!!
    Hope your back feels better SOON!

  20. Oh no, I hope you are much better already! Why do we always get something that make us take some backward steps before we move on again? Hang in there and take care, I'm thinking of you!
