Friday, February 8, 2013

Rants and Raves

I've done a few product reviews over the past 4.5 years (!) of this blog and I have always been honest with my opinion. However, marketing companies and manufacturers don't exactly want to give you 2+ years to test a product, for understandable reasons. Now that it's been a few months (or even years in some cases) I thought I'd circle back around on some of the items and see how my thoughts have changed for better or worse.

Edibles (or something like it)
Vega bars and shakes
I still think these products are pricey, but the acai-berry bars are convenient (and tasty) and I'll sometimes buy them from Whole Foods for a work snack.

Phenom Coconut Water
I didn't like it the first time around and was crazy enough to give it another shot (at my own expense). Still didn't like it.

Cafepress Sigg water bottle
I like this water bottle, but I have a thing (personal preference) against drinking out of a stainless steel-type bottle. If anyone wants a twice-used water bottle I'd be happy to mail it your way! (Shoes not included)

Mix My Granola
I love granola. It's tough for me to find granola at the store due to my soy and nut allergies. Unfortunately MMG was recently purchased by Element Bars and the options to "build your own nut-& soy-less bar" are limited. Custom bars are $2.99 each but then they make you order a minimum of 12 ($35.88). Popular combinations are 12 for $23.88 and, surprise, they all have nuts and/or soy.

Gu Chomps
Yum. I still eat these (and Gu gels) as a snack (sometimes).

New Balance Coolmax socks
I still like these socks, but they are taller ("ankle high") than my normal "no show" socks so I feel a little dorky when I wear them to the gym.

GoLite Drimove Baselayer shirt
This shirt started "pilling" but then again I've had it for 3+ years. I wore it a lot that first winter in Kentucky - being on a construction site doesn't have quite the same heating luxuries as a typical office. It hasn't gotten much use lately because I've been benched from running the past two winters, but I'm sure I'll use it again one day.

Ahh, the hotel-living days!
Sugoi Moxie shorts
I still love these.

Sugoi Verve shorts
I liked these at first - colorful, reflective stripes, pockets for Gu - but they haven't held up well. The elastic of the underwear lining is not so elastic-y anymore and the reflective logos peeled off. Sure, I've had them for 3+ years but I also have Nike Tempo shorts that are 6+ years old and the elastic is fine on those. (Dear Nike, don't you want to send me workout clothes?)

Overall things have held up reasonably, but I am a little disappointed in the Verve shorts. The loose liner is annoying. And why doesn't Nike want us fantastic runner/fitness bloggers to review their goodies?


  1. Looks like you are cleaning house! Good review.

  2. Such a great idea to revisit your reviews! Too bad Nike doesn't need the publicity from blogger reviews! They know the masses will happily purchase Nike just for the label. I know what you mean about the tempo shorts though. I love those things!

  3. I have, literally, 45 pairs of Nike Tempo shorts (varying sizes, of course)....if you get a Nike contract, I'm going to protest! :)

    I can't even tell you the things I've received. Well, offered to receive...99% I turn down because I'm way too lazy to do a review.

    You have some awesomely ripped quads there lady. Super jealous!

  4. If only Nike was still a small company, hungry for exposure...actually, were they ever?

    I'm finding it difficult to enjoy any of the gels/chewy stuff these days, it all seems so artificial tasting.

  5. I've never reviewed anything or been offered to. How do you get to? I'd do it. I'm up to review most anything running related.

    I won't drink out of stainless steel water bottles either. Makes the water taste like metal.

    As far as Nike goes, they really don't need us. They've cornered the sorority girl market with the norts... so now I feel like a fashion trend when I work out in them (which is what I've always used them for, but anyway).

  6. whoa, I would love that cafefree SIGG water bottle! I use the exact same size water bottle all the time, and it would be awesome to get another one to rotate in!

  7. Wow, all in one post. Nice...I tried a stainless steel water bottle once and couldnt even use it the first go. GU Chomps - Just as a snack, cuz trying to chomp on dat while running.....hell no!

  8. I do love the Vega shakes but they are really pricey :( I haven't had GU chomps in awhile but I would rather eat Mott's fruit snacks that have no dyes.

  9. Love Gu chomps. I don't use my Cafe Press water bottle either.

  10. Cranberry-Apple or watermelon GU chomps are the bomb!

  11. Good thing no one is waiting on me to do reviews, the company's would likely be out of business by the time I got around to it!

  12. I like this revised review thing! Good idea I might have to steal :)
    So, I can have the waterbottle but not the shoes?? LOL. I especially like that you reviewed a shirt from three years ago! :) All of my non-running clothes are at least that old!

  13. What a great idea to review these items again after more time has passed. Great post

  14. 3+ years? If any of my clothes last that long (and aren't rank with smell), they deserve to go in the hall of fame of sports clothing! haha

  15. That is a good idea to re-review things. I might steal it. No worries, I'll give you credit :)

  16. I am with Kevin on the idea of clothing lasting 3 years and being used. I would say after 1-2 years they are toast or just smell so bad that karen will throw me out with the clothes.

    Have you ever made your own granola to avoid the nut-soy issues?

  17. Haha it was fun to circle back with you! I still use my Sigg at least a couple times a week. Screwing the cap on and off during yoga and spin is a bit of a PIA but I like still like it.
    I too am waiting for that call from Nike.
