Wednesday, July 25, 2012

then and now

after reading your comments, thinking about my meals and talking with my friend, i figured i should correct myself on my previous post. we are not eating all-out paleo; we're doing primal. the difference between the two (to me) is that i'm not buying 100% organic (though i'm trying to as much as possible) and we are allowing a splash of cream in coffee or the option to have rice, quinoa or even a hamburger bun (of course we're trying to go without 'cheating' with a bun!).

our trainer admitted he sometimes allows himself to have pizza on the weekend or a hamburger on a big, buttery bun (his words) because he knows it's more realistic for him to have those "splurges" than to cut them out all together (hence the "80/20" split of primal -- 80% stick to it, 20% occasional "cheats"). i've learned you get less criticism if you just tell people you're eating whole foods, ha.

my friends considers this a "low carb" diet (as it turns out some of you do too), but i personally do not. half of my calories come from carbs which falls right into the recommended range from the usda.

regardless, i'm still eating clean-er than before. i decided to do a comparison of a typical day's food for me then (before this primal-ish challenge) and now (while eating "primal"/whole foods):

typical day's food "before" (from 22jun12):

- coffee with cream and agave or honey
- cereal - almost always rice chex or honey bunches of oats, sometimes kashi heart to heart. at least two "servings" (because who eats just 3/4 cups of cereal??)

- salad (mixed greens) - maybe some carrots or cucumbers on top; shredded cheese; balsamic dressing
- pretzel crisps - 1 serving (i was always good about counting out the # of pretzels; counting out potato chips on the other hand...)
- animal crackers - addictive

- banana
- more animal crackers or potato chips (must be honest and admit it wasn't usually 1 serving)

- potato wedges
- zucchini pizza - zucc slices with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese

(ignore the date, i logged the food into mfp for easy comparison)
as you can see, my former carby self was not eating balanced,
and i can guarantee those fats weren't good fats.

a day of primal/paleo-ish eating (19jul12):

- boiled egg
- green smoothie
- 1 scoop whey protein powder

- spinach salad - bell pepper, carrots, 1 boiled egg white

- banana
- watermelon - about 3 cups
- pickles
- boiled egg

- flounder - cooked in oven with evoo, lemon juice, garlic, onion
- french green beans - boiled; then add a little evoo, garlic, salt/pepper

i was short on calories this day but i ate whenever i was hungry. 3 cups of watermelon fills you up! my carbs were low too, but i'm still adjusting and tweaking my foods as i realize what i'm too high/too low on.

anyway, all this to say:

  1. if you don't think you should/don't want to eat primal/paleo -- that's totally fine. i'm not judging you because you choose to eat grains or dairy. i love bread and cheese myself. this was just a friendly challenge we conjured up to see if we could do it, and we both knew we needed to/wanted to eat better.
  2. i am still getting plenty of nutrients. in fact i believe i'm eating more balanced and getting more nutrients than before.
  3. the hardest part of eating clean (to me) is getting un-lazy. you have to prepare snacks and meals instead of grabbing a convenient bag of chips or picking up a pizza on the way home from work. i try to prep a few things on sunday (such as hard boiled eggs and the egg cupcakes) and pre-chopping salad toppings like cucumbers or peppers.


  1. Oh this sounds know....primal. I agree with you, not low carb. Veggies are carbs, I think people forget that.
    I think your food looks great!

  2. Just call me lazy! The preparatory part of any diet is the toughest..... Go luck Primal Girl!

  3. Primal sounds much cooler than paleo, it's all in the label you know. :)

  4. Nice job takes a lot of discipline to make your own food and snacks instead of giving in to the "easiness" of large factory prepared food!
    Making right choices always pays off in the long run!

  5. This sounds great! I agree with you though...the hardest part for me is preparing all the food and snack ahead of time. Once they are prepared, I'm golden but the lazy lady sometimes takes over!!

  6. I think it looks pretty sound--lots of great stuff you're taking in. And I agree with you 100%--we all have to stop judging each other's eating styles. What works for one doesn't work for the next!!

  7. This is my problem: I am super lazy! I hate to cook. I hate to prep to cook. This is a problem and I just can't seem to adjust to the un-lazy world. :(

  8. Eat the damn carbs and love them. We need them to function, just like we need protein and yes the dreaded word FAT!!!! Ahhhh..........

    Keep up the great work my friend and keep doing what you do! F The Haters!

  9. I love whole foods and am trying to eat even more of them. I dont like all the "fad" diets, but I think if you are eating more whole foods and less processed then its a good balance :)

  10. People sure have their opinions, eh? Looks good to me. Honestly, I wish I had the discipline!

  11. That is a good challenge! i would like to eat paleo but like you say in your point 3, I am very lazy so I always finish picking some fries or bad snacks!
    I didn't know about myfitnesspal tool! I will download it, I am very curious to know the amount of calories/carbs/protein and fat that I am eating!
    Keep paleo!

  12. Eating is all about what's right for you and no one else. I appreciate you sharing your meal plans.

  13. I think this deserved a photograph. You and your friend eating grass or something. :)

    1. by photograph I mean tasteful {pun intended;) } paint drawing.

  14. fwiw - even in Boulder where there are a lot of extreme views/attitudes - I don't know anyone that is 100% hardcore Paleo. The local CF gym "says" they hardcore Paleo but they drink coffee, margs, use agave sweeter, eat bacon, etc. In the strictest sense water is the only Paleo beverage and agave is supposedly just like HFCS. Kudos to you for not trying to "justify" what you eat and doing what's right for you. :)
