Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Getting My Rear in Gear

I finally decided to wisen up regarding the glute ache that has been plaguing me since I hurt my lower back last August-ish. It's gotten to the point where it is near impossible to stand up after sitting down for awhile (yay desk job). I have to stand in place and wait for the pain to subside before moving as it is unbearably painful to try and move right away. It feels better once I've been standing up/moving around and locks up again after I sit down for any period of time (15 minutes or longer). Because it feels better when I move around, I had continued to workout at my normal intensity, but the pain was increasing after sitting. Eventually I determined that the current "plan" of ignoring it (for 4+ months) wasn't working and I needed to take a new approach.

I'm forcing myself to rest. It's not easy!

I'm so tone now; 2% body fat.

I ran twice in the first week of the new year but am now taking some time off - hopefully no longer than the rest of the month. I also took a week off of any lower-body exercise at the gym and had a lovely (grimacing) massage. After one week of rest there was barely any improvement (but there was a little) so I'm resting it a second week, although I am incorporating a few air squats and glute strengthening exercises (read: Jane Fonda style) based on my made up theory that a little exercise will help.

I roll my glute, hips, and IT band with a trigger point roller and/or lacrosse ball daily. I ice, heat, stretch and some days take Tylenol (I'm kinda already killing my liver and kidney with the meds I'm on for my skin so I try to limit the pain meds). I also visit the chiropractor regularly. I don't see the value in going to a sports doctor as I assume they'll tell me to do all the things I'm already doing. I probably shouldn't have jumped right back into heavy weighted squats and deadlifts while it was nagging me back in the fall.

It's hard not going for a run and realizing that I won't be training for a fast spring half. It's hard walking into the gym and watching everyone else beast out a WOD while I do a modified workout that a 60 year old could do (and does, as we have people of all ages at the gym). Hopefully sacrificing January will do the trick. I keep reminding myself that I want to run a (fast) marathon in the fall and that won't happen with ongoing glute pain.


  1. Do you do ART? I think it helps more than anything else!!

    My husband dealt with this a long time. He posted this blog about it. Don't know if there's anything there you don't already know/do, but thought I'd share.

    1. Thanks for the link! There are a few different "diagnoses" that sound like what I have. Jim's is very helpful and makes me wonder if I shouldn't be stretching, ha. I've never tried ART but was thinking my lax ball-ing and myofascial massage were similar therapies? I've definitely been thinking about trying to find an ART person around here.

  2. You are definitely smart to get it healed up now so you can start training for a fall race 100% healthy. Good luck. I am thinking healing thoughts for you. It will be February before you know it. :)

  3. I'm glad you're getting it checked out now, very early before even training for a fall marathon. Good luck with it!

  4. Excellent for taking the time to rest. My ass also hurts right now and I've decided that I need to roll it as well. Thanks for the kick in the butt (wow, so much gold in this post). Seriously though, I'm positive that the sacrifice now will pay dividends in the fall.

  5. Oh man, now I'm nervous you might have some kind of back issue. My dad was dealing with shooting pain in his butt and it turned out to be some disk issue in his back. He had to have surgery. They told him he probably couldn't run anymore, but he's running half marathons again (that's the longest distance he's ever done). I hope rest helps and it's nothing serious!

    1. Eeks! Not good. Glad he is able to run some though - halves are better than nothing.

  6. Maybe use a standing desk? Rolling it out with a lacrosse ball might alleviate the triger point.

    1. Oh man I would love that! I need to find out who to talk to - I know I saw one lady's work space that looked like they set her up for a stand or sit option.

  7. ART, Lax-ball trigger point and Graston the shit out of it. Trust me. Worked for my hip and my ITB!

  8. My Lacrosse ball is my best friend and worst enemy at the same time. I find for me it helps to use a rope to stretch my leg the same time I am rolling on the ball.

  9. I agree with the ART! I'll mention this issue to some of my physical therapy friends!
    Wow, you are so lucky to have me for all this free medical help! LOL....

  10. I have been getting up and walking for 10 minutes every hour I sit for different reasons than back pain. Maybe you can try that and it won't allow your back to tighten up too much?

    1. Yeah I need to do that for general health purposes (sitting for hours on end is not good!) but it also helps with the glute/ham situation. I need to set an alarm every 10 minutes to remind me (believe it or not I lose track of time at work, sometimes).

  11. I second the motion for ART. I had that ROmanian Olympic team guy working on me and it was amazing. Sadly he up and moved to Denver.

  12. I'm glad you are taking care of yourself and slowing down. I've never dealt with anything like this so I have no advice (or even assvice).

    1. LOL "assvice". Yeah it's tough to bench myself but I definitely want it to heal already!

  13. Good to hear you are resting it and trying to figure out what is going on. I had a friend with something similar that also turned out to be a back issue. But with lots of physical therapy and listening to her body, she was back to running again before too long and has had it under control now for a long time. Good luck!

  14. Yeah, you sound like me, hoping if you sacrifice January you'll get some quality running later! Although I also sacrificed December, so I'm definitely winning the not-running contest.

  15. I am going to the doctor tomorrow for something I have been ignoring for months. Of course since I called it seems to be better. Good luck. And I like ART too as Michael suggested.

  16. Hi Lindsay I'm sorry to hear the news about you health my friend.

    See you

  17. Sitting is so bad for us. I know some people have desks set up at a higher level, so that they end up working standing up...others use a swiss ball as a chair...For me, strength work for the glutes has helped a lot. Good, may 2013 bring back healthy running!

  18. Oh geez, can't you just catch a break for crying out loud!?!? Finger's crossed January's rest is the magical wand - it is your time to run, DAMMIT!!!

  19. I'm convinced that desk jobs cause more injuries than running! Ugh.

    Also, I don't know why I can't figure out how to comment as myself anymore, but this is Jess

  20. Danger glute! Hope it gets better pronto!

  21. I think you are smart to take the time out now and fix your glute. I totally hear you about pain meds. I asked myself sometimes "Advil vs. Tylenol do I want to stress my liver or kidneys today? how bad is the pain??" sigh...

    hopefully this will be your last hurdle to getting back to running!

  22. You're doing a good thing!! It's best to listen to your body. If you do push through the pain you may not be running at all!

    We've all learned this the hard way (us runners are so damn stubborn).

  23. Linds,
    Have you tried swimming or even just walking? I had to walk my last Nike Women's Half due due to heart issues, and it was really fun.

    Hope you are doing well.

  24. You're doing the right thing. The patience and solid building you're doing now will pay off with a fast one in the fall. Keep the faith!

  25. I hope rest helps you out! Rolling, massage and sitting on a ball are all things I would have thought to recommend. Looks like others have mentioned ART which would be my only other suggestion. I really hope it all helps and you will be back to running soon!

  26. Maybe this one? also have you looked at MyoRope?

  27. Can't believe I'm still reading about glute pain! And what has your doctor told you? Have you gone to the doctor? Could be that you've got either tendonitis or maybe a torn tendon down in there around your hip joint.

    Sharp, debilitating (even for just a moment) pain is not something to ignore. I've been ignoring this sharp pain in my right biceps for the last three or four years now and one of those two muscles just popped off my shoulder the other day. Now I have this funky looking golf ball thing on that arm until I can get into surgery to get it pulled back up and sewn back on.

    Am I still running? Ummmm....yeah. A lot.

    So pay no attention to what I do, just what I say. ; )

  28. Hey, we 60 year olds can still move around! Why does this sound so familiar to me???? Get well and the road will be there for you.
