Monday, February 4, 2013

Cleaning My Plate (Again)

January has come and gone and the ol' glute/lower back pain still persists. I've committed myself to 'suffer' through this layoff as my stubbornness to continue working out at my normal intensity is what (I believe) got me here in the first place. The good news is it's a little less painful when I stand up from sitting, so I take that as improvement. I'm still going to the chiro 1-2x/week, getting massages, rolling out, doing stretches and (sometimes) doing the Jane Fonda-style lower back/glute strengthening exercises. Admittedly I've slacked on those a bit.

After 4-weeks of upper-body-only workouts you'd think my arms and back muscles would be ripped, but they're not. I'm know that's because of the less-than-stellar eating habits I can't seem to shake even though I'm $10 and 1-month into a friendly weight loss competition. I want to eat healthy and clean, but danggit those m&m's, chips, and cookies keep jumping into my shopping cart while I'm not looking.

As of today I'm starting back up on my clean-eating rules. (Because you can't start anything unless it's a Monday, right?). When I did this in the summer/early fall my punishment was 100 burpees if I 'cheated'. Since I can't do burpees right now my punishment is 100 calories on the airdyne bike.
No - "Processed foods" (oreos, cheesy poofs, cereal, etc), Dairy (because it's an "inflammatory food" and I have more than my share of allergy problems), Refined sugar (this should be mostly eliminated by avoiding store-bought snacks as I already use agave/honey at home). 
Yes - Real food (vegetables, sweet potatoes, eggs, chicken, turkey, fish...), More water
Random January Numbers:
miles run - 7.3 (very early in the month before deciding to take time off)
pushups - 856
pullups - 354 (some with band assistance, some without)
ring dips - 150
bench press - 115 lbs (3 rep max)
rope climbs - 5
m&m's - (1) 56 oz bag


  1. Good luck with the challenge :). I probably need to clean up my eating too... lol. It's so hard to resist frozen yogurt, though.

  2. Look at you lifting all that weight! Don't call it a punishment, remember it's fun.......

  3. All the best and I hope you don't have to do the punishment thing too often :) I'm also on a "eat good" program but I have these "not good" food that somehow make it to my desk at work every day. Have a good week!

  4. Wow--I am super impressed with those strength training stats! You go!

    Good luck with the food--it is the hardest part for me, too.

  5. Oh, I hate those airdyne bikes. Good luck with the clean eating! I've had a couple of off weekends lately with an out of town trip last weekend and, of course, this past weekend's Super Bowl party. Here's hoping February is where your hip/glute issue gets resolved for sure!

  6. Here's to kicking ass on that challenge. I wish you the best success on that. Wow, you have lifted more than I probably have in the last 5 years. And........sweet potatoes........SWEET!

  7. I don't think you did enough push ups. Drop and do 10!
    Did you ever get a postcard for every state?

  8. Aw man, I'm sorry that you glute/lower back is still giving you grief. Good luck with the challenge

  9. Holy crap you are strong, girl! I am almost certain I cannot do ONE pullup...and maybe about 10 pushups. I never seem to get stronger at the gym and the only time I look "ripped" is when I lose a lot of weight, not by doing any gym stuff.

    I hope that back continues to make improvement and good luck with the food challenge. I promise not to mail any more M&Ms. :)

  10. Ring dips are my enemy, along with most other strength exercises, though I think I'm finally getting my kipping pull up form down.

  11. Great work on the pull-ups and bench press. Very impressive!

  12. Wow, you go with that strength training! I also pledged to start eating healthier yesterday and made it one whole day before eating a cookie.

  13. Yep. I'm pretty sure you can now bench more than me. So there's that.

  14. I should clean up my plate too. I have been slacking!

  15. That is some serious weight there - I'm not sure if I'm counting right - but is that 225?

  16. good luck on the clean did it before and you can do it again.

    Some people just can't get buff arms. It must be a genetic thing. a few years ago I was cranking out 3 sets of 12 dead hang pulls (full extension/no kipping) and 50 strict push ups without stopping and climbing a 12 ft rope without foot locks and I swear - I STILL had flabby arms. I mean what does it take to have ripped arms?? I'll never know.... :(

    and stay away from those m&ms - just for a month!!! :)

  17. so i guess those cookies you brought us tonight would be a no food?!?!?!? but they will be so good:)

  18. If I ate "clean" I would be ripped too. I have so much muscle but I also eat way too much fat and sugar. Horrible.

  19. Now were those plain or peanut? Pretzel?

  20. hahaha I like the M&Ms numbers. Yum!

  21. Hey, good to see you still blogging (and eating clean).

  22. Hey, good to see you are still blogging (and eating clean). I'm gonna try to get back on both.
